Melilotus alba. | Pure water. | Cane sugar in solution (per cent). | |||||||
8 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 | 35 | 45 | 55 | ||
Germination of pollen per cent | 33 | 23 | 64 | 46 | 60 | 46 | 31 | 22 | 0 |
The results given in Table I represent the average of 12 tests. Some of the pollen grains burst in pure water and in the weak cane sugar solutions, the percentage of bursting being greatest in pure water and decreasing as the percentage of sugar in the solution was increased. There was considerable variation in the percentages of germination in both water and in the solutions of different strengths, and at times there was very little bursting which was not accompanied by a high percentage of germination. The pollen tubes grew as rapidly in water as in any of the sugar solutions, some reaching a
To judge from Table I, the pollen of sweet clover can be effective not only under ordinary conditions but also when the flowers are wet with rain or dew or when the stigma is so dry that in order to obtain water from the papillÆ the pollen must overcome a high resistance offered by the sap of the papillÆ, a resistance that may be equal to the osmotic pressure of a 45 per cent solution of cane sugar. This is in accord with results obtained under field conditions; as flowers that were pollinated while rain was falling set seed satisfactorily, indicating that a high percentage of humidity in the atmosphere does not check the germination of the pollen sufficiently to interfere with fertilization. Neither was the setting of seed affected when the soil about the roots of plants was kept saturated with water, showing that the excessive quantity of water in the stigmas resulting from an abundance of water in the soil did not interfere with the fertilization of the flowers.
No definite counts were made of the germination of the pollen of Melilotus officinalis in the solutions of cane sugar of different strengths, but observations show that the moisture requirement of the pollen of this species is approximately the same as that of Melilotus alba.
Results published by previous investigators on the cross-pollination and self-pollination of sweet clover do not agree. The experiments of Darwin (4) show that the flowers are self-pollinated to only a small extent. On the other hand, Kirchner (18) and Kerner (17) find that self-pollination occurs generally and that cross-pollination is not necessary for the production of seed. However, all investigators agree that many different kinds of insects are able to pollinate sweet clover.
Because of the diverse opinions as to the pollination of sweet clover, a number of experiments were conducted to determine (1) whether insect visitation was necessary to pollinate the flowers, (2) if necessary, whether the flowers must be cross-pollinated, and (3) what insects are active agents as pollinators of sweet clover.
[2] The writers wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to Mr. Carl Kurtzweil for assistance in conducting part of the field experiments at Ames.
Experiments were conducted to determine, if possible, the effect of various types of artificial manipulation of sweet-clover flowers when in full bloom on the production of seed. Only healthy, vigorous
Fig. 5.—Individual racemes of white sweet clover covered with cheesecloth to protect them from insect visitation.
Experiment. | Method of pollinating the flowers. |
A | Check—covered. |
B | Check—open to insect visitation at all times. |
C | A separate toothpick was used to spring the keel of each flower on the raceme. |
D | One toothpick was used to spring the keels of all the flowers on a raceme. |
E | Cross-pollinated. |
F | Raceme rolled several times between thumb and finger. |
As insects, and especially honeybees, usually visit all recently opened flowers on a raceme, experiments C and D were conducted to determine whether more seed would be produced when pollen from other flowers on the same raceme was placed on the stigmas of the flowers than when only the pollen produced by each flower was placed on its own stigma. The effect of pollination when only the pollen produced by an individual flower was placed on its own stigmas was also obtained in experiment F, as by this method of pollination no pollen was transferred from one flower to another. It can not be stated definitely that the seed produced by the cross-pollinated flowers was the result of fertilization with foreign pollen, as the anthers were not removed from the flowers pollinated because it would be necessary to remove the anthers when the flowers were not more than two-thirds mature, and in doing this the flowers would be so mutilated that only occasionally would pollination at this time or at a later date be effective. The flowers listed in experiment E were pollinated a short time before they opened, and in each case pollen taken from flowers of other plants was placed on the stigmas. The petals of the cross-pollinated flowers were not mutilated, and in each case they returned to their original positions soon after pollination. The results obtained in experiment B, where the racemes were simply labeled and left open to the action of insects at all times, serve for comparison with other experiments where the flowers were protected from insect visitation and were artificially manipulated.
