The legislation recommended for protection of mussel beds, based upon the considerations discussed in the preceding pages, may be summarized as follows: -
A single size limit should be fixed as applicable to all shells taken. The minimum size here proposed is 2 inches. -
The method of measuring the shell should be defined as "in greatest dimension." -
Possession of undersized shells, whether or not sold or offered for sale, should be illegal. -
There should be an allowable margin of undersized shells for unintentional violation. -
Alternate portions of rivers or river systems should be closed for a period of years, to permit recuperation of mussel beds. -
The units of division of a river system should be large enough to make enforcement practicable with least expense. -
The river would conveniently be broken at the few points where there is most community interest involved in the shelling. -
Approximately five-year periods of closure are recommended, with some discretion allowed to executive officers as to duration of period. -
Closed regions should be established by proclamation of the governor of the State, after expert examination of the mussel beds and after public hearings on the subject in the communities affected. -
Officers charged with enforcement of the law should be empowered to examine mussels or shells in boats or on land and to seize the catch in case of violation, as well as to arrest or cause arrests to be made. -
Provision should be made for the issue of permits for the taking of mussels of any size or in any region for scientific uses and not for sale. Transcriber's note: Everything (including inconsistent hyphenation and spelling) has been retained as printed, unless stated below: p. 7: "Misippi River" changed to Mississippi River Plates were moved to paragraph breaks. Some words were broken up due to line endings. As they only occur once in the book it's not absolutely clear if they should be hyphenated or not. This concerns the words: short-sightedness, sand-shell, head-waters. |