'Twas on the Morn when April doth appear, And wets the Primrose with its maiden tear; 'Twas This Day was published, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence, A NEW EDITION, WITH LARGE ADDITIONS, OF THE DIABOLIAD. Printed for G. Kearsly, No. 46, Fleet-Street. [a] [His S——r's Fate.]—If the Reader should think I have strayed beyond the line of propriety in introducing a Family so profitably employed as this, into the Temple of Folly,—I shall beg leave to refer him to a sacred Book which this Family pretend to read with great care and attention; wherein he will perceive that the wisdom of this world, with which this Family so much abounds, is accounted foolishness.—Tho', if he should object to Scripture authority, he will find, in the laugh and contempt of Mankind, the real folly of those who, in the midst of affluence, by the most bare-fac'd and indelicate proceedings, obtain and continue to grasp at every means of domestic emolument. |