Martin (25) found the setting of alfalfa seed and Westgate (40) found the setting of red-clover seed to be affected by an excessive quantity of moisture in the soil or atmosphere. In order to overcome the possible effect of this or of other detrimental factors, in each experiment only the flowers on a certain number of racemes were pollinated at one time. All of the experiments were repeated a number of times during the months of July and August, 1916, and the results given in Table III show the total number of flowers pollinated and the number of pods that formed during the two months.
The results presented in Table III show that flowers fertilized with pollen transferred from another plant produced a higher percentage of pods than any of the other treatments. The results obtained in experiment D, where the same toothpick was used to spring the keels of all the flowers on a raceme, show that this method of pollination produced an average of 7.24 pods per raceme more than the racemes in experiment C. where a separate toothpick was used for each flower. These results indicate that pollen transferred from one flower to another on the same raceme is more effective than when the pollen produced by an individual flower is used to fertilize its own stigma. However, the results of experiment C prove that self-pollination is effective in Melilotus alba. In experiment B. which
Location. | Experiment. | Total number of— | Flowers that set seed (per cent). | ||||
Racemes. | Flowers. | Pods set. | At each station. | Average. | |||
Arlington | A | 49 | 3,510 | 144 | 4.1 | } | 2.9 |
Ames | A | 84 | 4,536 | 92 | 2.0 | ||
Arlington | B | 100 | 5,599 | 3,973 | 70.95 | } | 66.51 |
Ames | B | 196 | 1,276 | 600 | 47.02 | ||
Arlington | C | 50 | 1,229 | 701 | 57.03 | } | 54.94 |
Ames | C | 75 | 289 | 133 | 46.02 | ||
Arlington | D | 50 | 1,480 | 936 | 63.24 | } | 62.18 |
Ames | D | 88 | 575 | 342 | 59.47 | ||
Arlington | E | 31 | 377 | 307 | 81.43 | } | 70.10 |
Ames | E | 48 | 175 | 80 | 45.71 | ||
Arlington | F | 30 | 933 | 524 | 56.16 | ......... |
The production of seed of Melilotus alba under ordinary field conditions varies considerably, not only in different parts of the country but also on different fields in the same region. A number of factors contribute to this variation, one of the most important of which appears to be the inability of the plant to supply all the developing seed with sufficient moisture, causing some of them to abort. As pointed out on page 22 this condition was very marked in certain parts of the country in 1916. However, poor seed production is not always correlated with lack of moisture, for the seed crop was a failure in 1915, where cloudy and rainy weather prevailed much of the time the plants were in bloom. It is believed that the lack of pollination by insects was the principal cause for the failure of seed to set, as very few insects visit sweet-clover flowers when such conditions prevail. As sweet-clover pollen will germinate in pure water and as plants which have their roots submerged in water set seed abundantly when pollinated, the failure of the seed crop in 1915 was not due to excessive moisture.
As a rule, thin stands of sweet clover produce more seed to the acre than thick stands and isolated plants more seed than those growing in either a thick or thin stand. The correlation of seed
A plant approximately 3 feet high growing close to the center of a field at Arlington. Va., in which was an average stand of four sweet-clover plants to the square foot was selected in order to determine the number of racemes produced and the average number of seeds to the raceme. This plant produced 196 racemes, which contained an average of 20.4 pods each. The racemes varied from 2 to 10 cm. in length, and the number of pods to the raceme ranged from to 75. The racemes on the upper and most exposed portions of the plants were larger and the flowers produced a much higher percentage of pods than the racemes close to the bases of the larger branches. Many of the small racemes on the lower branches produced less than five pods each.
The data obtained from the two plants at Arlington that were protected from night-flying insects may also be cited here, as the results of that experiment show that night-flying insects are not an important factor in the production of sweet-clover seed, and, further. because they were growing under the same conditions, in the same plat, and were approximately of the same size. These two plants produced a total of 544 racemes, with an average of 20.9 pods each. The number of pods to the raceme varied from to 86.
