A. | Page | ACIDS, what, | 2 | Air, principal agent in fermentation, | 19, 23 | —— why it slacks malt, | 20 | —— is not easily expelled from bodies, | 21 | —— expelled from worts by long boiling, | 84 | —— heat of, relative to brewing, | 145 | Alcohol, what, | 2 | —— most effectually dissolves resins, | 38 | Algebraic rules of proportion for mixing cold and hot water, | 271-285 | Alkali, what, | 2 | —— its great power as a solvent, | 37 | B. | Backs being set, reason, | 306 | Barley, defined, | 89 | —— viscous and replete with acids, | 90 | —— consequence of its germinating, | 90 | —— its state in the field, | 91 | —— Effect of heating in the mow, | 92 | —— heat which destroys its vegetative power, | 92, 93 | —— mow-burned, unfit for malting, | 93 | —— how much it loses by malting, | 100 | —— may be dried without germinating, | 102 | Beers, why deposited in cellars, | 47 | —— best brewed in pure air, | 85, 86 | Bird, Mr. his thermometer, | 43 | Body of a wort not opened, what, | 320, 321 | Boiling, how effected, | 3 | —— necessary for worts, and management, | 224 | Brandies of France and Spain compared, | 353 | Brown ale, what, | 198 | —— stout, what, | 199 | Burton ale, what, | 196 | C. | Cellars, temperature, | 156, 186 | —— management of beer, | 331 | Cleansing keeping beers, | 319 | —— common small, | 321 | —— amber, | 325 | Cloudy beer, how to be treated, | 337 | Cocculus Indicus, infamous practice of using it, | 340 | Cold greatest, at London, | 145 | Cooling-in explained, | 339 | Steeping barley, how practised in the north, | 94 | Stock of beer proper, | 331 | Stubborn beers, how to be treated, | 337 | T. | Table of changes of color in malt by heat, | 115 | —— shewing the age beers will require with medium heats, | 119 | —— shewing the tendency beers have to become fine, | 124 | —— shewing medium heat at London at eight in the morning, | 148 | Table shewing medium heat of the air at London, | 150 | —— of incidents affecting heat in brewing, | 155 | —— shewing proper dryness of malt, | 162 | —— shewing the quantity of fermentable principles residing in malt, | 168 | —— to determine heat of first and last extract, | 170 | —— ditto for porter, | 175 | —— shewing color of grain, | 184 | —— shewing medium heat of each process, | 185 | —— shewing heat of first and last extracts in common small beer, | 191 | —— shewing value of hops in degrees, | 208 | —— shewing the quantity of hops to a quarter of malt in porter, | 209 | —— ditto common small beer, | 210 | —— —— amber, | 211 | —— —— Burton ale, | 212 | —— shewing the medium price hops should bear, | 215 | —— of lengths, | 219 | —— of gauges of coppers, | 221 | —— of time of boiling each beer, | 228 | —— of volume of malt to reduce grist to liquid measure, | 254 | —— shewing great evaporation of water in brewing, | 256 | —— shewing volume of malt equal to one barrel of water, | 267 | —— of effervescence of malt, | 292 | —— shewing the times worts should be let down, | 308 | —— shewing heat at which they should be let down, | 309 | —— shewing depth of head in cleansing small beer, | 321 | —— determining taste of malt liquors, | 345 | Taste, reason of the difference in malt liquors, | 342 | Technical terms explained, | 1-12 | Thermometer, when first known in England, | 39 | —— its improvements, | 40-43 | —— assists to discover the heat of bodies when blended, | 45 | —— discovers the strength of a wort, | 47 | —— —— quality of hops, | |   |