The baggage limit on coaches is 25 pounds. Excess rate per pound 10 cents. Trunks are not transported through the Park. They may be stored free of charge at Yellowstone, Pocatello, Ogden or Salt Lake City, or they will be sent around to Gardiner by rail for tourists going out that way. Tourists entering via Gardiner and touring the Park by coaches operating from there, if routed out through the western entrance, will transfer to the M. & Y. Stage Line at Norris. They should arrange at Mammoth for transfer of baggage and Oregon Short Line Pullman reservations. Provisions will be made at Yellowstone station for the care of ladies' hats, and for cleaning and pressing clothing while passengers are en tour through the Park. A nominal charge will be made for this service.
OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD Mammoth Hot Springs Mammoth Hot Springs larger Castle Geyser Castle Geyser larger untitled