Abergavenny, The, 132
Achilles, 25
Adam, 51
Adar River, 261
Africa, 70, 71
Alexander the Great, 256
Alfieri, 230
Allen, Robert, 139, 140 n
Allston, Washington, 167, 175
Anacreon, 183, 263
Antonio, St., 78
Antwerp, 307
Aphrodite, 192
Apollo, 110
Ariosto, 151, 230
Aristotle, 183, 222, 268, 298
Arne, 270
Arrian, 183
Augustine, St., 179
Bacon, F. (Lord Verulam), 21, 79, 151, 177, 183, 298
Ball, Sir Alexander, 206
Ball, Lady, 92
Barrow, J., 26, 47
Bassenthwaite, 18
Barclay, W. ("Argenis"), 207
Beaumont, Francis, 207
Beaumont, Sir George, 67, 79, 145
Beaumont, Lady, 67
Beddoes, Thomas, M.D., 239 n
Bentham, 127
Berkeley, Bishop, 183
Bernard, Saint, 273
Bernouilli, 152
Beverley, 94
Blackmore, 24, 270
Blount, Sir Edward, 63
Blumenbach, 67
Boccaccio, 46
Bonnet, 152
Borrowdale, 34, 35, 52
Bosch, 182
Boyer, J., 14
Brandelhow, 46
Bristol, 293 n
Brunck, 182
Brougham, Lord, 250
Brown, Dr. J., 14
Browne, William, 158 and n
Bruno, Giordano, 16, 17 n, 72, 73, 151
Buffon, 209
Buonaparte, 75
Burdett, Sir F., 174, 255
Burton, Robert, 25
Cain, 51
Cairns, M. J., 9 Calvin, 307
Cambridge, 214
Campbell, T., 156
Campeachy, Bay of, 208
Caracciolo, 87
Caernarvon Castle, 71
Castle Crag, 34
Castlerigg, 43
Catullus, 165
Cecilia, St., 200
Ceres, 110
Cervantes, 152
Chantrey, 286
Charlemagne, 170
Chartreuse, 119
Chaucer, 296
Chersites, Theodoras, 21
China, 29, 132, 151
Christ's Hospital, 46, 295
Cicero, 23 n
Circe, 192
Clarkson, Thomas, 24
Clarkson, Mrs., 167
Claudian, 165
Clotharius, 211
Cobbett, W., 76, 255
Cochrane (Earl of Dundonald). 237
Coleorton, 171 n
Coleridge, Berkeley, 120
Coleridge, Derwent, 18, 29, 120
Coleridge, Hartley, 3, 13, 15, 24, 40, 41, 65, 66, 96, 135, 296
Coleridge, Colonel James, 158 n.
Coleridge, S. T., 9, 23 n, 64 n, 75 n, 103, 140 n, 157 and n,
158 n, 169, 177 n, 195 n, 196 n, 203 n, 211 n, 225 n,
236 n, 242 n, 246 n, 248 n, 263 n, 273 n, 293 n, 295 and n
Coleridge, Sara (Mrs. S. T.), 9, 218, 295
Coleridge, Sara (Mrs. H. N. Coleridge), 120, 208 n.
Collins, 5
Combe, S., 129
Combe Satchfield, 158 n.
