The kind of experimenting you will do will, of course, depend altogether on the nature of the invention on which you are working. But, as good fortune would have it if you are not mechanically inclined you are not apt to hit upon a mechanical invention. And if you know nothing of electricity, you are not likely to think out an improved electrical device. But this much is certain if you are going to experiment the right way you must know something about the right way to experiment. No one should expect to work out to a successful conclusion a new machine or apply a new improvement to an old machine if he knows nothing of the first principles of mechanics or about mechanical movements, and by rights he ought to have some knowledge of machine design. And the above statement is just as true of electrical inventions. A worker who does not know the difference between a binding post and an alternating current need not expect to progress very far with an invention of, say, an electric block signal system—unless he calls in an expert to help him; but what he should do is to study the principles of electricity and magnetism, learn The same thing applies to inventions in chemistry in that to work intelligently you must know about the properties of substances, chemical change and acids, bases and salts. And with electro-chemistry both a knowledge of chemistry and electricity are needed. It is easy to see that it would not be possible in the limited space I have here to say more than a word or two about the subjects of mechanics, electricity, chemistry and electro-chemistry when each requires a whole chapter to explain it even in a rough way and a whole book to explain it thoroughly. But there are a few things I can tell you about them that will put you on the right track and then I shall give you the names of some books that will be of great service to you when you are in need of them, and with your help we’ll make a real inventor of you. How to Experiment with Machines.—Any one who possesses the slightest bent for mechanics can work out improvements on devices like egg-beaters and monkey-wrenches and feel their way as they go along. But when it comes to designing and building real machines where numerous levers, gears, and springs are combined to make a working unit you should by all means read up on the subjects of work, energy and power, learn about the six mechanical powers—and the action of machines in general. The following definitions will give you an idea about all of them. Work, Energy and Power.—A wheel will not turn of its own accord but if it is moved round by some force applied to it such as the hand, a coiled spring or a motor, work is done. In fact whenever a thing is made to change its position work is done. The power to do work is caused by energy; energy is developed when some force is applied and can be stored up in bodies as when a ball is thrown. When the energy stops acting, or is used up, there can no longer be any work done. Energy can be transferred from one body to another, as from a clock-spring to a wheel, or from one wheel to another wheel; and energy can be transformed, as the chemical energy of a battery into the rotary energy of a motor or from steam into mechanical motion. The unit of work is the foot-pound and this is the work done to raise one pound one foot high. The rate of doing work is the horse power and a horse power is equal to lifting 550 foot-pounds in a second, or 33,000 foot-pounds in a minute. Energy may be either potential or kinetic; potential energy means energy that is stored up and with nothing to act on, and for this reason it is called energy of position. The electric charge of a Leyden jar is potential energy but the moment it is released it makes a spark and becomes kinetic energy or energy of motion. Potential energy can be changed into kinetic energy and kinetic energy back again into potential energy with amazing freedom. Energy has a definite relation to velocity which means that when the speed of a moving Like matter, energy cannot be destroyed, and so all of it taken together is called a constant quantity. When the energy stored up in a spring, or a battery, has been used the energy is not destroyed, though it may be very hard to find out where it has gone, but you may know that it has vanished in heat and in other forms of energy. Work Against Friction.—The chief resistance which machines have to overcome is caused by friction. Since there is no such thing as a perfectly smooth surface friction is always present in machines and much energy must be spent in overcoming it. The energy wasted by friction is not destroyed but is transformed into another kind of energy and that is heat. When a marble is rolled over the surface of a table there is less friction between the two than when the marble slides across the table. Hence with ball bearings there is less friction than with cone bearings. (See Appendix I.) Forms of Energy.—There are nine forms of energy that you can make use of in your experiments and in your inventions, and these are:
