Abstruse Research, 53-55
Face, the phantom of, 54
Eye-spectra, 55
Reluctance of mind to analyse, 53
Soul within the body. Window at Keswick, 54
A bliss, &c., 264
Adam's death, 51
Alas! they had been friends, &c., 62
Allston, To, 169
All thoughts, all passions, &c., 224
A man's a man, &c., 51
Analogy, 89-91
Anecdote, a genuine, 218
Anecdotes, a Sheaf of, 66-68
Beaumont, Sir G., and gauze spectacles, 67
Beaumont, Lady, her prayers, 67
GÖttingen and the hospes, 67
Godwin, Holcroft, and Underwood, 68
Holcroft and M. Wollstonecraft, 66
Exeter, the organ pipe, 67
Lamb, Charles, a call upon, 66
Rickman and George Dyer, 67
Anticipations in Nature, &c., 136
Aphorisms and Adages, 300-301
Aphorisms and Pithy Sentences, 253-256
Bookmaking, 256
Burdett, Sir Francis, 255
Catamaran, man compared with, 253
Convalescence without love, 254
Half-reconciliation, 254
Hunter, the light of his torch, 255
Love, inspired by superiority, 253
Money, the depreciation of, 254
Peninsulating river, 255
Philosophy, its plummet-line, 255
Sun, the rosy fingers of, 254
Vision and appetite, 255
Architecture and Climate, 194
Art, the pyramid in, 98
An afterthought, 99
As the sparks fly upward, 110
Ascend a step, etc., 158-159
Aspiration, a pious, 213
Association, 226
Association, of streamy, 55
A time to cry out, 220-221
Attention and sensation, 128
Auri sacra fames, 44
Ave Phoebe Imperator, 63
Being, the three estates of, 294
Bells, concerning, 210-212
Clotharius, 211
Latin distichs, 210
Names of bells, 211
Passing bells, 211
Waggon-horse, &c., in the Hartz, 211
Note on Schiller's 'Song of the Bell,' &c., 211
Bibliological memoranda, 182-183
Bird, the captive, 193
Birds caged, especially the robin, 194
Bliss, a land of, 286-287
Book-knowledge and experience, 129
Book-learning for legislators, 285
Books in the air, 206-207
Bright October, 34
Browne, William, of Ottery and Note, 157-158
Bruno, Giordano, 16, 17
Bulls in action, 156
But love is indestructible, 250
Candour another name for cant, 75
Catholic reunion, 215
Cast not your pearls, &c., 80-81
Ceres, the conversion of, 110
C'est magnifique, etc., 258
Children of a larger growth, 204
Christabel, a hint for, 223
Chymical analogies, 204-206
Clerical errors, the psychology of, 181-182
Cogitare est laborare, 66
Communicable, the, 32
Comparisons and Contrasts, 5-7
Constitution, the, and rotten cheese, 6
Eyes, meaning glances from, 6
Genoa, "Liberty" on prisons of, 7
Gratitude, the curse of, 7
Intellect, snails of, 6
Mackintosh, the style of, 6
Malice, 6
Minds, pygmy, 6
Poetry, the effect of, 5
Sot, the prayer of, 7
Southey, an ostrich, 6
Trout, his likeness to, 5
Truth, the blindness of, 7
Two dew-drops, 6
Worldly-minded men, like owls, 7
Columba, St., 129
Conceits, verbal, 108
Conscience and immortality, 201-3
Constancy, etc., 304
Conversation, his, a nimiety, &c., 103-104
Converts, the intolerance of, 74
Corruptio optimi pessima, 92, 263
Cottle, an apology for, 86
Cottle, free version of the Psalms, 235
Country and Town, 28-29
Calf-lowing, a reminiscence of Ottery, 29
Coloured bottles, reflections of, 28
Country, depraving effect of, 25
Lecture, dream concerning a, 29
Smiles on men and mountains, 29
Stones like life, and life motionless as stones, 28
Critics, immature, 128
Criticism, a principle of, 30
Criticism, minute, 167
Darwin's "Botanical Garden," 280
Death, the realisation of, 139-140
Delusion, an optical, 47
Devil, the, with a memory, 161-162
Devil, the, a recantation, 259-260
Distemper's worst calamity, 126-127
Distinction in union, 184
Document humain, 168
Dream, a, and a parenthesis, 40
Dreams, order in, 134
Dreams and Shadows, 172-173
Idea, the descent of, 172
Taper's cone of flame, a simile, 172
"As in life's noisiest hour," etc., 172
"You mould my thoughts," etc., 173
Drip, drip, drip, drip, 165
Duty and Experience, 2, 3
Human happiness, 3
