The condensing arrangements of a turbine are perhaps mainly instrumental in determining the method of test. The condensed steam alone, issuing from a turbine having, for example, a barometric or jet condenser, cannot be directly measured or weighed, unless by meter, and these at present are not sufficiently accurate to warrant their use for test purposes, if anything more than approximate results are desired. The steam consumed can, in such a case, only be arrived at by measuring the amount of condensing water (which ultimately mingles with the condensed steam), and subtracting this quantity from the condenser's total outflow. Consequently, in the case of turbines equipped with barometric or jet condensers, it is often thought sufficient to rely upon the measurement taken of the boiler feed, and the boiler's initial and final contents. Turbines equipped with surface-condensing plants offer better facilities for accurate steam-consumption calculations than those plants in which the condensed exhaust steam and the circulating water come into actual contact, it being necessary In the case of a single-flow turbine of the Parsons type, the covers should be taken off and every row of blades carefully examined for deposits, mechanical irregularities, deflection from the true radial and vertical positions, etc. The blade clearances also should be gaged all around the circumference, to insure this clearance being an average working minimum. On no account should a test be proceeded with when any doubt exists as to the clearance dimensions.
The dummy rings of a turbine, namely, those rings which prevent excessive leakage past the balancing pistons at the high-pressure end, should have especial attention before a test. A diagrammatic sketch of a turbine cylinder and spindle is shown in Fig. 60, for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the subject. In this A is the cylinder or casing, B the spindle or rotor, and C the blades. The balancing pistons, D, E, and F, the pressure upon which counterbalances the axial thrust upon the three-bladed stages, are grooved, the brass dummy rings G G in the cylinder being alined within a few thousandths of an inch of the grooved The dummy rings are shown on a large scale in Fig. 61, and their preliminary inspection may be made in the following manner: The spindle has been set and the dummy rings C are consequently within a few thousandths of an inch of the walls d of the spindle dummy grooves D. The clearances allowed can be gaged by a feeler placed between a ring and the groove wall. Before a test the spindle should be turned slowly around, the feelers being kept in position. By this means any mechanical flaws or irregularities in the groove walls may be detected.
It has sometimes been found that the groove walls, under the combined action of superheated steam and friction, in cases where actual running contact has As the question of dummy leakage is of very considerable importance during a test, it may not be inadvisable to describe the manner of setting the spindle and cylinder relatively to one another to insure minimum leakage, and the methods of noting their conduct
The top half of the turbine cylinder having been lifted off, the spindle is set relatively to the bottom half by means of the lower thrust-block screw G. This screw is then locked in position and the top half of A safer method is to set the dummy rings in the center of the grooves of the spindle, and then to lower the cover, with less possibility of contact. There being usually plenty of side clearance between the blades of a turbine, it may be deemed quite safe to lock the thrust-block in its position, by screwing the screws G up lightly, and then to turn on steam and begin running slowly. Next, the spindle may be very carefully and gradually worked in the required direction, namely, in that direction which will tend to bring the dummy rings and groove walls into contact, until actual but very light contact takes place. The slightest noise made by the rubbing parts inside the turbine can be detected by placing one end of a metal rod onto the casing in vicinity of the dummy pistons, and letting the other end press hard against the ear. Contact between the dummy rings and spindle being thus demonstrated, the spindle must be moved back by the screws, but only by the slightest amount possible. The merest fraction of a turn is enough to break the contact, which is all that is required. In performing this operation it is important, during the axial movements of the spindle, to adjust the halves of the thrust-block so that there can exist no possible play which would leave the spindle free to move axially and probably vibrate badly. The considerations outlined regarding balancing pistons and dummy rings can be dispensed with in connection with impulse turbines of the De Laval and Rateau types, and also with double-flow turbines of a type which does not possess any dummies. The same general considerations respecting blade conditions and thrust-blocks are applicable, especially to the latter type. With pure so-called impulse turbines, where the blade clearances are comparatively large, the preliminary blade inspection should be devoted to the mechanical condition of the blade edges and passages. As the steam velocities of these types are usually higher, the importance of minimizing the skin friction and eliminating the possibility of eddies is great. Although steam leakage through the valves of a turbine may not materially affect its steam consumption, unless it be the leakage through the overload valve during a run on normal full load, a thorough Importance of Oiling System and Water ServiceThe oil question, being important, should be solved in the early stages previously, if possible, to any official or unofficial consumption tests. Whether the oil be supplied to the turbine bearings by a self-contained system having the oil stored in the turbine bedplate or by gravity from a separate oil source, does not affect the question in its present aspect. The necessary points to investigate are four in number, and may be headed as follows:
