Abbe’s condenser, 11
Absolute alcohol, 21
Acetate of copper, 89
Air bubbles, removal of, 56
Alum carmine, 76
hÆmatoxyline, 68, 70
Amyloid degeneration, 149
Aniline blue-black, 94
oil, 102, 108
oil water, 107
Apparatus required, 1
Areolar tissue, 133
Bacteria, stains for, 103
Balsam bottle, 58
Barrett’s logwood solution, 69
Bevan Lewis’s method, 94
Bichromate of potassium, 17
Bismarck brown, 104
Bleaching solution, 27
Blood crystals, 130
Blood, methods of examining, 113
Blood-vessels, injection of, 120
Blue injection mass, 121
Bone marrow, 136
Bone, sections of, 136
Borax carmine, 75
Brain, methods of staining, 94
Buckley’s modification of Golgi’s method, 99
Calcareous degeneration, 149
Canada balsam solution, 61
Carbolic acid, 23
Carmine, 74
injection mass, 120
Cathcart microtome, 39
Cathcart-Frazer microtome, 42
Cedar oil, 8, 63
Celloidin, 30
Cementing cover-glasses, 65
Chloral hÆmatoxyline, 92
Chloride of gold, 82, 94
Chromic and nitric decalcifying fluid, 26
Ciliated epithelium, 132
Circulation in frog’s foot, 141
Clarifying sections, 63
Clearing agents, 63
Cloudy swelling, 148
Clove oil, 63
Colloid degeneration, 149
Columnar epithelium, 132
Corrosive sublimate hardening, 23
staining, 100
Cover-glasses, cleansing of, 57
Cover-glass preparations, 111
Decalcifying solutions, 26
Dehydration, 63
Eau de Javelle, 27
Ebner’s solution, 27
Ehrlich-Biondi fluid, 85
Ehrlich’s hÆmatoxyline, 70
method of fixing blood-films, 116
method for tubercle bacilli, 110
Ehrlich-Gram method for staining bacteria, 108
Elastic cartilage, 135
tissue, 133
Embedding methods, 29
Endothelium, 131
Eosine, 72
Eosine and hÆmatoxyline, 73
Epithelial cement, 131
Ether spray microtome, 39
FÆces, staining for bacilli, 112
Farrant’s solution, 59
Fat, removal from sections, 59
staining of, 134
Fatty degeneration, 148
Fearnley’s injection apparatus, 123
Ferrier’s fuchsine solution, 117
Flemming’s solution, 25
Flotation of sections, 55
Folded sections, treatment of, 58
Formal, 23
Fresh sections, 52
Fuchsine, 104
Gentian violet, 104
Gibbes’ stain for tubercle bacilli, 111
Gold chloride, 82, 94
Golgi’s silver method, 96
sublimate method, 99
Gram’s iodide solution, 105
method for staining bacteria, 107
Green injection mass, 122
Gum, 29
HÆmatin crystals, 131
HÆmatoidin, 131
HÆmatoxyline, Ehrlich’s, 70
Kleinenberg’s, 70
Schuchardt’s, 68
Sihler’s, 92
Weigert’s, 88
HÆmoglobin crystals, 130
Hardening processes, 15
Hyaline cartilage, 135
degeneration, 149
Ice freezing microtome, 46
Immersion lenses, 8
Injection of blood-vessels, 120
pulmonary alveoli, 145
Internal ear, 143
Intestines, 146
Iodine solution, 105
Jung’s ether spray microtome, 45
Kleinenberg’s hÆmatoxyline, 70
Lardaceous degeneration, 149
Lithio-picrocarmine, 79
Lithium carmine, 74
Liver, 147
LÖffler’s methyl blue, 104
Logwood, 68
Lymphoid tissue, 134
Marchi’s fluid, 24
Marrow, 136
Methyl blue, 101, 104
violet, 83
Methylated spirit, 19
Micro-organisms, stains for, 103
Microscope, 6
Microtome, Becker, 49
Cambridge rocking, 49
Cathcart, 39
Cathcart-Frazer, 42
Jung, 45
Schanze, 47
Swift’s, 49
Williams’, 46
Mould for paraffin embedding, 36
Mounting methods, 55
Mucoid degeneration, 148
Muscle, 138
Muir’s method of hardening films, 116
MÜller’s fluid, 17
and formal, 20
and spirit, 20
Neelsen’s stain for tubercle bacilli, 110
Nerve cells, stains for, 94
endings, 139
fibres, stains for, 87
Nissl’s aniline method, 101
Nitrate of silver, 82
Nitric acid as hardening agent, 25
decalcifying agent, 26
decolourising agent, 110
Normal salt solution, 53
Nose piece, 9
Objectives, 7
Oil of bergamot, 63
cedar, 8, 63
cloves, 63
origanum, 63
Osmic acid as hardening agent, 21
staining reagent, 81
Pal’s method, 86
solution, 90
Paraffin, 34
Picrocarmine, 78
Pigment cells, 134
Pigmentary degeneration, 150
Plane iron microtome knife, 42
Rapid hardening, 150
Retina, 143
Safranine, 85
Salivary glands, 146
SchÄfer-Pal method, 91
Schanze microtome, 47
Schuchardt’s hÆmatoxyline, 68
Sihler’s chloral hÆmatoxyline, 92
Silver nitrate, stain for nerve cells, 96
epithelial cement, 131
Skin, 142
Spinal cord, 86, 142
Spleen, 147
Sputum, staining of, 111
Squamous epithelium, 131
Staining methods, 67 seq.
Stomach, 146
Striped muscle, 138
Sulphuric acid, 105
Sweat glands, 142
Tendon, 133
Testing a microscope, 13
Thymus gland, 145
Thyroid gland, 145
Toison’s fluid, 118
Tooth, sections of, 137
Transitional epithelium, 132
Tubercle bacillus, stains for, 110
Tumours, hardening of, 150
Unstriped muscle, 139
Urine, examination for bacilli, 112
Uterus, 148
Von Ebner’s decalcifying solution, 27
Waxy degeneration, 149
Weigert’s hÆmatoxyline method, 88
method for staining bacteria, 106
Williams’ ice freezing microtome, 46
Woodhead’s injection mass, 120
Xylol, 61
Ziehl’s carbol-fuchsine, 105
The student will bear in mind the danger of working with benzine near a naked light.