A Modern American Submarine Cruising in the Afloat Condition with Foreward Diving-Rudders Folded Back against the Hull | Frontispiece | | FACING PAGE | A “Baby Holland” Submarine, One of the First of the U. S. N. | 18 | Your Model Submarine in Action | 46 | The Conning Tower and Navigating Compartment Controls of a Modern Submarine | 58 | The Engine Room of a Modern Submarine Showing the Diesel Engines | 82 | A Bliss Torpedo with Rotary Compressed Air Motor | 98 | A 3½ inch Submarine Gun in Action Showing the Deck Well and Manner of Operation | 118 | The Latest Type of Periscope. A much Magnified Image of the Object Is Shown in the Inner Circle, while in the Outer Circle Is Shown the Object Plus an “all round” View of the Horizon. A Submarine Fitted with This Periscope May well be Said to Have Eyes in the Back of its Head | 136 | A Marine Wireless Installation | 150 | The Crew of a Submarine (Note Sailor Going Below through Hatch in After-deck) | 166 | A German U-Boat “Breaking Water” Preparatory to Examining the Cargo of an Enemy ship | 178 | Three Eighty-Foot Gasolene Chasers on their Way to Patrol Duty | 188 | Navigating the “Deutschland” by Means of the Deck Control (Note Open Hatch Leading to Conning Tower) | 202 |