
After the Ball, 29
All on the Banks of Clauda, 24
A-moaning and Groaning, 36
Annie and Willie, 27
Annie Willow, 27
Apples in the Summertime, 38
Apprentice Boy, The, 10
Arkansas Traveller, 15
Assassination of J. B. Marcum, The, 18
Auxville Love, The, 24
Avonia, 21
Awful Wedding, The, 26
Bailiff's Daughter of Islington, The, 8
Barbara Allen, 8
Barney and Kate, 21
Battle of Gettysburg, 14
Beauchamp's Confession, 16
[Bedroom Window], 23
Beefsteak When I'm Hungry, 38
Beneath the Arch of London Bridge, 10
Betsy Brown, 12
Betty Stout, 16
Billy Boy, 30
[Black Sheep, The], 33
Blind Child, The, 32
Blue and the Gray, The, 14
Bluebird, 35
Boatman, The, 36
Bosom Friend, 8
Bounty Jumpers, 14
Bouquet Patch, 38
Boy and Bumble-bee, 30
Broken Engagement, The, 29
Buckskin Boys, 21, 30
Buffalo, 38
Butcher's Boy, The, 24
By the Gate, 29
By-o Baby Bunting, 33
California Joe, 16
Can You then Love Another?, 25
Cause and Killing of Jesse Adams, The, 18
Charlie, 35
Chickamy Corney-crow, 38
Churn Your Buttermilk, 38
Club-fist, 24
Cluck, Old Hen, 38
Cold, Dark Scenes of Winter, The, 25
Cold Winter's Night, 8
Come a High Jim Along, 39
Come, All Ye Jolly Boatsman Boys, 22
[Come, All Ye Southern Soldiers], 15
[Constant Johnny], 22
Coon-dog, 38
Coony has a Ringy Tail, 38
Cripple Creek, 39
Cubeck's Garden, 11
Cuckoo, 24
Dandoo, 8
Darling, We have Long been Parted, 29
Day I'm Gone, 38
Devilish Mary, 31
Drifter Rescued, A, 24
Driver Boy, The, 9
Drunkard's Dream, The, 33
Dying Cowboy, The, 15
Dying Girl's Message, The, 25
Dying Nun, The, 32
Eddingsburg Town, 11
Edward, 7
Edward Hawkins, 17
[Ephraim and Lucy], 23
F. F. V., The, 20
Fair Ella, 28
Fair Ellender, 7
Fair Margaret and Sweet William, 8
Fair Notamon Town, 11
Fan, The, 10
Farmer's Boy, The, 20
Father, Dear Father, Come Home with Me Now, 33
Floella, 28
Florella, 28
Floyd Frazier, 18
Fol Dol Sol, 36
Fond Affection, 29
Free Again, 29
Frisky Jim, 38