Chymistry, a noble, 3
Metaphysical opinion in anguish, 3
Misfortunes a fertilising rain, 2
Pleasure and pain, 2
Real pain a panacea, 2
Duty and self-interest, 130-131
Early death, 44, 45
Easter, the Northern, 138
Education, of, 227-228
Ego, the, 15
Egotism, 14
Empyrean, the, 125
England, the righteousness of, 284
Enthusiasm, 139
Entity, a superfluous, 217
Entomology v. ontology, 94
Epigram, a divine, 273
Error, a life-long (his age), 295
Etymology, 123-124
Evil, the origin of, 36-42
Evil produces evil, 131
Experience and book knowledge, 129-130
Experiment, a doubtful, 56
Extremes meet, 52, 53
Facts and Fiction, 75
Fallings from us vanishings, 180-181
"Floods and general inundations," 282
First thoughts and friendship, 251, 252
Flowers and light, 304, 305
Flowers of speech, 269, 270
Form and feeling, 101
Formula, a comprehensive, 306-307
"For compassion a human heart," 282
For the soother in absence, 84-85
Dreams and reveries, 85
Dresden, the engraved cherry-stone, 85
Mediterranean, the white sails on, 85
Outwardly happy but no joy within, 84
Sunset in winter, and summer-set, 84
For the soother in absence, 86-87
Caracciolo and his floating corse, 87
Final causes, 87
Moonlight, crinkled circles on the sea, 87
Religion repels the gay, 86
Vicious thoughts and rhyme-terminations, 86
Diogenes, why not? 97
Interest and satisfaction, 97
For the soother in absence, 95-97
Language, its growth, etc., 95
Medical romance—a title, 96
Mylius, 96
Poets the bridlers of delight, 96
Quintetta, the, in the Syracuse Opera, 95
Recollections of pre-existent state, 96
Tarantula dance of argumentation, 97
For the soother in absence, 99-100
Quisque sui faber, 99
Nature a Penelope, 100
Root to the crown—growth of the flower, 99
For the soother in absence, 115-118
Admiralty Court maxims, 116
Convoy from England, 115
Cyphers, 118
Death and the sleeping baby, 118
Faults and forewarnings, Miss Edgeworth, 117
Johnson, Dr., and Shakspere, 115
Pen-slit, the action of, 118
Sealing-wax—where was it? 116
Totalising, disease of, 116
Voice and eye—precedence and sequence, 118
Wafers, Maltese, 115
For the soother in absence, 147-150
Conscience and watches, 150
Contra-reasoning and controversy, 149
Earthly losses and heaven, 150
Eye, the twofold power of, 149
Facts and the relation of them, 148
Metaphor and reality, 149
Negation begets errors, 147
Speculative men not unpractical, 148
War, the weariness of, no excuse for peace, 148
Word-play a cat's cradle, 149
Worldly men, their belief in sincerity, 149
For the soother in absence, 159-161
Co-arctation, 161
Dull souls may become great poet's bodies, 161
Judgment compared to Belgic towns, 160
Lover married, a frog in a well, 160
Music and the genus and particular, 160
Originality not claimed by the original, 160
Shorthandists for the House of Commons, 161
Stiletto and the rosary, 159
Water-lily and the sponge, 160
For the Soother in Absence, 162-164
Death and the tree of life, 163
Grave, our growth in, 163
Irish architect, 164
ScopÆ viarum, 164
Shooting stars and bedtime, 162
Sleep, the lovers', 164
Swift and the pine-tree, 164
Truth and action, 164
Wordsworth, an aspiration, 163
Yellowing leaflets, 163
For the Soother in Absence, 175-180
Affliction and adversity, 176
Allapse of serpents, 176
Atmosphere, every man his own, 176
Augustine, St., and a friend's misjudgment, 179
Blast, the, 178
Blue sky, yellow green at twilight, 175
Greece, the genius of, 177
Hayfield and still life, 175
Heu! quam miserum, 177
Indian fig and death of an immortal, 177
Kings, what kind of gods? 176
Love, the mighty works of, 178
Metallic pencils, 175
Parisatis, and the poisoned knife, 176
Peacock moulting, 178
Shadow, 177
Sheridan, and Bacon, 177
Sunflowers, 175
Strabo Geographicus on genius, 179
Two faces, etc., 176-177
Tycho Brahe, a subject for Allston, 175