Condillac, 79
Constantine, BudÆo-Tusan, 182
Cordova, 287
Cottle, Joseph, 60, 86, 235
Courier Office, 193, 203 n
Cowper, William, 121, 128
Cuthill, Mr., 182, 183
Dampier, Travels of, 208
Dante, 25, 151, 229, 230, 293
Daphnis, D'Orvilles, 183
Darwin, Dr., 5, 92, 151, 280
David, King, 235
Davy, Sir H., 218
Dennison, Mr., 144, 146
De Quincey, 177 n, 183
Diogenes, 97
Domitian, 159
Drayton, 154
Dresden, 85
Dryden, 159
Duke Richard, 158 n
Dundas (Lord Melville), 151
Durham, 35, 36
Dyer, George, 9 n, 67
Edgeworth, Miss, 117
Elizabeth, Queen, 231 Empedocles, 163
Eolus, 193
Epictetus, 183
Erigena, Joannes Scotus, 58
Escot, 157 n
Etna, 114
Euphormio, 207
Exeter, 67
Favell, 28 n
Fay, Benedict, 154
FÉnelon, 133
Fichte, 106, 133, 169, 183
Fielding, 166, 167
Flaminius, 207, 263
Fletcher, John, 207
Fracastorius, 148, 207, 263
France, 75, 119, 120, 152
Geddes, Dr. Alexander, 109 n
Geneva, Lake of, 261
Genoa, 7
Germany, 8 n, 151, 169, 284, 289
Gibbon, 272
Gillman, James, 296, 297
Gillman, Mrs., 273
Glanvillians, The, 281
Godwin, W., 13, 66, 68
Goethe, 229
GÖttingen, 67
Grasmere, 76, 132
Gray, Thomas, 5, 270
Greece, 110, 177, 206, 289
Greenough, 68
Greta River, 19, 29, 43, 44
Greta Hall, 218 n
Greville, Fulk, 17
Grysdale Pike, 19, 46
Guarini, 191
Guyon, Madame, 133, 152
Haarlem, 67
Halim II., 287
Hamburg, 101
Harrington, J., 79, 151
Hartz, 211 and n
Hayley, 151
Hazlitt, W., 9, 35, 36
Hebrides, 129
Helvellyn, 52
Helvetius, 301
Henry, Prince, 158
Herbert's, St., Island, 32
Hobbes, 13, 183
Holcroft, 66, 68
Homer, 207, 270
Horace, 176
Hume, David, 24, 79, 102, 151, 272
Huss, 215
Hutchinson, Mary (Mrs. Wordsworth), 8 n, 20
Hutchinson, Sarah, 8 n
India, 132
Ireland, 177
Italy, 152, 229
Java, 271
Jennings, J., 60
Johnson, Dr., 115, 151, 155, 272
Jonson, Ben, 207
Judkin, Rev. Mr., 306
Kant, 12, 106, 151, 169, 183
Keswick, 54 n, 101
Klopstock, 101, 229
Knox, John, 164, 307
Lamb, Charles, 66, 140 n.
Latrigg, 60 n Laud, 307
Lavater, 223
Leckie, 183
Leibnitz, 147, 151, 152, 183
Leighton, 287
Lessing, 151
LinnÆus, 268
Lloyd, Charles, 107
Lloyd, David, 230
Locke, 24, 151, 155, 183, 185
Loch Leven, 208
Lodore, 34
London, 9, 28, 194
Lorraine, Claude, 286
Lupus, 211
Luther, 11, 152, 215, 239, 307
Lyceum, 193
Lyonnet, 94
Mackintosh, Sir J., 6, 126, 198
Malone, E., 88, 89 n
Malta, 75 n, 83, 87, 98, 104, 107, 130, 140 n, 144, 187, 197
Malthus, Rev. J., 64
Marathon, 74 n
Marini, G. B., 191
Martial, 159
Massinger, 207
Mediterranean, 85, 109
Metastasio, 166, 229
Middleton, Sir Hugh, 250
Milton, 14, 24, 72, 73, 120, 151, 152, 159, 161, 215 n, 229, 253, 271, 296, 297, 298
Mohammed, 290, 291 n.
MoliÈre, 152
Montagu, Basil, 218 n.