In order further to test the self-sterility of sweet clover and to determine the relative efficiency of night-flying and of different kinds of day-flying insects as pollinators of the flowers, a number of cages covered with cheesecloth, glass, or wire screen having 14 meshes to the linear inch were placed over plants at Arlington. Va., and at Ames. Iowa, in July and August. 1916. The bases of the cages were buried several inches in the ground, so that insects could not pass under them. Cheesecloth was used to cover most of the cages and was made into sacks of such a size that they could be put on or removed from the frames of the cages without difficulty. It was stretched tightly over the frames and fastened to their bases with laths.
A cage having two sides and the top of glass but with ends covered with cheesecloth to permit ventilation was used at Ames to protect a number of plants from insect visitation at all times. The purpose
The cage covered with wire netting having 14 meshes to the linear inch was used to determine the efficiency as pollinators of sweet clover of insects so small that they could pass through openings of this size.
The plants used in the experiments at Arlington were growing close to the center of a field of sweet clover. Volunteer plants in a field that contained only a scattering stand were used at Ames. The cages were placed over the plants in all of these experiments before any of the flowers opened, and the work was continued until they were through blooming.
A plant subject to insect visits at all times and growing in the same plat as those inclosed in the cages at Arlington was selected as a check to those inclosed in the cages during their entire flowering period or for only a portion of it. This plant, which was in bloom at the same time as those inclosed in the cages, produced 196 racemes with an average of 20.4 pods each. As all of the racemes were collected and as those on the lower portions of the plant were smaller than those on the upper branches, the average number of seeds per raceme is much lower than it would have been if only the larger racemes had been collected.
An isolated plant that was subject to insect visits at all times was selected for a check to the cage work conducted at Ames. This was necessary in order to get results that would be comparable with those obtained from the plants inclosed in the cages, as the cage experiments at Ames were conducted with isolated plants. The plant produced 239 racemes, with an average of 41.6 pods.
On July 3, 1916, a cage 3 feet square and 3½ feet high, covered with cheesecloth, was placed over three sweet-clover plants at Arlington. (Fig. 6.) This cage was not opened until August 3, when practically all of the racemes had passed the flowering stage and the few seeds that formed on some of them were practically mature. The three plants inclosed in the cage produced 904 racemes, with an average of 0.63 pod each. No pods were produced on 594 racemes, while 150 produced but one each. None of the racemes produced more than five pods.
This experiment was duplicated at Ames in August, 1916, with the result that the three protected plants produced a total of 776 racemes, with an average of 0.19 pod each.
Fig. 6.—Cage covered with cheesecloth to protect plants from insect visitation.
The plants inclosed at Arlington produced 0.44 pod to the raceme more than the plants inclosed at Ames, and the average for the six plants at Arlington and at Ames is only 0.42 pod to the raceme. Results given below for nine plants inclosed in the glass-covered cage show that the pods produced per raceme by different plants varied from 0.1 to 0.45, which is slightly less than the variation in the two cages covered with cheese-cloth.
In order to determine whether the shading of the plants in the cheesecloth-covered cages had caused the production of seed to be reduced, a cage 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 10 feet long, having glass sides and top, but with ends covered with cheesecloth to permit ventilation, was placed over nine plants at Ames in August, 1916. The results obtained in this experiment are presented in Table IV.
Plant. | Racemes per plant. | Pods produced by all racemes. | Average number of pods to the raceme. |
No. 1 | 84 | 17 | 0.20 |
No. 2 | 130 | 58 | .44 |
No. 3 | 166 | 30 | .18 |
No. 4 | 199 | 88 | .44 |
No. 5 | 243 | 35 | .27 |
No. 6 | 131 | 36 | .27 |
No. 7 | 119 | 13 | .10 |
No. 8 | 182 | 83 | .45 |
No. 9 | 340 | 142 | .41 |
Total | 1,594 | 592 | ....... |
Average | ....... | ....... | .31 |
The results given in Table IV show that an average of 0.31 of a pod to the raceme was obtained from 1,594 racemes and that the variation in seed production of the different plants was from 0.1 to 0.45 to the raceme. The average seed production for the nine plants
In order to determine the importance of night-flying insects as pollinators, two cheesecloth-covered cages 3 feet square and 3½ feet high were placed over sweet-clover plants at Arlington on July 10, 1916. The covers of the cages were removed each evening at 7:30 and replaced each morning at 4:30 o'clock. Practically all the flowers on these plants had bloomed by August 2, and the seed produced was nearly mature. The few racemes that contained opened flowers or buds were discarded. The three plants in one cage produced 723 racemes, with an average of 3.76 pods each, while the one plant in the other cage produced 227 racemes, with an average of 3.58 pods to the raceme. The four plants, therefore, produced a total of 950 racemes, with an average of 3.71 pods each. The only night-flying insect found working on sweet clover while these plants were in bloom was Diacrisia virginica Fabr.