Machines and the Principles of Machinery.—A machine is a contrivance of mechanical parts by which energy is transferred from one part to another. Beside the amount of energy required for doing useful work there must be an extra amount for overcoming the friction. Remember that no machine can either create energy or increase it, and, as you have seen, every machine wastes some energy in friction; this being true it must be clear then that it is impossible to make a machine which when once set in motion would continue to run forever, or at least until its parts were worn out. So don’t waste your energy in trying to invent a perpetual motion machine. The Uses of Machines.—These are many and varied from a commercial point of view in that they are designed to do better, faster or cheaper work and sometimes all of these good qualities are found in a single machine. From a mechanical point of view, though, a machine is used to (1) Change one form of energy into another form, as steam into electricity. (2) To make a slow moving, but powerful force produce a high speed or velocity, as in a sewing machine. (3) To change a small, fast moving force into a powerful force, as in the action of a crowbar. (4) To change the direction of a force so that the (5) To make use of whatever force is at hand as the strength of animals, wind, water, steam, gas and electricity. The Six Mechanical Powers.—As a matter of fact there are really only two of these, namely the lever and the inclined plane, the other four, that is the wheel and axle, the pulley, the wedge and the screw being simply modified forms of the first two. Fig. 37a. A LEVER OF THE FIRST CLASS Fig. 37b. A PAIR OF PLIERS The lever is a rigid bar resting on, and which can be moved about a fixed point, called the fulcrum. There are three classes of levers and these are: Fig. 38a. A LEVER OF THE SECOND CLASS Fig. 38b. A PAIR OF WIRE SPLICING CLAMPS (1) Where the fulcrum is placed between the load and the power which moves it, as shown at A, Fig. 37; a pair of shears, pliers, a balance and a crowbar are levers of the first-class, see B, Fig, 37. Fig. 39a. A LEVER OF THE THIRD CLASS Fig. 39b. A PAIR OF SUGAR TONGS (2) Where the load is applied between the power and the fulcrum, as shown at A, Fig. 38; a lemon squeezer and wire splicing clamps are examples of this class; see B, Fig. 38, and Fig. 40. A BENT LEVER (3) Where the power is applied between the load and the fulcrum as shown at A, Fig. 39; the foot treadle of a jig saw and sugar tongs are levers of this class. See B, Fig. 39. Then there is the bent lever, as shown in Fig. 40, where the power and load do not act parallel with each other, and the compound lever Fig. 41. A COMPOUND LEVER The wheel and axle is really a form of lever and fulcrum. The axle provides a continuous fulcrum as shown in Fig. 42. Trains of wheel work, such as are used in clocks and other mechanical devices, are used Fig. 42. THE WHEEL AND AXLE IS A MODIFIED LEVER The power is applied at A, the weight is at B, and the Fulcrum is at C. Fig. 43. A TRAIN OF WHEELS OR WHEEL WORK The pulley is a wheel with a cord, rope or belt running round it as shown in Fig. 44. It is used to transmit Fig. 44. A FIXED PULLEY Fig. 45a. AN INCLINED PLANE Fig. 45b. ONE OF THE USES OF AN INCLINED PLANE The inclined plane is any hard smooth surface set at a slant to the force to be overcome. A barrel can The wedge is simply an inclined plane on a small scale. It is useful where a great force must be exerted through a small distance, as in splitting a stick of wood, as shown in Fig. 46. Fig. 46a. A SIMPLE WEDGE Fig. 46b. TWO WEDGES FORM A PRINTER’S QUOIN A screw is also a modified form of an inclined plane. By means of a screw great pressures can be exerted in a small space and here again a powerful force is had with a corresponding loss of velocity. It is shown in Fig. 47. Fig. 47a. THE THEORY OF A SCREW Fig. 47b. A SCREW CLAMP Compound Machines.—Any of the above six simple machines can be combined with any or all of the others and every machine that has ever been invented for any purpose is made up of a combination of these six mechanical powers. Since the beginning of invention there has been made by combining these six mechanical powers in different ways, a large number of simple machines called mechanical movements; and there has not been a single new mechanical movement invented in many years. Hence when you begin to work on your machine don’t waste time and energy trying to devise the mechanical movement you need, or what is still more foolish attempting to invent a new mechanical movement but look at the pictures in Fig. 48 which gives over 60 of the most useful mechanical movements. If you cannot find one among them that will do the work then look for it in Gardner D. Hiscock’s book of Mechanical Movements which gives them all. Books.—And it would be a good idea for you to read one of the following books which you can, most likely, get at any library:
The first-named books go deeply enough into the subject of physics for all ordinary purposes while the last named is very thorough and has a lot of math in it; and all of them treat of liquids, air, electricity and magnetism, sound, heat and light. In whatever field you are working a general knowledge of physics will give you the key to a new and a mighty interesting world. Fig. 48a. SOME USEFUL MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS Fig. 48b. USEFUL MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS Fig. 48c. USEFUL MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS Fig. 48d. USEFUL MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS With the first principles of mechanics well in mind and the mechanical movements I have given, you can go on with your experiments in a safe and sensible way. How to Experiment with Electricity.—Electricity is very much like mechanics in that any one can put up an electric bell or screw in a plug-fuse but to experiment and build an apparatus in which electricity and magnetism are the powers used you must know how electricity is generated, how magnetism is produced, the different forms of electricity that are available and finally the kinds of apparatus best suited for the work that is required of them. Forms of Electricity.