
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, W.

Abnormality of upper molars, 26
Accidents under AnÆsthetics:—
Forcing out a tooth with a prop or a Mason’s gag, 88
Passage of a foreign body through the isthmus of the fauces, 89
Tongue slipping back, 88
Alveoli of the teeth, disposition of the, 12
Alveolus, fracture of the, during extraction, 67
treatment of, 69
necrosis of the, following extraction, 70
AnÆsthetics, the use of, during the extraction of teeth, 56
Arteries, injury to the, in the neighbourhood of the tooth during extraction, 81
Bicuspids, the extraction of lower, 34
misplaced lower, 51
upper, 49
upper, 22
Breaking one tooth in extracting another, 67
Bruising the lower lips during extraction, 74
Canines, the extraction of lower, 34
upper, 21
Central incisors, the extraction of lower, 33, 51
upper, 19
Chloride of ethyl, 61
Chloroform, the use of, during the extraction of the teeth, 56, 57
Cocaine, mode of employment, 60
toxic effects, 61
Complications, Difficulties and SequelÆ of Extraction of the Teeth:—
Complications, difficulties, and sequelÆ arising during extraction, miscellaneous, 94
Complications, difficulties and sequelÆ arising during extraction under anÆsthetics, 88
Complications, difficulties and sequelÆ of extraction of the teeth connected with the jaws, 67
Complications, difficulties and sequelÆ of extraction of the teeth connected with the soft tissues, 72
Complications, difficulties and sequelÆ of extraction of the teeth connected with the teeth themselves, 63
Coryl, 61
Difficulties, Complications and SequelÆ arising during Extraction, Miscellaneous:—
Epilepsy, 94
Hysteria, 94
Septic and infective sequelÆ, 95
Shock, 93
Uterine pain, 93
Difficulties, Complications and SequelÆ arising during Extraction under AnÆsthetics:—
Tongue slipping back, 88
Forcing a tooth out with a prop or Mason’s gag, 88
Passage of a foreign body through the isthmus of the fauces, 89
Difficulties, Complications and SequelÆ connected with the Jaws:—
Dislocation of the mandible, 70
Forcing a root into the antrum, 71
Forcing a tooth into an abscess cavity, 72
Fracture, 67
treatment of, 69
Necrosis, 70
Trismus, 72
Difficulties, Complications and SequelÆ connected with the Teeth themselves:—
Breaking one tooth in extracting another, 67
Crowded and irregular teeth, 65
Fracture of the tooth, 64
The removal of a neighbouring tooth, 66
an unerupted bicuspid, 66
the wrong tooth, 66
Undue resistance of the tooth and alveolus, 63
Difficulties, Complications and SequelÆ in connection with the Soft Tissues:—
Bruising the lower lips, 74
Extensive laceration of the gum, 72
HÆmorrhage following tooth-extraction, 74
treatment of, 76
Injury of the arteries in the neighbourhood of the teeth, 81
Injury of the mandibular nerve, 74
Pain following tooth extraction, 81
Wounding the tongue, 73
Disposition of the alveoli of the teeth, 12
Elevator, 7
Epilepsy, attack of, following tooth extraction, 94
Ethyl, chloride of, 61
Extraction of impacted lower third molars, 54
individual teeth, 19
lower bicuspids, 34
canines, 34
incisors, 33
molars, 35
teeth, 30
misplaced lower bicuspids, 51
incisors, 51
teeth, 46
upper bicuspids, 49
canines, 48
central incisors, 47
lateral , 47
temporary teeth, 17, 43
Extraction of upper bicuspids, 22
canines, 21
incisors, 19
molars, 23
teeth, 19
the teeth, general principles of, 1
with forceps, 14
Forceps, holding of, 6
Forceps, the, 3
Forcing a root into the antrum during tooth extraction, 71
tooth into an abscess cavity during tooth extraction, 72
out a tooth with a prop or a Mason’s gag, accidents under anÆsthetics, 88
Fracture of the alveolus during tooth extraction, 67
treatment of, 69
tooth during tooth extraction, 64
Freezing agents, local anÆsthetics, 61
General principles of extraction of the teeth, 1
Gum, extensive laceration of the, during tooth extraction, 72
HÆmorrhage following tooth extraction, 74
treatment of, 76
Hewitt, Dr., on the toxic effects of cocaine, 61
use of chloroform in operations, 57
Holding of elevator, 9
the forceps, 6
Hysteria, attack of, following tooth extraction, 94
Impacted lower third molars, the extraction of, 54
Incisors, the extraction of lower, 33
misplaced lower, 51
upper central, 47
lateral, 47
Incisors, the extraction of upper, 19
Individual teeth, the extraction of, 19
Injury of the arteries in the neighbourhood of the tooth during extraction, 81
to the mandibular nerve during tooth extraction, 74
Instruments, 3
Irregular and crowded teeth, difficulties during extraction through, 65
Laceration of the gum through tooth extraction, extensive, 72
Lateral incisors, the extraction of misplaced upper, 47
Lips, bruising the lower, during tooth extraction, 74
Local anÆsthetics, 59
Lower bicuspids, misplaced, the extraction of, 51
incisors, misplaced, the extraction of, 51
the extraction of, 33
teeth, the extraction of, 30
third molars, impacted, the extraction of, 54
Mandible, Dislocation of the, during tooth extraction, 70
Mandibular nerve, injury to the, during tooth extraction, 74
Miscellaneous complications, difficulties and sequelÆ, 93
Misplaced lower bicuspids, the extraction of, 51
incisors, the extraction of, 51
teeth, the extraction of, 49
upper bicuspids, the extraction of, 49
canines , 48
central incisors, the extraction of, 47
lateral , 47
Molars, impacted lower third, 54
the extraction of lower, 35
upper, 23
Necrosis of the alveolus following tooth extraction, 70
Nitrous oxide, the use of, during the extraction of the teeth, 56, 57, 58
Nitrous oxide with air, the use of, during the extraction of the teeth, 56, 57, 58
Oblique rooted” molars, 26
Operations requiring a long anÆsthesia, 57
Order of removal of teeth, 59
Pain following tooth extraction, 83
Passage of a foreign body through the isthmus of the fauces, accidents under anÆsthetics, 89
Points in the anatomy of the teeth and jaws, 11
Position of the operator and patient, 10
Removal of a neighbouring tooth during extraction, 66
an unerupted bicuspid , 66
teeth, the order of, under anÆsthetics, 59
with straight elevator,