Water-wagtails, 178
Woman, a passionate, a simile, 178
French language and poetry, 118-120
Friendship and marriage, 235-236
Genius, 233
Genius, his own, 197-198 German philosophy, his indebtedness to, 106
God, the idea of, 300
Great and little minds, 293
Great men and national worth, 150-152
Hail and farewell, 218
Halfway house, the, 195-197
Happiness made perfect, 142
Hazlitt, W., 36
Health, independence, and friendship, 248
Heart, a broken, 303
Heaviness, may endure, &c., 239, 240
Hesperus, 247, 248
Hinc illa marginalia, 91-92
Hints for the Friend, 209, 210
Authors and Buffon's fan, 209
Conscience good, and fine weather, 209
Great deeds, great hearts, and great states, 209
Hypocrisy, 210
Massy misery, 210
Mystery from wilful deafness, 210
No glory and no Christianity, a total eclipse, 210
Proud ignorance, 210
Reformers like scourers of silver plate, 209
Hints for the Friend, 221-223
Conscience, a pure, like a life-boat, 221
Dame Quickly on parties, 222
Duns Scotus on faith, 222
Foliage, not the trunk, 223
Helvetius, his selenography, 221
Lavater and Narcissus, 223
Pope, the, a simile, 233
Reliance on God and man, 222
Reviewers like jurymen, 223
Hints for the Friend, 230-233
Amboynese, and their clove trees, 232
Eloign, a word of Queen Elizabeth's, 231
Esoteric Christianity, 231
Mathematics and metaphysics, 230
Monsoon, the Chinese elephant, 232
Nature, the perception of, a comparison, 232
Paracelsus, on new words, 232
Partisans or opponents, how to address them, 231
Hope, the moon's halo an emblem of, 238
Humanity, the hope of, 137, 138
Humility, the lover's, 188
Hypothesis, of a new, 105
I will lift up, etc., 101
Idea, the birth of, 109
Idealist, the, at bay, 277-279
"If a man could pass through paradise," 282
Ignore thyself, 301
Illusion (Mr. Dennison and the "bottle man"), 144-147
Imagination 'eisenoplasy,' 236
In a twinkling of an eye, 185-186
In wonder all philosophy began, 185
Incommunicable, the, 31
Infancy and infants, 3, 4
Infinite, the, and the finite, 81
Inopem me copia fecit, 189
Insects, 271
Spiders' webs in Java, 271
LibellulidÆ, 271
TipulidÆ minimÆ, 271
Islamism, 287, 288
"Kingdom of Heavenite," a, 273
Knave, a treacherous, 28
Knowledge, a royal road to, 298-300
Knowledge and Understanding, 173
Landing places, 157
Law and gospel, 214
Liberty, the cap of, 203
Life, the idea of, 305
Light, the inward, 48
Litera scripta manet, 121
Love, 1-2
Affected by jealousy, 1
soother of misfortune, 2
Disappointed, 2
The transformer, 2
Love, 233-235
Love, the adolescence of, 68
Love, the divine essence, 133-134
Love and duty, 140-142
Love, the ineffable, 191-192
Love and music, 200-201
Lover, the humble complaint of, 190
Loves, of first, 153-154
Lucus a non lucendo, 200
Magnitude, the sense of, 112-115
Maiden's primer, 195
Marriage, the ideal, 216
Mean, the danger of, 62
Means to ends, 107
Mediterranean, the, 100
"A brisk gale and the foam," 100
Memorandum, a serious, 79
Metaphysic, a defence of, 42
Metaphysician, the, at bay, 106
Metaphysic, the aim of his, 42
Milton's blank verse, 253
Milton and Shakspere, 296-8
Mohammed, the flight of, 290-291
Moment, a, and a magic mirror, 245-246
Monition, the rage for, 68-70
Moonlight gleams and massy glories, 171
Moonset, a, 50
Morning, a gem of, 187
Mot propre, the passion for, 155
Mother wit, 226
Motion, the psychology of, 56-57
Multum in parvo, 85
Name it and you break it, 198
Nature, the night side of, 45-47
Ne quid nimis, 89
Nefas est ab hoste doceri, 76
Neither bond nor free, 195
Neutral pronoun, a, 190
Night, in the visions of, 43, 44
Nightmare, the hag, 243-245
Noscitur a sociis, 32
Not the beautiful, etc., 49-50
Obduct fronte senectus, 272-273
Observations and Reflections, 17-21
Ashes in autumn, 19
Citizens eat, rustics drink, 19
Definition hostile to images, 19
First cause and source of the Nile, 20
Love poems, a scheme of, 20