Moses, 9, 268
Mylius, Johann Christoph., 96
Naples, King of, 87
Naucratius, 21
Nelson, Lord, 237
Newlands, 52
Newmarket, 168
New River, 168
Newton, Sir Isaac, 214
Nile, 20
Norway, 284
Okenist, An, 291
Orleans, 211
Otter River, 29
Otterton, 158 n
Ottery St. Mary, 29, 157 n, 158 n
Ovid, 165
Paine, Tom, 226
Paley, Archdeacon, 35, 151, 155, 265, 301
Paracelsus, 14, 232
Parisatis, 176
Parkinson (Theatrum Botanicum), 59
Pascal, 152
Pasley, Captain, 145, 154
Paul, Jean (Richter), 235
Paul, St., 93, 163
Penelope, Nature a, 100
Peter, St., 215
Petrarch, 262, 263 n
Picts, The, 129
Pindar, 168
Pitt, 151
Plato, 31, 133, 183, 298 Plotinus, 48, 49, 183
Polyclete, 192
Poole, T., 70, 153
Pope, 151, 166, 233
Porphyry, 183
Port Royal, 208
Porte, The, 289
Portugal, 140 n
Price, Dr., 167
Priestley, Dr., 151, 155
Prince, The Black, 71
Proclus, 17, 63, 183
Proserpine, 110
Psyche, 89, 109, 142
Pygmalion, 192
Pyramids, The, 258
Pythagoras, 55, 231
Quintilian, 23 n
Raleigh, Sir W., 148, 250
Raphael, 286
Ray (or Wray), John, 35, 36
Reignia, Captain, 89
Reimarus, Herman Samuel, 91 n, 92
Rhone River, 261
Richardson, Samuel, 166, 167
Rickman, J., 67
Robertson, William, 272
Rochefoucauld, 301
Rock, Captain (son of), 208
Rogers, Samuel, 156
Rome, Church of, 58, 124, 215
Rome, 110, 129, 206, 289
Russia, 170, 289
Scapula, 182
Scarlett (James Lord Abinger), 198
Schelling, 169, 183
Schiller, 150, 161, 181, 211 n, 229
Scott, Sir Walter, 74 n
Scotus, Duns, 222
Sens, 211
Shakspere, 21, 24, 71, 72, 73,
88, 89 n, 97, 108, 115,
127, 128, 145, 147, 150,
151, 152, 161, 180, 286,
297, 298
Sharp, Grenville, 250
Sharp, Richard, 158, 198
Sheridan, R. B., 41, 177
Shield, 270
Sidney, Sir Philip, 17, 151
Simonides, 163
Skiddaw, 18, 19, 52
Smith, Robert, 198
Smith, Sydney, 198
Sorel, Dr., 107
Sotheby, William, 53
South, 47
Southey, 6, 28 n, 36, 107, 158 n, 221, 290
Spain, 70, 152, 287
Spenser, 296
Spinoza, 57, 81, 183
Staunton, Sir G., 271
Stephen's, St., 211
Stephen's Thesaurus, 182
Stewart, Sir James, 1
Stoddart (Dr. afterwards Sir J.), 74, 75 n, 107, 140 n, 167
Stowey, Upper, 143
Stowey, Nether, 60 n
Strabo, Geographicus, 179
Strada, Prolusions of, 183
Strozzi, Giambatista, 225
Stuart, Daniel, 195
Sweden, 284
Swedenborg, 286
Swift, Dean, 24, 151, 164
Swinside, 19
Switzerland, 129
Syracuse, 95
Tantalus, 234
Taylor, Dorothy, 158 n
Taylor, Frances, 158 n
Taylor, Jeremy, 12, 20, 76, 298
Taylor, Thomas, 17
Teme, Valley of, 26
Tenison, Archbishop, 306
Theophrastus, 268
Tiberius, 37
Tibullus, 165
Tobin, J., 68, 139, 140 n
Tyrol, The, 284
Underwood, Mr., 68
Unzer, D., 94
Valetta, 75 n, 144
Van Huysum, 286
Varrius, 134
Vida, 263
Vincent, Captain, 134
Virgil, 263
Virginia, 94
Voltaire, 152
Voss, 151, 229
Vossius, 134
Wade, Mr., 293 n
Wedgwood, T., 27, 91
Whinlatter, 46, 50
White, Mr. (of Clare Hall, Camb.), 225
Wickliffe, 215
Wieland, 229
Wilberforce, 250
Willoughby, Lord, 231
Wilson, John, 60 n
Windybrow, 60 n
Withop Fells, 47
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 66
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 60 n
Wordsworth, John, 132
Wordsworth, William, 4, 10 n, 30, 35, 36, 60 n, 70, 71,
79, 101, 131, 137, 138 n, 147, 151, 163, 169, 171 n,
201 n, 207, 208 n, 221, 251 n
Wyndham, 41, 237
Zinzendorf, 286