Frog in the Meadow, 38
Go In and Out at the Window, 38
Goebel and Taylor, 21
Going to Boston, 36
Golden Glove, The, 11
Grandmother's Mustard Plaster, 30
Granny, Will Your Dog Bite?, 38
Gray Goose, 38
Green Gravel, 37
Green Grows the Willow, 37
Green Willow Tree, The, 9
Greenbriar Shore, 27
Greenwood Side, The, 7
Ground-hog, 38
Guerrilla Man, The, 14
Had an Old Mare, 39
Handsome Flora, 16
Hang Down Your Head, 38
Hang Down Your Head and Cry, 25
Hawthorn Tree, The, 29
Here Come Two Dukes A-roving, 36
He's Got Money, Too, 29
Hiram Hubbert, 14
Hook and Line, 38
House Carpenter, The, 8
[I Bought Me a Horse], 35
I Cannot be Your Sweetheart29
I Feel, 38
I have Finished Him a Letter, 25
I Have no Mother Now, 32
I Loved You Better than You Knew, 29
I Rather Think I Will, 29
I Used to Love, 24
I Want to be Somebody's Darling, 29
I Went Down Town, 38
I Wish I was Single Again, 31
I Won't Marry at All, 31
If I had Minded Mamma, 24
I'll be All Smiles Tonight, 29
I'll Build My Nest In a Tree38
I'll Give to You a Paper of Pins, 29
I'll Hang My Harp on a Willow tree, 23
I'll Love Thee Always, 29
I'll Never get Drunk Anymore, 38
I'll Remember You, Love, In My Prayers, 28
I'm Going to Join the Army, 15
I'm Scorned for being Poor, 26
[In Rowan County Jail], 17
In the Baggage-coach Ahead, 33
In the Shadow of the Pines, 29
Independent Girl, The, 29
Irish Girl, 14
Irish Molly O, 13
Irish Peddler, The, 19
It Rained so Hard, 38
Jack and Joe, 24
Jack and Mamie, 23
Jack and Mary, 29
Jack Combe's Death Song, 17
Jack Wilson, 10
Jackaro, 9
James A. Garfield, 21
Jealous Girl, The, 29
Jealous Lover, 28
[Jeems Braggs], 18
Jereboam Beauchamp, 19
Jesse James, 16
Jew's Daughter, The, 8
Joe Bowers, 32
Joe Hardy, 27
John Brown's Little Indians, 34
John Hardy, 19
John Riley, 27
John T. Parker, 18
Johnnie Came from Sea, 14
Johnny Doyle, 27
Johnny's out on Picking, 38
Jolly Miller, The, 37
Just Going Down to the Gate, 29
Kaintucky Boys, 21, 30
Kalamazine, 38
Kate and the Clothier, 30
King's Daughter, The, 7
Kiss Me Again, 29
Kitty Wells, 22
Lady Gay, 9
Last Night as I Lay Sleeping, 17
Little Anna, 28
Little Maudia, 33
Little Nellie, 26
Little Omy Wise, 28
Little Sparrow, 26
Little Sweetheart, 29
Little Willie, 7
Lone Prairie, The, 15
Lonesome Dove, 22
Lonesome Dove, 22
Long Summer Day, 36
Lord Bateman, 7

Lord Lovely, 8
Lord of Old Country, 7
Lord Randal, 7
Lord Thomas and Fair Ellender, 8
Lord Vanner's (Daniel's) Wife, 8
Lorla, 22
[Love is Such a Funny Thing], 31
Love, I've been Faithful, 29
Lovely Caroline of Old Edinboro, 11
Lovely Julia, 27
Lovely Nancy, 23
Lovely Nancy, 26
Lover's Farewell, 8
Loving Hanner, 26
Loving Henry, 8
Lynchburg Town, 20
MacAfee's Confession, 16
Madam, I've A-courting Come, 29
[Maggie], 26
Maggie's Secret, 29
Marching Round the Levy, 36
[Married Man, The], 31
Mary has Gone with a "Coon", 29
Mary of the Wild Moor, 12
Meet Me in the Moonlight, 29
Miller-boy, 28
Mollie Darling, 29
Molly, 13
Moonshiner, The, 19
Murfreesboro, 14
My Bonnie Little Girl, 26
Nancy Till, 23
Needle and Thread, 38
Needle's Eye, 37
Nell and I had Quarrels, 29
Nora O'Neil, 22
[Nothing to be Made by Roving], 33
Old as Moses, 38
Old Church-yard, 33
Old Dad, 38
Old Dan Tucker, 38
Old Gray, 20
Old Man's Trouble, 33
Old Miller, The, 20
Old Number Four, 20
Old, Old Love is Growing Still, The, 28
[Old Quebec], 37
Old Sam Simons, 38
Old Sam Suck-egg, 35
Old Shoemaker, The, 20
Old Woman of London, The, 10
On the Banks of the Wabash, 29
One, Two, Come Buckle My Shoe, 35
Only Flirting, 29
Orphan Girl, The, 32
Our Hands are Clasped, 29
Package of Old Letters, A, 22
Pale Amaranthus, The, 24
Patty on the Canal, 13
Pawpaw Patch, 38
Peter Punkin-eater, 38
Phantom Footsteps, 32
Polly, My Charmer, 16
Polly Vaughn, 28
Poor Goens, 18
Poor Old Maid, 31
Poor Strange Girl, A, 25
Possum up a Gum-stump, 38
Pound of Tow, A, 32
[Preacher and the Bear, The], 31
Pretty Mohee (Maumee), The, 12
Pretty Peggy O, 9
Pretty Polly, 7
Pretty Polly, 7
Pretty Polly, 25
Pretty Polly, 27
Pretty Saro, 22
Rabbit Walked, 38
Railroad, The, 35
[Railroad Boy], 20
Red River Valley, 21
Regret, A, 26
Rich and Rambling Boy, The, 17
Rich Margent, The, 10
Rock Island, 38
Roll the Old Chariot Along, 39
Romish Lady, The, 12
Rope and the Gallows, The, 7
Rosanna, 12
Rose Colalee (Colleen?), 28
Rosin the Bow, 19
Rosin the Bow, 20
Roving Irish Boy, 13
Rowan County Tragedy, The, 18
Rowdy Boys, 17
Sailor Lad, The, 29
Sailor Lover, The, 27
Sailor's Request, The, 16

