| Page. | Memoir of Hon. Samuel Sewall, | 105 | Letter of Chief-Justice Sewall, | 111 | Col. Gookin's Letter, | 113 | History of the Pilgrim Society, | 114 | Passengers of the Golden Hind, | 126 | Passengers of the Speedwell, | 132 | Examination of the Quakers, | 132 | Complete List of the Ministers of Boston, | 134 | First Settlers of New England, | 137 | Capital Offences in Massachusetts, | 139 | Juridical Statistics of Merrimack County, N. H., | 140 | Reasons for Genealogical Investigations, | 147 | Our Ancestors, | 149 | Congregational Ministers and Churches in Rockingham County, N. H., | 150 | Proprietors of New Haven, Ct., | 157 | Memoir of Enoch Parsons, Esq., | 159 | Philosophy of Life, | 163 | Genealogy of the Cotton Family, | 164 | Genealogy of the Butler Family, | 167 | Genealogy of the Minot Family, | 171 | Biographical Notices of Deceased Physicians in Massachusetts, | 178 | Sketches of Alumni at the different Colleges in New England, | 182 | Dr. Watts's Letter of Condolence to Madam Sewall, | 191 | List of Ancient Names in Boston and Vicinity, | 193 | Family Increase, | 196 | Instances of Longevity, | 196 | Marriages and Deaths, | 197 | Notices of New Publications, | 199 | N. Emmons Pinxt. O. Pelton. The Honble Samuel Sewall Esqir. Late Chief Justice of His Maj's Province of Massachusetts Bay in N.E. And Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk. Æ. 77. 1728. Auris, mens, oculus, manus, os, pes; munere fungi, dum Pergunt Praestat discere velle mori. NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. VOL. I. APRIL, 1847. NO. 2.