Including Pathology and Treatment,
A Manual of Practical Dentistry for Students
and Practitioners.

Dental Surgeon to St. Mary’s Hospital; Dean of the
School, Dental Hospital of London; Member of Board
of Examiners in Dental Surgery, Royal College of
Surgeons of England.
J. F. COLYER, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.D.S.,
Dental Surgeon and Lecturer on Dental Surgery to
Charing Cross Hospital and to the Dental Hospital
of London.
334 illustrations. 407 pp. and Index. 8vo, cloth.
Price 15s.


[1] A description of the different instruments in general use for the removal of the various teeth will be found in chapter ii.

[2] A description of the form of each tooth, with respect to its bearing upon the construction of forceps and its removal, will be found in chapter ii.

[3] The following is a useful formula:—

? Liquoris potassÆ ?vi.
Acidi carbolici glacialis ?ij.
Aquam ad. ?viii.

M. One teaspoonful to be used with half a tumbler-full of warm water as a mouth wash.

[4] “A System of Surgery” (edited by Frederick Treves), vol. i., page 292.

[5] “Dental Pathology and Surgery,” page 340.

[6] Transactions Odontological Society, vol. iii., page 138.

[7] Transactions Odontological Society, vol. xxviii., page 3.

[8] Journal British Dental Association, vol. xiv., page 727.


? Acidi gallici ?ij.
Ft. pulv. viij.

One powder every two hours until the hÆmorrhage ceases.

[10] Perchloride of iron should be avoided as a styptic, it nearly always contains some free acid, and is therefore detrimental to the teeth; in addition to this it leads to extensive clotting in the veins, as well as to a certain amount of sloughing of the gums.


? Acidi gallici ?ij.
Ft. pulv. viij.

One powder every two hours until the hÆmorrhage ceases.


? Liq. ferri perchloridi ?xxv.
AquÆ chloroformi ?ij.
Aquam ad ?j.
Mitte ?viij.

M. Two tablespoonfuls every three hours until the hÆmorrhage ceases.


? Ext. ergotÆ liquidi ?xx.
Acidi sulphurici diluti ?x.
Aquam rosÆ ad. ?j.
Mitte ?viij.

M. Two tablespoonfuls every three hours until the hÆmorrhage ceases.

[14] Injectio ergotini hypodermica B.P.: 1 of ergotine to 2 of camphor water. Dose 3 to 10 minims, made as required.

[15] Dental Record, vol. xi., p. 425.

[16] Common salt, ?j., water 0j. at 99° F.

[17] Transactions of the Odontological Society, vol. xxvii., page 123.

[18] Two ounces of poppy heads should be placed in one pint of boiling water, the water being boiled down to half a pint.


? Ferri et quiniÆ citratis gr. vi.
AquÆ chloroformi ?ij.
Infusum quassiÆ ad. ?i.
Mitte ?viij.

M. Two tablespoonfuls three times a day after meals.

[20] The following will be found useful:—

? Boro-glyceride (Barff) —aa. ?iv.
Eau de Cologne
Tinct. krameriÆ
Spirit vini. rect. ad. ?iv.
? Fiat lotio.

To be used with water as a mouth wash. Shake before using.


? Zinci sulphatis gr. viij.
Zinci chloridi gr. vi.
MorphinÆ acetatis gr. ij.
Aquam ad. ?viij.
? Fiat lotio.

To be used with an equal quantity of water as a mouth-wash.

[22] The Journal of the British Dental Association, vol. vii., page 32.

[23] British Journal Dental Science, vol. iii., page 221.

[24] “A System of Dental Surgery,” 3rd edition, page 626.


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