Fig. 63 is given to illustrate a danger peculiar to the self-contained oil system, in which the oil and oil-cooling chambers are situated adjacently in the turbine bedplate. One end of the bedplate only is shown; B is a cast-iron partition dividing the oil chamber C from the oil-cooling chamber D. Castings of this kind have sometimes a tendency to sponginess and the trouble consequent upon this weakness would take the form of leakage between the two chambers. Of course this is only a special case, and the conditions named are hardly likely to exist in every similarly designed plant. The capacity of oil, and especially
It may be stated without fear of contradiction that the oil in a self-contained system, namely, a system in which the oil, stored in a reservoir near or underneath the turbine, passes only through that one turbine's bearings, and immediately back to the storage compartment, deteriorates more rapidly than when circulating around an "entire" system, such as the gravity or other analogous system. In the latter, the oil tanks are usually placed a considerable distance from the turbine or turbines, with the oil-cooling arrangements in fairly close proximity. The total length of the oil circuit is thus considerably increased, incidentally increasing the relative cooling capacity of the whole plant, and thereby reducing the loss of oil by vaporization. The causes of excessive oil consumption by bearings are many. There is an economical mean velocity at which the oil must flow along the revolving spindle; also an economical mean pressure, the latter diminishing from the center of the bearing toward the ends. The aim of the economist must therefore be in the direction of adjusting these quantities correctly in relation to a minimum supply of oil per bearing; and the principal factors capable of variation to attain certain requirements are the several bearing clearances measured as annular orifices, and the bearing diameters. It is not always an easy matter to detect the presence of water in an oil system, and this difficulty is increased
It is seldom possible to discover the correct and permanent temperature rise of the circulating oil in a turbine within the limited time usually alloted for a test. After a continuous run of one hundred hours it is possible that the temperature at the bearing outlets may be lower than it was after the machine had run for, say, only twenty hours. As a matter of fact an oil-temperature curve plotted from periodical readings taken over a continuous run of considerable
A design of thermometer cup suitable for oil thermometers is given in Fig. 65 in which A is an end view of the turbine bedplate, B is a turbine bearing and C and D are the inlet and outlet pipes, respectively. Allied to the oil system of a turbine plant is the water service, of comparatively little importance in connection with single self-contained units of small capacity, where the entire service simply consists of a few coils and pipes, but of the first consideration in large installations having numerous separate units supplied by oil and water from an exterior source. The largest turbine units are often supplied with water for cooling the bearings and other parts liable to attain high temperature. Although the water used for cooling the bearings indirectly supplements the action taking place in the separate oil coolers, it is of necessity a separate auxiliary service in itself, and the complexity of the system is thus added to. A carefully constructed water service, however, is hardly likely to give trouble of a mechanical nature. The more serious deficiencies usually arise from conditions inherent to the design, and as such must be approached. Special Turbine Features to be Inquired intoBefore leaving the prime mover itself, and proceeding to the auxiliary plant inspection, it may be well to instance a few special features relating to the general conduct of a turbine, which it is the duty of a tester to inquire into. There are certain specified qualifications which a machine must hold when running under its commercial conditions, among these being lack of vibration of both turbine and machinery driven, be it generator or fan, the satisfactory running of auxiliary turbine parts directly driven from the turbine spindle, minimum friction between the driving mediums, such as worm-wheels, pumps, fans, etc., slight irregularities of construction, often resulting in heated parts and excessive friction and wear, and must therefore be detected and righted before the final test. Furthermore, those features of design—and they are not infrequent in many machines of recent development—which, in practice, do not fulfil theoretical expectations, must be re-designed upon lines of practical consistency. The experienced tester's opinion is often at this point invaluable. To illustrate the foregoing, Figs. 66, 67, and 68 are given, representing, respectively, three distinct phases in the evolution of a turbine part, namely, the coupling. Briefly, an ordinary coupling connecting a driving and a driven shaft becomes obstinate when the two separate spindles which it connects are not truly alined. The desire of turbine manufacturers has consequently been to design a flexible coupling, capable of accommodating a certain
