The Canyon and Falls of the Yellowstone beggar description. They are twin wonders in a Wonderland. Is there any other gorge as gorgeous as that Canyon? With such gaiety of coloring—with such delicate and lovely shades of yellows and reds, purples and pinks, greens and crimsons, all commingling in harmony from the green-fringed brink, down, down the craggy sides into sombre depths where the writhing, gleaming ribbon of river thousands of feet below, plunges along on its winding way to the sea? And the falls—the drapery of the canyon—the two silvery curtains that hang at its head—a great river pouring over a precipice and falling in glassy sheets hundreds of feet, then ruffling and flouncing and festooning until lost into the rainbow-hued mist at their feet. See all this as thousands have and thousands will from "Inspiration Point"—a rocky balcony over the gorge, with the eagle's nests below you—or from "Artist's Point" on the other side, where Moran transferred the glories of canyon and falls to canvas; or see it from any of the other places where tourists love to linger and look, and you will see the most tremendous, stupendous, alluring and altogether splendid spectacle that Nature ever spread out for the wonder, amazement and delight of mortal eyes. MAP OF OREGON SHORT LINE, UNION PACIFIC, OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO., SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND CONNECTIONS (facing pgs) MAP OF OREGON SHORT LINE, UNION PACIFIC, OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO., SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND CONNECTIONS (facing pgs) larger Bridge above The Rapids Bridge above The Rapids larger untitled The Upper Falls The Upper Falls larger untitled YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Oregon Short Line Railroad