- Charge through an Abatis Frontispiece
- The First Subscription 1
- Capitol at Washington 4
- Pro Patria 7
- Sixth Massachusetts Regiment in Baltimore 8
- Guarding Long Bridge 12
- Aid Society's Store-Room 16
- The Ideal Freedman 16
- Ladies working for the Army 22
- Forwarded Free 29
- Ellsworth Zouave Drill 46
- General Grant—General Sherman 54
- Hauling Cotton 62
- Baltimore in 1861 75
- East Tennessee Refugees 92
- A Mississippi School-house 96
- Gunboats in Line 102
- With Dispatch 109
- General McClellan at Williamsburg 110
- General McClellan at the Battle of Antietam 114
- The Sunken Road 118
- Battle of Antietam 120
- For the Boys in Blue 121
- Slaves fleeing to the Army for Protection 128
- A Silent Spectator 136
- Fredericksburg 140
- Franklin's Attack 155
- Tattoo 173
- The Magic Lantern in the Hospital 174
- The Christian Commission in the Field 176
- Busy Fingers 178
- Chancellorsville 188
- Battery at Chancellorsville 194
- Sedgwick's Attack 201
- Leading a Charge 204
- Salem Church 208
- "Keep out of the Draft" 211
- Night March of Cavalry 214
- Kearny Cross 223
- The Nation's Ward 234
- A Bird's-Nest Bank 247
- Cavalry Charge 258
- Advance to Gettysburg 263
- The Color-Bearer 272
- Gettysburg Battle-Field
The first subscription. THE BOYS OF '61.