Moon, the setting, 18
My birthday, 19
Northern Lights, Derwent's birthday, 18
Shakspere and Naucratius, 21
Soul the mummy, an emblem, 20
Spring with cone of sand, 17
Stability and Instability, the cause of, 19
State, the eye of, 18
Superiors and inferiors, 20
Truths and feelings, 18
Two moon-rainbows, 19
Of a too witty book, 280-281
Official distrust, 83
O star benign! 76
O thou whose fancies, etc., 15-16
Omniscient, the comforter, 127
One music as before, etc. 168
One, the, and the good, 63
One, the many and the, 77
Opera, the, 82
Orange blossom, 134-136
Over-blaming, the danger of, 198
????? ???, 183-184
Pars altera mei, 49
Partisans and renegades, 173-174
Past and present, 1
People, the spirit of a, 288-290
Petrarch's epistles, 262, 263
Phantoms of sublimity, 170
Philanthropy and self-advertisement, 249, 250
Philosophy the friend of poetry, 78
Pindar, 168
Places and persons, 70-74
Poet, a, on poetry, 294
Poet, the, and the spider, 32
Poetic licence, a plea for, 165-166
Poetry, 4
Correction of, 4
Dr. Darwin, 5
Elder languages, the fitter for, 5
Ode, definition of, 4
Poetry and prose, 229-230
Poets as critics of poets, 127-128
Populace and people, 174
Posterity, a caution to, 159
Practical man, a, 199-200
Praise, the meed of, 284
Presentiments, 256-257
Price, Dr., 167-168
Prophecy, the manufacture of, 192-193
Prudence versus friendship, 291-293
Pseudo-poets, 156
Psychology in youth and maturity, 218
Public opinion and the services, 237
Purgatory, an intellectual, 152-153
Rain, the maddening, 154
Recollection and remembrance, 57
Reimarus and the instinct of animals, 92-95
Religion, spiritual, 138, 218-219
Remedium amoris, 266
Richardson, 166-167
Righteousness, the sun of, 162
Rugit leo, 301-303
Save me from my friends, 264-265
Science and philosophy, 261-262
Scholastic terms, a plea for, 274-275
Schoolman, a Unitarian, 58
Sea, the bright blue, 109
Self, the abstract, 120
Self-absorption and selfishness, 249
Self-esteem, excess of, 198, 199
Self-esteem, defect of, 199
Self-reproof, a measure in, 81-82
Sensations, the continuity of, 102, 103
Sentiment an antidote to casuistry, 124-125
Sentiment, morbid, 169-170
Sentiments below morals, 154
Seriores RosÆ, 274
"Lie with the ear," 274
"Like some spendthrift lord," 274
"On the same man as in a vineyard," 274
"The blossom gives not only," 274
"We all look up," 274
Sermons, ancient and modern, 237-239
Seventeen hundred and sixty yards, etc., 280
Shakspere and Malone, 88
Subject and object, 294
Silence is golden, 259
Simile, a, 76
Sine qua non, 186
Sleepless, the feint of the, 251
Solace, external, his need of, 167
Solvitur suspiciendo, 187
Sonnet, an unwritten, 295
Soul, the embryonic, 104
Spinoza, a poem on spirit or on, 61
Spinoza, the ethics of, 57
Spiritual blindness, 270
Spiritualism and mysticism, 276-277
Spooks, 281
Spring, the breath of, 305
Square, the, the circle, the pyramid, 97
Star, to the evening, 247
Style of Milton, Smectymnuus, etc., 271
Subject and object, 294
Sundog, a, 97
Sunset, a, 52
Superstition, 143-144
Supposition, a, 138
Syracuse, 78
Taste, an ethical quality, 165
Teleology and nature worship, 35
Temperament and morals, 33
That inward eye, etc., 246, 247
The body of this death, 276
The conclusion of the whole matter, 266
The greater damnation, 279
The mind's eye, 286
"The more exquisite," etc., 282
The night is at hand, 307
"The sunny mist," etc., 31
The tender mercies of the good, 208-209
"The tree or sea-weed like," etc., 31
Theism and Atheism, 285-286
Things Visible and Invisible, 7-14
Anthropomorphism and the Trinity, 14
Anti-optimism, 13
Babe, its sole notion of cruelty, 13
Cairns, J., on the Nazarites, 9
Child scolding a flower, 10
Children's words, analogous, 11
Dandelions, beards of, note, 10
Dyer, George, and poets' throttles, 9
Fisherman, the idle, note, 10