—Though there is only one kind of electricity it can be divided into four classes, or forms, and these are: (1) Electricity at rest, or static electricity, that is electricity stored up but not active as in a charged Leyden jar. (2) Electricity in locomotion, or current electricity, in which electricity flows along wires, through solutions and other conductors when it is able to do work. (3) Electricity in rotation, or magnetism in which electric whirls produce attraction and repulsion, and: (4) Electricity in vibration, or radiation in which Static Electricity.—You can think of electricity as being a fluid, like water, for it has both quantity and pressure, and in many ways it acts like a fluid. If you filled a tank, raised above the ground, with water, the latter would be at rest, but it would be under pressure too and the moment a hole was bored in any part of the tank below the level of the water it would squirt out; in other words the potential water would be changed into kinetic water or water in locomotion. If, now, you charge a Leyden jar, or a condenser, with electricity it will be at rest until you bring the alternate coatings of tin-foil closely together when a spark will result and a current will flow. Static electricity is generated by friction and by induction, but the electricity so produced is very small in quantity and very high in pressure. A Leyden jar, or other condenser can be charged, though, with a low pressure current of electricity, as in a spark coil. Current Electricity.—Whenever electricity flows in a wire, or other conductor, it acts like water flowing through a pipe and it is then called current electricity. The two most common ways to generate a current of electricity is by means of a chemical battery and by a dynamo electric machine. A current of electricity may have a small current strength, as its quantity is called, and a high voltage, as its pressure is called, like the discharge of a Leyden jar, or it may have a large current strength and a low voltage, as a current generated by a battery. A direct current, see Fig. 49, is a current which flows steadily in one direction and this can be generated by a battery or a dynamo. An interrupted current, see Fig. 50, is a current that is made and broken a number of times a minute and this is usually done by a vibrator, or interruptor as it is often called. A pulsating current, see Fig. 51, is one whose current strength is varied. One way to produce a pulsating current is to talk into a telephone transmitter which is connected with a battery. An alternating current, see Fig. 52, is one which flows first in one direction and then in the other direction. A magneto-electric machine and an alternating current generator are the means for generating this form of current. Alternating current can be produced from a direct current by using an induction coil, or spark coil as it is called. But a steady direct current can be obtained from an alternating current only by coupling an alternating current motor to a direct current dynamo. Fig. 52. AN ALTERNATING CURRENT The pressure, or voltage, of an alternating current can be stepped up or stepped down, that is, raised or lowered, by means of a transformer, which is the simplest form of induction coil. The current strength varies proportionately with the charges in pressure so that there can never be any increase in the total amount of energy but there is always a loss of energy due to heating and other causes. The moral again is that an electrically driven perpetual motion machine is a delusion and a snare. Alternating current can be Fig. 53. ALTERNATING CURRENT CHANGED INTO AN INTERRUPTED DIRECT CURRENT A high tension current is an alternating current of sufficient pressure to make a jump-spark; it can be produced by a high-tension magneto, or a spark coil. An alternating current is generally considered one that changes its direction less than 100,000 times a second; when it changes its direction 100,000 times or more a second it is called an oscillating current, see Fig. 54, or a high frequency current, and this is the form of current that is used for sending out wireless waves. Fig. 54. A PERIODIC OSCILLATING CURRENT The only known way to set up oscillating currents of really high frequency is by discharging the stored up electricity of a condenser, or its equivalent, through a circuit of small resistance by means of a spark, or an arc. The latter sets up sustained oscillations as shown in Fig. 55. High frequency alternators (machines) have been built which generate alternating currents of over 100,000 cycles per second. Fig. 55. A SUSTAINED OSCILLATING CURRENT Magnetism.—A bar of steel can be made magnetic by rubbing it on a permanent steel magnet or on an electromagnet, or winding a number of turns of If a bar of soft iron is placed in a coil of wire and a current is made to flow round it the iron will become a magnet but remains so only while the current is flowing, and this forms an electromagnet. An electromagnet works best on a direct current but an alternating current can also be used to energize it. A coil of wire with an air core, that is without either an iron or a steel core, becomes a magnet when a current is made to flow through it. If, now, one end of a bar of soft iron is slipped into the hole in the coil of wire and the current is turned on the iron bar, or core, will be drawn into it. This kind of a magnet is called a plunger electromagnet, or solenoid. Radiation.