This experiment was duplicated at Ames in August, 1916, with the result that one plant subject to visitation only by night-flying insects produced 486 racemes, with an average of 16.5 pods each.
The results obtained in these experiments show that night-flying insects were much more active in pollinating sweet clover at Ames than at Arlington. However, as the results obtained from the plants subject to visitation by day-flying insects only were practically the same as those obtained from plants which were subject to insect visitation at all times, it is concluded that night-flying insects were not a factor in the pollination of sweet clover at Arlington or at Ames in 1916.
A cheesecloth-covered cage, 3 feet square and 3½ feet high, was placed on July 7, 1916, over two sweet-clover plants at Arlington, before any of the flowers opened. As the cover of this cage was removed at 7.30 a. m. and replaced at 4.30 p. m. each day during the experiment, the plants were subject to visitation by day-flying insects only. As soon as all of the flowers on most of the racemes had bloomed, and before any mature pods shattered, the racemes were removed from the plants and the pods produced by each raceme counted. The two plants produced a total of 544 racemes, with an average of 20.9 pods each.
This experiment was also conducted at Ames. One plant was protected from insect visitation at night in August, 1916, with the result that it produced 418 racemes, with an average of 41.11 pods each.
It is well known that many small insects, and especially those belonging to the family SyrphidÆ and to the genus Halictus, frequent sweet-clover flowers, but no records have been noted that show how important these insects are as pollinators of this plant. In order to obtain data on this subject a cage 12 feet square and 6½ feet high, made of wire screen having 14 meshes to the linear inch, was placed over a few plants at Ames, in July, 1916, before they began to bloom. The base of the cage was buried several inches in the soil, so that no insects could get into it. As these plants were growing in a field where there was a sufficient supply of moisture at all times, they made a growth of 5 to 6 feet. For this reason all the racemes were collected from only a portion of one of the plants instead of from the entire plant, as was done with the smaller ones inclosed in the cheesecloth-covered cages. The branches selected contained 224 racemes, with an average of 24.53 pods each. Many insects that were able to pass through the wire netting were observed working on the flowers of the inclosed plants.
A check plant, subject to visitation by all insects and growing within a few yards of the cage, contained 264 racemes, with an average of 28.23 pods each.
This experiment shows that small insects are efficient pollinators of sweet clover and that the plant to which all insects had access produced an average of only 3.7 pods to the raceme more than the one inclosed in the cage. As these plants were growing close to a strip of timber and some distance from a field of sweet clover, it is probable that more small insects worked on the flowers than would have been the case if the cage had been located in the center of a field of sweet clover. Though these results show that small insects are able to pollinate sweet-clover flowers freely, it is very doubtful whether insects of this kind would be numerous enough to pollinate sufficient flowers in a large field of sweet clover for profitable seed production. The honeybee is the most efficient pollinator of this plant, and it is believed that in many sections it is responsible for the pollination of more than half of the flowers.
The data secured in the different experiments where sweet-clover flowers were subject to insect visitation at one time or another are presented in detail in Table V.
