

There are four processes now used for the manufacture of steel. These are: The Bessemer, Open Hearth, Crucible and Electric Furnace Methods.


The bessemer process consists of charging molten pig iron into a huge, brick-lined pot called the bessemer converter, and then in blowing a current of air through holes in the bottom of the vessel into the liquid metal.

The air blast burns the white hot metal, and the temperature increases. The action is exactly similar to what happens in a fire box under forced draft. And in both cases some parts of the material burn easier and more quickly than others. Thus it is that some of the impurities in the pig iron—including the carbon—burn first, and if the blast is shut off when they are gone but little of the iron is destroyed. Unfortunately sulphur, one of the most dangerous impurities, is not expelled in the process.

A bessemer converter is shown in Fig. 1, while Fig. 2 shows the details of its construction. This shows how the air blast is forced in from one side, through the trunnion, and up through the metal. Where the steel is finished the converter is tilted, or swung on its trunnions, the blast turned off, and the steel poured out of the top.


The open hearth furnace consists of a big brick room with a low arched roof. It is charged with pig iron and scrap through doors in the side walls.

Fig. 1 FIG. 1.—A typical Bessemer converter.

Through openings at one end of the furnace come hot air and gas, which burn in the furnace, producing sufficient heat to melt the charge and refine it of its impurities. Lime and other nonmetallic substances are put in the furnace. These melt, forming a "slag" which floats on the metal and aids materially in the refining operations.

In the bessemer process air is forced through the metal. In the open-hearth furnace the metal is protected from the flaming gases by a slag covering. Therefore it is reasonable to suppose that the final product will not contain so much gas.

Fig. 2 FIG. 2.—Action of Bessemer converter.
Fig. 3 FIG. 3.—Regenerative open hearth furnace.

A diagram of a modern regenerative furnace is shown in Fig. 3. Air and gas enter the hearth through chambers loosely packed with hot fire brick, burn, and exit to the chimney through another pair of chambers, giving to them some of the heat which would otherwise waste. The direction is reversed about every twenty minutes by changing the position of the dampers.


Crucible steel is still made by melting material in a clay or graphite crucible. Each crucible contains about 40 lb. of best puddled iron, 40 lb. of clean "mill scrap"—ends trimmed from tool steel bars—and sufficient rich alloys and charcoal to make the mixture conform to the desired chemical analysis. The crucible is covered, lowered into a melting hole (Fig. 4) and entirely surrounded by burning coke. In about four hours the metal is converted into a quiet white hot liquid. Several crucibles are then pulled out of the hole, and their contents carefully poured into a metal mold, forming an ingot.

Fig. 4 FIG. 4.—Typical crucible furnace.

If modern high-speed steel is being made, the ingots are taken out of the molds while still red hot and placed in a furnace which keeps them at this temperature for some hours, an operation known as annealing. After slow cooling any surface defects are ground out. Ingots are then reheated to forging temperature, hammered down into "billets" of about one-quarter size, and 10 to 20 per cent of the length cut from the top. After reheating the billets are hammered or rolled into bars of desired size. Finished bars are packed with a little charcoal into large pipes, the ends sealed, and annealed for two or three days. After careful inspection and testing the steel is ready for market.


The fourth method of manufacturing steel is by the electric furnace. These furnaces are of various sizes and designs; their size may be sufficient for only 100 lb. of metal—on the other hand electric furnaces for making armor-plate steel will hold 40 tons of steel. Designs vary widely according to the electrical principles used. A popular furnace is the 6-ton Heroult furnace illustrated in Fig. 5.

It is seen to be a squat kettle, made of heavy sheet steel, with a dished bottom and mounted so it can be tilted forward slightly and completely drained. This kettle is lined with special fire brick which will withstand most intense heat and resist the cutting action of hot metal and slag. For a roof, a low dome of fire brick is provided. The shell and lining is pierced in front for a pouring spout, and on either side by doors, through which the raw material is charged.

Two or three carbon "electrodes"—18-in. cylinders of specially prepared coke or graphite—extend through holes in the roof. Electrical connections are made to the upper ends, and a very high current sent through them. This causes tremendous arcs to form between the lower ends of the electrodes and the metal below, and these electric arcs are the only source of heat in this style of furnace.