—Whenever you light a match, or make a light by any other means, electric charges on the molecules of the substance which is heated vibrate violently to and fro and the minute surgings of the electric charges set up electro-magnetic waves in the ether which the eye can see and the brain can sense and this is what we call light. When some substances are intensely heated, as for instance, the carbons of an arc lamp, waves are also sent out which are too short for the eye to see but which will nevertheless affect a photographic plate. These are called ultra-violet waves. The infra-red waves are too long for the eye to see but the nerves of our bodies sense them as heat. Fig. 56a. SOME USEFUL ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DEVICES Fig. 56b. SOME USEFUL ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DEVICES In conclusion take this bit of advice: don’t try to Books.—The books on physics listed on page 69 go deeply enough into the subject of static and current electricity and magnetism for all ordinary purposes of invention, but if you are interested in wireless and high frequency electricity then I would suggest that you read the following books:
Fig. 57. AN AMMETER FOR MEASURING CURRENT Fig. 58. A VOLTMETER FOR MEASURING PRESSURE Your Electrical Equipment.—Should your invention Where the resistance in ohms of a wire, or a circuit of any kind must be known a combined bridge and resistance box is the best way to make accurate measurements. Resistance boxes measuring from .001 ohm to 17.600 ohms can be bought of the L. E. Knott Apparatus Co., Boston, Mass., for about $18.00. It is shown in Fig. 59. Fig. 59. A RESISTANCE BOX FOR MEASURING THE RESISTANCE OF WIRES A large number of electrical devices call for winding wire on cores, spools, coils, etc. Nearly all windings can be done on a lathe but if a lathe is not among your treasured possessions you can make a winder which will serve all ordinary purposes. The drawings shown at A and B, Fig. 60, give all the details of construction Fig. 60. AN EASILY MADE WINDING DEVICE A. A side view B. An end view How to Experiment with Chemistry.—It is a pleasant pastime to make chemical experiments after a known formula but it is quite a different and a difficult thing to try to invent some new chemical compound when you know little or nothing of chemistry. If your invention calls for some chemical combination or decomposition or double decomposition—these are the three kinds of chemical action—get an elementary book on chemistry and study it until you really know it and then you will have a bed-rock foundation on which to build up your invention. You may say it is all very well to read a book on chemistry and learn all about it but it’s a mighty hard thing to do without a teacher. My answer is if you are not interested in chemistry, you will certainly find the study of it up-hill work and very tedious. But if you are working on an invention like, say, synthetic gems, that is making real rubies and sapphires and emeralds in an oxy-hydrogen furnace, see Fig. 61, you will not only study but you will study harder than you have ever studied before if you believe it will help you to find the solution of the gem problem. It is under these conditions that work-study becomes play-study and you will be fascinated with it and it will then prove pleasant as well as profitable. Fig. 61a. MAKING A REAL RUBY BY CHEMISTRY Fig. 61b. RUBY BOULES AS THEY COME FROM THE FURNACE Fig. 61c. SYNTHETIC RUBIES AFTER THEY ARE CUT Your Chemical Equipment.—The chemical apparatus you will require depends entirely on the class of work you are doing but for all ordinary chemical experiments the following apparatus will be found useful: (1) a nest of beakers; (2) a jeweler’s blowpipe; (3) one-half dozen wide mouth flint bottles; (4) a Bunsen burner with regulator, that is if you have gas, or (5) an alcohol lamp; (6) a glass U tube; (7) a nest of Hessian crucibles; (8) a nest of porcelain crucibles; (9) an evaporating dish; (10) a lead dish; (11) a couple of glass funnels; (12) a glass bottle with a two hole stopper; (13) half a pound of glass tubing; (14) a porcelain mortar and pestle; (15) a plain glass retort; (16) a stoppered retort; (17) 3 or 4 feet of ¼ inch rubber tubing; (18) a sand bath; (19) a dozen test tubes; (20) a test-tube stand; (21) a test-tube clamp; (22) a test-tube brush; (23) an iron retort tripod; (24) one-half dozen watch glasses; (25) a water bath; (26) some wire clamp supports; (27) a couple of platinum plates; (28) an air bath; (29) a burette; (30) a pinch-cock, and (31) a brass scale with weights. See Fig. 62. All of the above apparatus can be bought of any dealer in chemical or school apparatus for ten or twelve dollars. For advanced work you will need other apparatus but whatever your requirements may be you can either buy the apparatus ready made or have it made to order. As to chemicals these will likewise depend on the nature of your experiments. Send to Eimer and Fig. 62. SOME USEFUL CHEMICAL APPARATUS Books.—The following books with the exception
How to Experiment with Electro-Chemistry.—In working out electro-chemical inventions you require a knowledge of both electricity and chemistry for it is the electric current that produces the chemical change either directly or indirectly. Fig. 63a. AN ELECTRIC FURNACE, SHOWING THE DIFFERENT PARTS An electric battery of any kind is electro-chemical in action and so is electroplating and electrotyping but Fig. 63b. AN ELECTRIC FURNACE IN OPERATION Then there are a large number of indirect electro-chemical processes in which the electric current is used to produce heat as in the electric furnace. Genuine diamonds, though too small and too costly to have any commercial value, have been made in the electric furnace, shown in Fig. 63. Calcium carbide for making acetylene gas; carborundum, an abrasive that is better than emery; electric smelting and the reduction of BOOK. The Elements of Electro-Chemistry Treated Experimentally. By LÜpke. |