Location. | Number of plants. | Method of treatment. | Number of— | ||
Racemes. | Pods produced. | Pods per raceme, average. | |||
Arlington. | 1 | Check—subject to insect visitation at all times. | 196 | 4,013 | 20.47 |
Ames. | 1 | do. | 239 | 9,943 | 41.60 |
Arlington. | 3 | Protected from all insects. | 904 | 577 | .63 |
Ames. | 12 | do. | 2,370 | 653 | .27 |
Arlington. | 3 | Visited by night-flying insects only (cage 1). | 723 | 2,720 | 3.76 |
Do. | 1 | Visited by night-flying insects only (cage 2). | 227 | 152 | .67 |
Ames. | 1 | Visited by night-flying insects only. | 486 | 8,024 | 16.51 |
Arlington. | 2 | Visited by day-flying insects only. | 544 | 11,397 | 20.95 |
Ames. | 1 | do. | 418 | 17,186 | 41.11 |
Do. | 9 | Protected from all insects. | 1,594 | 502 | .31 |
The results in Table V show that an average of 0.37 pod to the raceme was obtained from the plants protected from visitation by all insects during the flowering period. As the racemes of Melilotus alba will average approximately 50 flowers each, less than 1 per cent of them set seed without being pollinated by insects. The results obtained in the cages in which only night-flying insects had access to the flowers show that these insects pollinate sweet clover to a slight extent, but that the number of pods produced by them is so few that it may be assumed that these flowers would have been pollinated by day-flying insects. This assumption is borne out by the results obtained in the cages where only day-flying insects had access to the flowers, as the results obtained in these cages at Arlington and Ames, respectively, are approximately the same as those obtained on the plants subject to insect visitation at all times. It will be noted that the yield of seed on the plants visited by insects at Ames is much higher than that of the plants subjected to insect visits during the same period at Arlington. This difference in seed yield may be attributed to the fact that isolated plants were used in the experiments at Ames, and at Arlington the experiments were conducted with plants growing under field conditions.
Observations of sweet-clover plants grown under cultivation, and especially when the stands were thick, showed that the flowers of the racemes on the upper and exposed branches produced a larger percentage of seed than those on the lower branches which were less exposed. It is thought by some that the failure of the flowers on the lower racemes to be fertilized is due to shading; but the results obtained in the cheesecloth and glass covered cages do not warrant this
In order to obtain information upon the number of flowers that produce seed on the upper and lower portions, respectively, of sweet-clover plants when grown under field conditions and where the stand contained four to five plants to the square foot, a number of racemes were labeled on different portions of the plants at Ames in 1915 and 1916. When the pods were partly mature, records were made of the number of flowers that produced pods. The results obtained are given in Table VI.
Year. | Position of the flowers. | Number of flowers. | Pods formed. | |||
Number. | Percentage. | Average. | ||||
1915 | Upper half of plants | 812 | 357 | 43.9 | } | 42.6 |
1916 | do | 261 | 101 | 38.7 | ||
1915 | Lower half of plants | 344 | 44 | 12.7 | } | 18.3 |
1916 | do | 216 | 59 | 27.3 |
The flowers on the upper racemes of the plants produced 31.2 per cent more pods than those on the lower racemes in 1915. and 11.4 per cent more in 1916. These results prove that insects more frequently visit the flowers that are directly exposed and are therefore more accessible.
The seed production of sweet clover is seldom satisfactory when rainy or muggy weather prevails during the flowering period. In order to obtain data as to the relation existing between the visits of insects and the prevailing weather conditions, a record of insect visits and of the number of flowers that opened each day was kept for a period of nine days at Ames in August, 1915.
In this experiment the racemes were marked early each morning just above the last flowers which had opened the previous day, and early the following morning the number of flowers which had opened the previous day was noted. The number of flowers that were pollinated was determined by the number of pods that formed. Table VII gives in detail the results obtained.
Date, 1915. | Weather conditions. | Insect visitors. | Number of flowers that opened. | Pods formed. | Percentage of flowers that matured. | |
Aug. 16 | Cloudy and showery | Very few | 102 | 18 | 17.6 | |
Aug. 17 | Rain all day | None | 69 | 4 | 5.7 | |
Aug. 18 | Cloudy most of the day | Very few | 60 | 20 | 33.3 | |
Aug. 19 | Clear and cool | Numerous | 94 | 53 | 56.3 | |
Aug. 20 | Mostly clear and warm | do | 61 | 38 | 62.2 | |
Aug. 21 | Clear and warm | do | 81 | 44 | 54.3 | |
Aug. 22 | Partly cloudy and warm | } | do | 181 | 100 | 55.2 |
Aug. 23 | do | |||||
Aug.24 | Cloudy till mid-afternoon | Few | 37 | 12 | 32.4 |
The data given in Table VII show that the percentage of effective pollination is much higher in clear weather, when insects are active, than in cloudy or rainy weather, when but few insects visit the flowers.
