0016m A a Stands for Alice, So graceful and fair.
0017m B b For her Bridal, And we were all there.
0020m C c For us Children, As gay as e'er seen.
0021m D d The fine Dance We had on the green.
0024m E e For Eliza, Who joined us at that.
0025m F f The gay Feather She wore in her hat.
0028m G g For the Grapes, Much better than wine.
0029m H h For the Harp Alice played on 'Lang syne.'
0032m I i For the Image That stood in the hall.
0033m J j Is young James, Who played with us all.
0036m K k For the Kite, With colors so gay.
0037m L l For the Lady In costly array.
0040m M m For the Melon, Brought in by a Friend.
0041m N n The bright Nosegay The bridegroom did send.
0044m O o For the Oranges, Delicious and sweet.
0045m P p For young Patty, So cheerful and neat.
0048m Q q For the Quinces, All set in a row,
0049m R r The large Raspberries; O! what a show!
0052m S s For the Slipper, One held in her hand.
0053m T t The great Trumpet, That sounded so grand.
0056m U u For my Uncle, Who blew the loud blast.
0057m V v The grand villa, In which this all passed.
0060m W w The Watch, That dear Alice wore.
0061m X x For king Xerxes, Who now lives no more.
0064m Y y For our Yeoman, And with him did come,
0065m Z z The good Zebra To bring us all home.