- Adolescence and Religion, 177-8, 181, 276-7.
- Adolescence and Primitive Customs, 178.
- Adolescence and Nervous Disorders, 196-7.
- Adolescence, Social Significance of, 183-5.
- AgapÆ, 152.
- Asceticism, 121, 125, 146, 208-13.
- Asceticism and Purity, 213.
- Asceticism, Influence on Religion, 224-5.
- Augustine, 157.
- Authority, Conflict with Science, viii.
- Baring-Gould, S., 147, 153, 209.
- Baring-Gould, S., on Mysticism and Sexualism, 125, 151.
- Brinton, D. G., on Origin of Religion, 14.
- Bryce, J., 232.
- Buckle, T. H., 256.
- Catherine of Sienna, 85, 129.
- Celibacy, 214-5.
- Celibacy, Results on Morals, 220-3.
- Celibacy, Social Consequences of, 216-9, 220-3.
- Clouston, Sir T. S., on Revivals, 195.
- Clouston, Sir T. S., on the Connection between Sexualism and Religion, 140.
- Conversion, Pathological Nature of, 194.
- Conversion and Adolescence, 32, 176-7, 276.
- Conversion, Theological Notions of, 169-71.
- Conversion, Ages of Converts, 174-5, 194-5.
- Conversion, Statistics of, 173-5.
- Conversion and Imitation, 188.
- Conversion, Social Aspects of, 200.
- Convulsionnaires (The), 239.
- Crowd Psychology, 206.
- Crusades, Character of, 227-9.
- Crusades, Children's, 230.
- Crusades, Consequences of, 232-3.
- Cudworth, R., 259.
- Dalyell, J. G., 257.
- Dancing and Religious Ecstasy, 60-1.
- Dancing Epidemics, 236-40.
- Death, Savage Ideas of, 44.
- Demoniacs, 77.
- Disease, Theory of, amongst Primitive Peoples, 46.
- Disease, Theory of, amongst the Early Christians, 47.
- D'Israeli, I., on Sexualism and Religion, 17, 135.
- Draper, J. W., 231.
- Drugs, their use in the history of Religion, 57.
- Environment, 36, 38.
- Environment, Nature of Primitive, 39.
- Epilepsy, Influence of, in fostering Supernaturalism, 80.
- Symonds, J. A., Experience under Chloroform, 29.
- Theologians, Attitude towards Science, ix.
- Thomas, W. I., 182.
- Tylor, E. B., 1, 49, 54, 55, 71, 182, 193.
- Unclean, Religious Significance of, 100-1.
- Whittaker, T., on the Effects of Opium, 58.
- Williams, A., 250.
- Witchcraft, 27, 243.
- Pathology of, 246-7.
- and Christian Church, 244.
- Bull of Innocent VIII., 248.
- Extent of Epidemic, 250.
- and Sir Thomas Browne, 265.
- and Montaigne, 267.
- and Sir M. Hale, 266.
- and John Wesley, 259.
- and Luther, 253.
- and Protestantism, 252-3.
- Scottish, 255-6-7-8, 267.
- American, 254-5.
- Children burned for, 251.
- Description of Trial, 263-6.
- Legislation in England, 253, 267.
- Witches, Methods of Detection, 260-1.
- Witches, Number killed, 250-1.
- Woman, Christian Church and, 102.
- Woman, why considered religiously unclean, 103.
- Woman, a Source of Spiritual Infection, 99.
- Woman, Influence of Religious Beliefs in determining her Social Position, 102-3, 110-9.
- Woman, Position among Primitive Peoples, 115.
- Wright, T., 251.
The following corrections were made: - p. 21: extra open quote removed (In what sense)
- p. 24: Dr. W. H. Ireland to Dr. W. W. Ireland (as given by Dr. W. W. Ireland)
- p. 25: Nuremburg to Nuremberg (came from Nuremberg), to match cited text
- p. 46: Crook to Crooke (says Mr. W. Crooke)
- p. 46: Ahmadnager to Ahmadnagar (Mahadeo Kolis of Ahmadnagar)
- p. 57: DeCandolle to De Candolle (says De Candolle)
- p. 58 (Footnote 26): PharmÆcology to Pharmacology (Text-Book of Pharmacology)
- p. 70: Persel to Pernel (St. Pernel for agues), to match cited text
- p. 75: everyone to every one (every one of the senses)
- p. 76: Connolly to Conolly (Dr. Conolly Norman)
- pp. 86 (Footnote 63), and 130 (Footnote 107): Joli to Joly (H. Joly)
- p. 101 (Footnote 76): on to in (Studies in the Psychology of Sex)
- p. 114: is to are (Nor are the substantial facts)
- p. 123 (Footnote 96): Problem to Question (The Sexual Question)
- pp. 125, 128 (Footnote 105), and 287 (Index): Kraft-Ebing to Krafft-Ebing
- p. 127: Loudon to Loudun (Convent of Ursulines of Loudun)
- p. 127 (Footnote 104): of America to in North America (Jesuits in North America)
- p. 128: Alacocque to Alacoque (The blessed Mary Alacoque)
- p. 149 (Footnote 123): Life of St. Paul to Study of St. Paul
- p. 166 (Footnote 140): Churches to Church (Heard's description, Russian Church)
- p. 178: tatooing to tattooing (tattooing forms part of the religious ceremony)
- p. 182 (Footnote 151): missing 4 added in 241 (pp. 241-48)
- p. 209: Brahminism to Brahmanism (Brahmanism has its order of ascetics), to match cited text
- p. 209: missing close quote added (consecrated to Tezcatlipoca.")
- p. 249 (Footnote 188): Enenmoser to Ennemoser (is given by Ennemoser)
- p. 250 (Footnote 190): A. Williams, The Superstition of Witchcraft to H. Williams, The Superstitions of Witchcraft
- p. 251 (Footnote 191): History to Narratives (Narratives of Sorcery and Magic)
- pp. 263, 264: Tacy to Pacy (Elizabeth and Deborah Pacy)
- p. 286 (Index): Ireland, Dr. W. H. to Ireland, Dr. W. W.
- p. 286 (Index): Millman, H. H. to Milman, H. H.
Irregularities in hyphenation (e.g. supernormal vs. super-normal) and misquotations have not been corrected. Unless it was found that the error also occurred in the cited text, misspellings have been corrected. Although Footnote 81 (originally on p. 104) refers to a "note at the end of this chapter," the "NOTE TO PAGE 104" begins on p. 110, several pages before the chapter ends. This has not been changed. Footnotes markers have been changed from symbols (in the original) to numerals. The format of chapter headings has been standardized. |