on the death of the Princess Charlotte of Wales. from the Hebrew of Hyman Hurwitz Mourn, Israel! Sons of Israel, mourn! Give utterance to the inward throe, As wails of her first love forlorn The virgin clad in robes of woe! Mourn the young mother snatch'd away From light and life's ascending sun! Mourn for the babe, death's voiceless prey, Earn'd by long pangs, and lost ere won! Mourn the bright rose that bloom'd and went, Ere half disclosed its vernal hue! Mourn the green bud, so rudely rent, It brake the stem on which it grew! Mourn for the universal woe, With solemn dirge and falt'ring tongue; For England's Lady is laid low, So dear, so lovely, and so young! The blossoms on her tree of life Shone with the dews of recent bliss; Translated in that deadly strife She plucks its fruit in Paradise. Mourn for the prince, who rose at morn To seek and bless the firstling bud Of his own rose, and found the thorn, Its point bedew'd with tears of blood. Mourn for Britannia's hopes decay'd; Her daughters wail their dear defence, Their fair example, prostrate laid, Chaste love, and fervid innocence! O Thou! who mark'st the monarch's path, To sad Jeshurun's sons attend! Amid the lightnings of thy wrath The showers of consolation send! Jehovah frowns! The Islands bow, And prince and people kiss the rod! Their dread chastising judge wert Thou Be Thou their comforter, O God! 1817. Contents Contents, p.2