In Fig. 66 A is the turbine spindle end and B the generator spindle end, which it is required to drive. It will be seen from the cross-sectional end view that both spindle ends are squared, the coupling C, with a square hole running through it, fitting accurately over both spindle ends as shown. Obviously the fit between the coupling and spindle in this case must be close, otherwise considerable wear would take place; and equally obvious is the fact than any want of alinement between the two spindles A and B will be accompanied by a severe strain upon the coupling, and incidentally by many other troubles of operation of which this inability of the coupling to accommodate Looking at the coupling illustrated in Fig. 67, it
The type illustrated in Fig. 68 is a distinct advance upon either of the two previous examples, because, theoretically at least, it is capable of successfully accommodating almost any amount of spindle movement. The turbine and generator spindle ends, A and B, have toothed heads C and D shrunk upon them, The CondenserTo some extent, as previously remarked, the condenser and condensing arrangements are instrumental in determining the lines upon which a test ought to be carried out. In general, the local features of a plant restrict the tester more or less in the application of his general methods. A thorough inspection, including some preliminary tests if necessary, is as essential to the good conduct of the condensing plant as to the turbine above it. It may be interesting to outline the usual course this inspection takes, and to draw attention to a few of the special features of different plants. For this purpose a type of vertical condenser is depicted in Fig. 69. Its general principle will be gathered from the following description: Exhaust steam from the turbine flows down the pipe T and enters the condenser at the top as shown, where it at once comes into contact with the water tubes in W. These tubes fill an annular area, the central un-tubed portion below the baffle cap B forming the vapor chamber. The condensed steam falls upon the bottom tube-plate P and is carried away by the pipe S leading to the water pump H. The Y pipe E terminating above the level of the water in the condenser
Water Tests of CondenserThe condenser is first thoroughly dried out, particular care being given to the outside of the tubes and the bottom tube-plate P. Water is then circulated through the tubes and chambers for an hour or two, after which the pumps are stopped, all water is allowed to drain out and a careful examination is made inside. Any water leaking from the tubes above the bottom baffle-plate will ultimately be deposited upon that plate. It is essential to stop this leakage if there be any, otherwise the condensed steam measured during the consumption test will be increased to the extent of the leakage. A slight leakage in a large condenser will obviously not affect the results to any serious extent. The safest course to adopt when a It is equally essential that no leakage shall occur between the bottom tube-plate P and the tube ends. The soundness of the tube joints, and the joint at the periphery of the tube-plate can be tested by well covering the plate with water, the water chamber W and cooling chamber having been previously emptied, and observing the under side of the plate. It must be admitted that the practice of measuring the extent of a water leak over a period, and afterward with this knowledge adjusting the obtained quantities, is not always satisfactory. On no account should any test be made with considerable water leakage inside the condenser. The above method, however, is perhaps the most reliable to be followed, if during its conduct the conditions of temperature in the condenser are made as near to the normal test temperature as possible. There are many condensers using salt water in their tubes, and in these cases it would seem natural to turn to some analytical method of detecting the amount of saline and foreign matter leaking into the condensed steam. Unless, however, only approximate results are required, such methods are not advocated. There are many reasons why they cannot be relied upon for accurate results, among these being the variation in the percentage of saline matter in the sea-water, The Vacuum TestHaving convinced himself of the satisfactory conduct of the condenser under the foregoing simple preparatory water tests, the tester may safely pass to considerations of vacuum. There exists a good old-fashioned method of discovering the points of leakage in a vacuum chamber, namely, that of applying the flame of a candle to all seams and other vulnerable spots, which in the location of big leaks is extremely valuable. Assuming that the turbine joints and glands have been found capable of preventing any inleak of air, with only a small absolute pressure of steam or air inside it, and, further, an extremely important condition, with the turbine casing at high and low temperatures, separately, a vacuum test can be conducted on the condenser alone. This test consists of three operations. In the first place a high vacuum is obtained by means of the air pump, upon the attainment of which communication with everything else is closed, and results noted. The second operation consists in repeating the above with the water circulating through the condenser tubes, the results in this case also being carefully tabulated. Before conducting the third test, the condensers must be thoroughly warmed throughout, by running the turbine for a short time if necessary, and after closing A careful consideration and comparison of the foregoing tests will reveal the capabilities of the condenser in the aspect in which it is being considered, and will suggest where necessary the desirable steps to be taken. |