Electric furnaces can be used to do the same work as is done in crucible furnaces—that is to say, merely melt a charge of carefully selected pure raw materials. On the other hand it can be used to produce very high-grade steel from cheap and impure metal, when it acts more like an open-hearth furnace. It can push the refining even further than the latter furnace does, for two reasons: first the bath is not swept continuously by a flaming mass of gases; second, the temperature can be run up higher, enabling the operator to make up slags which are difficult to melt but very useful to remove small traces of impurities from the metal.

Electric furnaces are widely used, not only in the iron industry, but in brass, copper and aluminum works. It is a useful melter of cold metal for making castings. It can be used to convert iron into steel or vice versa. Its most useful sphere, however, is as a refiner of metal, wherein it takes either cold steel or molten steel from open hearth or bessemer furnaces, and gives it the finishing touches.

Fig. 5 FIG. 5.—"Slagging off" an electric furnace.
Fig. 6 FIG. 6.—Pouring the ingots.

As an illustration of the furnace reactions that take place the following schedule is given, showing the various stages in the making of a heat of electric steel. The steel to be made was a high-carbon chrome steel used for balls for ball bearings:


11:50A.M. —Material charged:
Boiler plate 5,980 lb.
Stampings 5,991 lb.
11,971 lb.
Limestone 700 lb.
12:29P.M. —Completed charging (current switched on).
3:20P.M. —Charge melted down.
Preliminary analysis under black slag.
Carbon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese
0.06 0.014 0.032 0.009 0.08
Note the practical elimination of phosphorus.
3:40P.M. —The oxidizing (black) slag is now poured and skimmed off as clean as possible to prevent rephosphorizing and to permit of adding carburizing materials. For this purpose carbon is added in the form of powdered coke, ground electrodes or other forms of pure carbon.

The deoxidizing slag is now formed by additions of lime, coke and fluorspar (and for some analyses ferrosilicon). The slag changes from black to white as the metallic oxides are reduced by these deoxidizing additions and the reduced metals return to the bath. A good finishing slag is creamy white, porous and viscous. After the slag becomes white, some time is necessary for the absorption of the sulphur in the bath by the slag.

The white slag disintegrates to a powder when exposed to the atmosphere and has a pronounced odor of acetylene when wet.

Further additions of recarburizing material are added as needed to meet the analysis. The further reactions are shown by the following:

3:40P.M. —Recarburizing material added:
130lb. ground electrodes.
25lb. ferromanganese.
Carbon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese
0.76 0.011 0.030 0.008 0.26

To form white slag there was added:

225lb. lime.
75lb. powdered coke.
55lb. fluorspar.
Carbon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese
0.75 0.014 0.012 0.008 0.28

During the white-slag period the following alloying additions were made:

500lb. pig iron.
80lb. ferrosilicon.
9lb. ferromanganese.
146lb. 6 per cent carbon ferrochrome.

The furnace was rotated forward to an inclined position and the charge poured into the ladle, from which in turn it was poured into molds.

5:40P.M. —Heat poured.
Carbon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese
0.97 0.25 0.013 0.33 0.70
Ingot weight poured 94.0percent
Scull 2.7percent
Loss 3.3percent
Total current consumption for the heat, 4,700 kW.-hr. or 710 kw.-hr. per ton.

Electric steel, in fact, all fine steel, should be cast in big-end-up molds with refractory hot tops to prevent any possibility of pipage in the body of the ingot. In the further processing of the ingot, whether in the rolling mill or forge, special precautions should be taken in the heating, in the reduction of the metal and in the cooling.

No attempt is made to compare the relative merits of open hearth and electric steel; results in service, day in and day out, have, however, thoroughly established the desirability of electric steel. Ten years of experience indicate that electric steel is equal to crucible steel and superior to open hearth.

The rare purity of the heat derived from the electric are, combined with definite control of the slag in a neutral atmosphere, explains in part the superiority of electric steel. Commenting on this recently Dr. H. M. Howe stated that "in the open hearth process you have such atmosphere and slag conditions as you can get, and in the electric you have such atmosphere and slag conditions as you desire."

Another type of electric furnace is shown in Figs. 7 and 8. This is the Ludlum furnace, the illustrations showing a 10-ton size. Figure 7 shows it in normal, or melting position, while in Fig. 8 it is tilted for pouring. In melting, the electrodes first rest on the charge of material in the furnace. After the current is turned on they eat their way through, nearly to the bottom. By this time there is a pool of molten metal beneath the electrode and the charge is melted from the bottom up so that the roof is not exposed to the high temperature radiating from the open arc. The electrodes in this furnace are of graphite, 9 in. in diameter and the current consumed is about 500 kw.-hr. per ton.