On account of the ease with which the heavy flow of nectar of sweet-clover flowers may be obtained many insects visit the flowers, thereby pollinating them. While the useful insect visitors of flowers of red clover are limited to a few species of Hymenoptera, those pollinating sweet-clover blossoms are many and belong to such orders as Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera, as well as to the Hymenoptera. However, in the United States the honeybee is the most important pollinator of sweet clover. In many parts of the country the different species of Halictus, commonly known as sweat bees, rank next in importance. The margined soldier beetles (Chauliognathus marginatus Fabr.) were very active pollinators at Arlington, Va., in the latter part of June and first part of July, 1916, but the woolly bear (Diacrisia virginica Fabr.) was the only night-flying insect found working on sweet clover at Arlington.
Insects belonging to the genera Halictus, Syritta, and Paragus were very active pollinators at Ames, Iowa, in 1916, and ranked next in importance to the honeybee. In fact, the results obtained in the cage where the plants were protected from visitation by insects that could not pass through a screen having 14 meshes to the linear inch showed that these small insects were able under the conditions of that experiment to pollinate practically as many flowers as larger insects.
The insects listed below were collected while visiting Melilotus alba and M. officinalis flowers in 1916.
Neuroptera.—Perithemis domitia Dru., Enallagma sp.
Hemiptera.—Adelphocoris rapidus Say, Lygus pratensis Linn, (tarnished plant bug).
Coleoptera.—Chauliognathus marginatus Fabr. (margined soldier beetle), Diabrotica 12-punctata Oliv. (southern corn rootworm).
Lepidoptera.—Pieris protodice Bd. (imported cabbage butterfly), Heodes hypophleas Bd., Lycaena comyntas Gdt., Hylephila campestris Bd., Scepsis fulvicollis Hubn., Ancyloxypha numitor Fabr., Pholisora catullus Fabr., Pyraustid sp., Loxostege similalis Gn. (garden webworm), Thecla melinus Hubn., Colias philodice Gdt. (the common sulphur butterfly), Tarachidia caudefactor Hubn., Pyrameis atalanta Linn., Drasteria (2 species), Diacrisia virginica Fabr. (the woolly bear).
Hymenoptera.—Halictus lerouxi Lep., H. provancheri (sweat bee), H. pectoralis Sm. (sweat bee), Halictus (3 unidentified species), H. legatus Say, Bombus affinis Cr., B. impatiens Harris (bumblebee), Melissodes bimaculata Lep., Polistes pallipes Lep. (paper wasp), Megachile sp. (leaf-cutter bee), Coelioxys octodentata Say, Xylocopa virginica Drury (common carpenter bee), Pompiloides sp., Apis mellifica Linn, (honeybee), Philanthus punctatus Say, Sphex nigricans Dahlb. (caterpillar hawk), S. pictipennis Walsh (caterpillar hawk).
Diptera.—Archytas analis Fabr., Chrysomyia macellaria Fabr. (screw-worm fly),. Pollenia rudis Fabr. (cluster fly), Ocyptera carolinae Desv., Trichophora ruficauda V. D. W., Eristalis arbustorum Linn., Physocephala tibialis Say.
Hemiptera.—Lygus pratensis Linn., Adelphocoris rapidus Say,
Coleoptera.—Coccinella transversoguttata Fabr.
Lepidoptera.—Eurymus eurytheme Bdv., Chrysophanus sp., Lycaena (2 species),. Libythea bachmani Kirtland, Pieris rapae Linn.
Hymenoptera.—Angochlora sp., Apis mellifica Linn., Colletes sp., Halictus lerouxi Lep., H. provancheri D. J., Halictus sp., Elis sp., Calliopsis andreniformis Smith, Polistes sp., Sphex sp., Eumenes fraterna Say, Sceliphron sp., Isodontia harrisi, Fern., Cerceris sp., Oxybelus sp.