Sally in the Garden, 38
Santford Barnes, 15
Sara Jane, 38
Say You'll be Mine In a Year, 29
Seymore Wilson, 30
Shady Grove, 39
Shearfield, 11
[She was Happy till She Met You], 23
Shidepoke and Crane, 38
Ship that Never Returned, The, 32
Shoo, Old Lady, Shine, 38
Shoot Your Dice, 38
Show Me the Way to Go Home, 38
Silk Merchant's Daughter, The, 12
Single Soldier, The, 27
[Sister Frankie], 37
Sister Phoebe, 37
Six Pretty Fair Maids, 7
Skip to My Lou, 36
Sometimes Drunk and Sometimes Sober, 38
Sourwood Mountain, 38
Squire, The, 26
Starving to Death on a Government Claim, 15
Steel-driver, The, 19
Stella, 30
Stockyard Gate, 20
[Stony Hill], 30
Sugar in the Gourd, 38
Sweet Birds, 22
Sweet Bunch of Daisies, 29
Sweet Jane, 13
[Sweet Memory of Dear Mother], 33
Sweet Summer Evening, 23
Sweet William and Fair Ellender, 8
Talt Hall, 18
Tarry, 38
Tell Me Why You've Grown so Cold, 29
There was a Rich Old Farmer, 23
There's a Spark of Love Still Burning, 28
Three Little Babes, 7
[To America], 12
To Cheer the Heart, 25
To Rowser's, 39
Tom Smith's Death Song, 17
Turkish Lady, The, 7
[Twelve Apostles], 34
Two Drummers, 33
Two Letters, 29
Two Soldiers, The, 14
Unlucky Young Man, The, 55
Up to the Court-house, 38
Vain Girl, 26
Waggoner's Lad, The, 20, 30
Wait for the Wagon, 23
Walking-boss, 19
Wandering Boy, The, 34
Waxford Girl, The, 13
Wayward Girl, The, 32
We have Met and We have Parted, 24
Whangho, 39
When I was a Little Boy, 38
Whickum-whack, 38
White Rose, The, 29
Who'll be King but Charlie?11
Will You Love Me When I'm Old?29
William Baker, 18
William Hall, 11
William Riley, 13
William Trimmel Tram, 38
Willie and Kate, 29
Willie, Come Back, 29
Won't You Ever Come Again?29
Young Edwin, 9
Young Man's Love, The, 26
Zollicoffer, 15

Transcriber's note

A Table of Contents has been created for the HTML version. Archaic and variable spelling has been preserved. Minor punctuation errors have been corrected without notice.

On Page 5 the name "Ruth Hackney" is listed twice; this was not changed.

A few obvious typographical errors have been corrected and are listed below.

Page 3: "even by the absorbtion" changed to "even by the absorption".

Page 5: "in making decision" changed to "in making decisions".

Page 11: "Moidart, in Inverness-shire" changed to "Mordart, in Inverness-shire".

Page 23: "who soons appears" changed to "who soon appears".

Page 35: "rythmical, rimeless, endless" changed to "rhythmical, rimeless, endless".

Page 40: "Apples in the Summer-time" changed to "Apples in the Summertime".


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