List of Full Page Illustrations How He Came to Know What the Birds Said The Stone of Victory AND HOW FEET-IN-THE-ASHES, THE SWINEHERD'S SON, CAME TO FIND IT Bloom-of-Youth and the Witch of the Elders The Hen-wife's Son and the Princess Bright Brow The Sea-Maiden who became a Sea-Swan What The Peacock and the Crow Told Each Other When the Crow Came to Steal the Peacock's Feathers The Treasure of King Labraid Lorc The Boy Who Knew What The Birds Said The Boy Who Knew THE MACMILLAN COMPANY MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. Round and round the Castle they went and the Giant with his strength was wearing out Feet-in-the-Ashes. Round and round the Castle they went and the Giant with his strength was wearing out Feet-in-the-Ashes. The Boy Who Knew