ass="pginternal">10 Fulton’s Nautilus, 10 Fulton plans to rescue Napoleon, 12 Fulton, submarine boat inventor, Robert, 10 Galley of a submarine, 70 Game, naval war, 96 Garrett, English submarine boat inventor, 12 Garrett’s steam propelled submarine, 12 Gas and electric power combined for the submarine, 15 Gas engine, 34 for the submarine, 15 Gas engines, two cycle, 82 Gasoline, 79 Gasoline engine, 75 how it works, 75 Gauging the distance of enemy ships, 136 Granddaddy of the modern submarine, 6 German Empire, the, 200 German policy, 115 Grecian galleys of old, 5 Greek meets Greek, when, 206 Gun, compressed air action, 119 the Lewis machine, 196 need of a quick-action, 117 spring action, 118 Guncotton, 97 Guns, arming merchantmen with, 187 Guns, arming the submarine with, 116 Guns, bores of Allies’ submarine, 120 rapid-fire machine, 115 Guns of the chaser, shooting the, 193 Gyro control, automatic, 101 Gyroscope, action of a, 102 compass, 58 toy, 102 Heart of a submarine, 73 High tension current, 79 High tension magnets, 76 Holland and Lake combined type of boats, 17 Holland submarine, 51 the first, 5 Holland, submarine inventor, 16 baby, 199 Horse power of submarine engines, 83 Horsman Co., toy dealers, 102 How to Fly, 196 How the hull is made, 52 How to make and work a model submarine, 23 How a real submarine is made and works, 51 How to work your model submarine, 47 Hull, definition, 51 how it is made, 52 inside the, 55 of a model submarine, 24 Hydroplanes of a submarine, 64 Hydrostatic control, 103 Ichthyoid form, 2 Inside the hull, 55 Installing the motor in model submarine, 39
nberg@html@files@49873@49873-h@49873-h-10.htm.html#Page_69" class="pginternal">69 Searchlight signal system, 146 Semaphore for signaling, 144 Servo-motor, the, 103 Setting ballast tank in the hull of model submarine, 34 Shape of a submarine, 52 Shipping, definition of, 185 tonnage per month, 205 Ships, gauging the distance of enemy, 136 Shooting for Boys, 193 Shooting, the guns of the chaser, 193 the torpedo, 91 a torpedo at a ship, 107 Signaling with colored lights, 146 with the flashlight system, 146 permutation in, 145 with the searchlight system, 146 semaphore for, 144 by underwater “wireless,” 154 wigwag, 144 Signaling, with the wireless telegraph system, 147 Signaling systems, kinds of, 144 underwater, 151 Skins, inner and outer, 53 Skin of a model submarine, 27 Solder, how to, 28 Soldering fluid, 28 Spark plug, 79 Specifications for a model submarine, 23 Spirit level, 60 Spring action gun, 118 Squadron, definition of, 172 Steamboat, Fulton’s first, 12 Steam engine, faults of, 74 Steam propelled submarine, first, 12 Steering rudder of a model torpedo, 95 Steering rudders, 53 Steering wheel, 55 Storage batteries, 14, 34, 74, 85, 86 Storage battery and dynamo motor system, 85 Storage battery, inventor of the, 74 Submarine air chasers, 195 Submarine, air control mechanism of a, 32 ballast tank for a, 28 Submarine, ballasting the, 40 as a blockader, the, 176 Submarine bases, destroying, 126 Submarine bell, 151 Submarine boat, the first, 5 what it is, 16 Submarine bomb, 9 Submarine chaser, 80-foot, 189 110-foot, 189 Submarine chasers, 116, 177 [1] Central Powers: Germany, Austria, and Bulgaria. Transcriber’s Notes: Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Page 29, “to-together” changed to “together” (bring the ends together) Page 94, “PPROPELLER” changed to “PROPELLER” (COVER AND PROPELLER) Page 115, “no” changed to “not” (not so, for there) Page 122, “betwen” changed to “between” (war between the United) Page 124, “torquoise” changed to “turquoise” (the turquoise seas) Page 136, “Guaging” changed to “Gauging” (Gauging the Distance of) Page 139, “runing” changed to “running” (boat is running light) Page 155, the word of “telegraph” was split over two lines and the first half was not italicized but the rest of the phrase for “telegraph key” was. This was edited to italicize the whole phrase. Page 218, “Tactitian” changed to “Tactician” (Tactician, definition) Index, all items out of alphabetical sequence were rearranged. |