Fig. | | Page | 1. | Copper Halbert, Birr find, | 7 | 2. | Copper celts, Birr find, | 8 | 3. | Copper knife and awls found at Knocknague, | 9 | 4. | Copper celts, | 10 | 5. | Copper celts from Cappeen, Co. Cork, | 11 | 6. | Stone mould for casting celts, | 12 | 7. | Halbert blades, | 13 | 8. | Halbert blades, | 14 | 9. | Halbert blades, | 15 | 10. | Halbert blades, | 16 | 11. | Halberts from North Germany and Sweden, | 18 | 12. | Halberts from South and East Spain, | 19 | 13. | Rock markings, Maritime Alps, | 20 | 14. | Stone pick from the Bann, | 21 | 15. | Deer-horn pick, | 21 | 16. | Ornamented bronze celts, | 24 | | Plate I, Irish bronze celts in the order of their development, | 24 | 17. | Ornamented bronze celts, | 25 | 18. | Ornamented bronze celts, | 26 | 19. | Winged celt, | 27 | 20. | Winged celt, | 27 | 21. | Palstave with double loops, | 27 | 22. | Bronze anvil, | 28 | 23. | Bronze hammers, | 28 | 24. | Dagger and spear-heads, | 29 | 25. | Spear-heads, | 30 | 26. | Spear-heads, | 31 | 27. | Rapier and spear-head, | 31 | 28. | Leaf-shaped spear-heads, | 32 | 29. | Ornamented socket of spear-head, | 32 | 30. | Leaf-shaped spear-heads found at the Ford, Belturbet, | 33 | 31. | Spear-heads with loops joining the blade, | 34 | 32. | Spear-heads, | 34 | 33. | Ornamental spear-heads, with openings in the blade, | 35 | 34. | Portion of spear-head, with studs at the base of the wings, | 35 | 35. | Spear-heads with openings in the blades, | 36 | 36. | Spear-heads with ornamental loops in the blades, | 37 | 37. | Spear-head found at Tempo, Co. Fermanagh, | 37 | 38. | Half of mould for casting a socketed spear-head, Killymeddy, Co. Antrim, | 38 | THE BRONZE AGE IN IRELAND ———————
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