Fig. 7 FIG. 7.—Ludlum electric furnace.
Fig. 8 FIG. 8.—The furnace tilted for pouring.

One of the things which sometimes confuse regarding the contents of steel is the fact that the percentage of carbon and the other alloys are usually designated in different ways. Carbon is usually designated by "points" and the other alloys by percentages. The point is one ten-thousandth while 1 per cent is one one-hundredth of the whole. In other words, "one hundred point carbon" is steel containing 1 per cent carbon. Twenty point carbon, such as is used for carbonizing purposes is 0.20 per cent. Tool steel varies from one hundred to one hundred and fifty points carbon, or from 1.00 to 1.50 per cent.

Nickel, chromium, etc., are always given in per cent, as a 3.5 per cent nickel, which means exactly what it says—3½ parts in 100. Bearing this difference in mind all confusion will be avoided.


Among makers and sellers, carbon tool-steels are classed by "grade" and "temper." The word grade is qualified by many adjectives of more or less cryptic meaning, but in general they aim to denote the process and care with which the steel is made.

Temper of a steel refers to the carbon content. This should preferably be noted by "points," as just explained; but unfortunately, a 53-point steel (containing 0.53 per cent carbon) may locally be called something like "No. 3 temper."

A widely used method of classifying steels was originated by the Society of Automotive Engineers. Each specification is represented by a number of 4 digits, the first figure indicating the class, the second figure the approximate percentage of predominant alloying element, and the last two the average carbon content in points. Plain carbon steels are class 1, nickel steels are class 2, nickel-chromium steels are class 3, chromium steels are class 5, chromium-vanadium steels are class 6, and silico-manganese steels are class 9. Thus by this system, steel 2340 would be a 3 per cent nickel steel with 0.40 per cent carbon; or steel 1025 would be a 0.25 plain carbon steel.

Steel makers have no uniform classification for the various kinds of steel or steels used for different purposes. The following list shows the names used by some of the well-known makers:

Air-hardening steel Chrome-vanadium steel
Alloy steel Circular saw plates
Automobile steel Coal auger steel
Awl steel Coal mining pick or cutter steel
Axe and hatchet steel Coal wedge steel
Band knife steel Cone steel
Band saw steel Crucible cast steel
Butcher saw steel Crucible machinery steel
Chisel steel Cutlery steel
Chrome-nickel steel Drawing die steel (Wortle)
Drill rod steel Patent, bush or hammer steel
Facing and welding steel Pick steel
Fork steel Pivot steel
Gin saw steel Plane bit steel
Granite wedge steel Quarry steel
Gun barrel steel Razor steel
Hack saw steel Roll turning steel
High-speed tool steel Saw steel
Hot-rolled sheet steel Scythe steel
Lathe spindle steel Shear knife steel
Lawn mower knife steel Silico-manganese steel
Machine knife steel Spindle steel
Magnet steel Spring steel
Mining drill steel Tool holder steel
Nail die shapes Vanadium tool steel
Nickel-chrome steel Vanadium-chrome steel
Paper knife steel Wortle steel

Passing to the tonnage specifications, the following table from Tiemann's excellent pocket book on "Iron and Steel," will give an approximate idea of the ordinary designations now in use:

Grades Approximate carbon range Common uses
0.08-0.18 Pipe, chain and other welding purposes; case-hardening purposes; rivets; pressing and stamping purposes.
Structural (soft) (medium) 0.08-0.18 Structural plates, shapes and bars for bridges, buildings, cars, locomotives; boiler (flange) steel; drop forgings; bolts.
Medium 0.20-0.35 Structural purposes (ships); shafting; automobile parts; drop forgings.
Mediumhard 0.35-0.60 Locomotive and similar large forgings; car axles; rails.
Hard 0.60-0.85 Wrought steel wheels for steam and electric railway service; locomotive tires; rails; tools, such as sledges, hammers, pick points, crowbars, etc.
Spring 0.85-1.05 Automobile and other vehicle springs; tools, such as hot and cold chisels, rock drills and shear blades.
Spring 0.90-1.15 Railway springs; general machine shop tools.

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