Friends' friends, reception by, note, 8
Godwin, a definition of, 13
Hartley's fire-place of stones, 13
Hazlitt's theory of picture and palette, 9
"Hot-headed men confuse," 11
"How," the substratum of philosophy, 13
Kingfishers' flight, 7
"Little Daisy," etc., 7
London and Nature, 8
Luther, his prejudices, 11
Comment, 11
Materialists and mystery, 14
Nightingale and frogs in Germany, note, 7
Quotations, rage for, 9
Reproaches and remorse, 12
Sickbed and prison, 12
"Slanting pillars of misty light," 9
Space a perception of additional magnitude, 12
Taylor, Jeremy, quotation from Via Pacis, 12
"The thin scattered rain-clouds," 12
Things perishable, thoughts imperishable, 8
Thinking and perceiving, 12
Time and likeness, 13
Upturned leaves, 10
Thoughts, a Crowd of, 58-61
Children and hard-skinned ass, 59
Ghost of a mountain, 60
Light as lovers love, 59
Man, epitheton of, 58
Palm, the, 61
Place and time, 59
Poets' bad and beautiful expressions, 59
Public schools, advantage of, 60
Rainbows stedfast in mist, 61
Rosemary tree, a, 59
Slang, religious, 60
Sopha of sods, note, 60
Stump of a tree, 61
Thought, a mortal agony of, 63
Thought and attention, 213-214
Thoughts and Fancies, 22-25
Achilles and his heel, 25
Devil at the very end of hell, 23
Dimness and numbness, 23
Friendship and comprehension, 24
Green fields after the city, 25
Happiness and paradise, 25
Hartley and the "seems," 24
Kind-hearted men refuse roughly, 23
Limbo, 22
Metaphysics, their effect on the thoughts, 23
Nature for likeness, men for difference, 25
Old world, the, and the new year, 22
Opposite talents not incompatible, 24
Poets and death, 22
Poets, his rank among, 25
Sounds and outness, 23
Swift and Socinianism, 24
Time as threefold, 22
Thought and things, 143
Thoughts-how like music at times! 139
Through doubt to faith, 85
Time an element of grief, 31
Time and eternity, 155
Time, real and imaginary, note, 241-243
Transcripts from my velvet pocket-books, 26-28
Action, the meanness of, 27
Barrow and the verbal imagination, 26
Candle-snuffers not discoverers, 26
Falling asleep, 27
New play compared to toy ship, 27
Plagiarist, a thief in the candle, 26
Post, its influence, 26
Quotation and conversation, 26
Repose after agitation, 27
Socinianism and methodism, 26
Teme, the valley of, 26
Universe, the federal republic of, 27
Wedgwood, T., and thoughts and things, 27
Transubstantiation, 61-62
Truth, 191, 220
Truth, the danger of adapting, &c., 228
Truth, the fixed stars of, 257
Turtle-shell, a, for household tub, 207-208
Unwin, Mrs., Cowper's lines to, 121-123
Unknown, the great, 284
Vain Glory, 203-204
Verbum sapientibus, 102
Ver, zer, and al, 187
Vexation, a complex, 283
Vox hiemalis, 303-304
We ask not whence, etc., 89
Wedgwood, T., and Reimarus, 91
What man has made of man, 264-265
Will, the undisciplined, 64-66
Windmill and its shadow, 77-78
Winter, a mild, 170
Woman's frowardness, 89
Words and things, 225
Words, creative power of, and images, 87
Words, the power of, 266-269
Wordsworth and The Prelude, 30
Wordsworth, John, 132
Worldly wise, 230
Wounded vanity, a salve for, 82-83
Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. London & Edinburgh
A Table of Contents has been created for this version.
The following changes have been made to the text:
Page ix: "ceasless" changed to ceaseless".
Page 73: "wordliness" changed to "worldliness".
Page 173: "PARTIZANS" changed to "PARTISANS".
Page 218: "pyschologise" changed to "psychologise".
Page 253: "strenghth" changed to "strength".
Page 320: "lifelong" changed to "life-long".
Page 320: "Caraccioli" changed to "Caracciolo".
Page 323: "philososhy" changed to "philosophy".
Page 324: "Partizans" changed to "Partisans".
Page 327: "Righteousnesss" changed to "Righteousness".
Page 330: "rainclouds" changed to "rain-clouds'.
Page 330: "hardskinned" changed to "hard-skinned".