Gammer Gurton's Story-Books. |
Newly revised and amended, for the amusement and delight of all good little Masters and Misses, by Ambrose Merton, Gent. F. S. A. Sixpenny Series. 1. The Famous History of Sir Guy of Warwick. 2. A True Tale of Robin Hood. 3. Gammer Gurton's Garland. 4. The Renowned History of Sir Bevis of Hampton. 5. The Doleful Story of the Babes in the Wood. 6. A Merry Tale of the King and the Cobbler. 7. The Famous History of Friar Bacon. 8. The Romantic Story of the Princess Rosetta. 9. A Rare Ballad of the Beggar's Daughter. 10. The Excellent History of Tom Hickathrift. 11. The Mad Pranks of Robin Goodfellow. 12. A Famous Ballad of Fair Rosamond. 13. The Pleasant Story of Patient Grissell. Each of these Famous Histories is printed in the best style, with a flower-border to every page, and one illustration by Tayler, Franklin, or Absolon, and is done up in a gold paper cover. Price 6d. Coloured Series, 9d. each. The following will shortly be published. 1. The Songs of the Fairies. 2. Whittington and his Cat. 3. Goody Two Shoes. 4. Valentine and Orson. 5. The Hermit of Warkworth. 6. The Seven Champions. 7. Tom Thumb. 8. Nursery Jingles. 9. Fortunio. 10. Brave Lord Willoughby. 11. Wise Men of Gotham. 12. George a Green. 13. The Fair One with Golden Locks. JOSEPH CUNDALL, 12, OLD BOND STREET. |