Diptera.—Syritta sp., Paragus sp., Chrysomyia macellaria Desv., SyrphidÆ (2 unidentified specimens).
Careful inspection of a number of sweet-clover fields in Iowa and Illinois in the autumn of 1916 indicated that many plants were unable to obtain sufficient moisture for the proper development of their flowers. Examination of flowers that aborted shortly after reaching their mature size showed that the anther sacs had not burst, even though the pollen grains were mature. Apparently for the same reason many immature pods aborted. The precipitation for July, 1916, in Livingston County, Ill., where the sweet-clover seed crop suffered materially for lack of moisture, was 3.2 inches less than normal, while the temperature was 4.5° F. above normal. In August the precipitation was 0.96 of an inch below normal and the temperature 4.2° F. above normal. At Ames, Iowa, the precipitation was 3.54 inches below normal and the temperature 5.4° F. above
In north-central Illinois the seed production of sweet clover was very irregular. Some fields produced an abundance of seed, while a large percentage of the pods on the plants in other fields near by, where the thickness of the stand, size of the plants, and conditions in general were approximately the same, aborted. It was evident that all stands producing a good seed crop were growing on well-drained soil and that those which were not yielding satisfactorily were on poorly drained land. It is well known that sweet clover will produce deep taproots only when the plants are growing in well-drained soil and that a much-branched surface root system will be formed on poorly drained land, and especially when there is an excess of moisture or a high water table during the first season's growth. During this droughty period in 1916 the upper layer of soil became so depleted of moisture that the plants with surface root systems were unable to obtain sufficient water to mature their seed. On the other hand, the lack of precipitation and the high temperatures did not affect the moisture content of the subsoil sufficiently to interfere with the normal seed production of deep-rooted plants. According to Lutts (22, p. 47) this same condition was found to be true in Ohio in 1916.
As a rule, under droughty conditions the second crop of sweet clover will produce a higher yield of seed than the first crop, as the second growth of the plants is seldom more than half as much as the first, thereby requiring less moisture. However, if showery hot weather prevails when the first crop is cut, the end of each stub is very apt to become infected, usually with a species of Fusarium, which kills all the cortex as far back as the upper bud or young shoot and that part of it on the opposite side of this bud to the bud below. If the second bud from the top of a stub is not directly opposite the upper one the decay may extend nearly to the ground. (Pl. IV.) The destruction of half to two-thirds of the cortex from 2 to 4 inches below the upper bud materially reduces the quantity of water that can be conveyed to the branch above the base of the dead area. Plants thus infected obtain sufficient moisture for seed production only under the most favorable conditions. When the first crop is cut during warm dry weather, and especially when the first crop has not been permitted to make more than a 30 to 32 inch growth, the stubble seldom decays, and in no instance have the plants been observed to decay as far back as the upper buds.
An experiment was conducted at Ames in the latter part of August and first part of September, 1916, to determine the effect of watering plants that were aborting a large percentage of their flowers and
Stage of development when labeled. | Plant not watered. | Plant watered. | Increase from watering. | ||
Number of racemes labeled. | Average number of pods per raceme that matured. | Number of racemes labeled. | Average number of pods per raceme that matured. | ||
Flowers at the base of the racemes just ready to open. | 49 | 27.39 | 110 | 55.63 | 28.24 |
Pods 3 to 6 days old | 30 | 21.13 | 112 | 39.81 | 18.68 |
Pods 9 to 12 days old | 35 | 15.23 | 50 | 29.86 | 14.63 |
The effect of the water was noticeable soon after the first application, as the leaves and flowers on this plant became turgid and the anther sacs burst at the proper stage of their development. Very few flowers fell after the second day. The water decidedly checked the aborting of immature pods, as is shown by the results obtained on the racemes which were labeled after the pods had formed. The racemes which contained pods 3 to 6 days old when labeled matured 9.95 pods to the raceme more than those which contained older pods at the beginning of the experiment, but this was expected, as most of the aborting which caused this difference had taken place before the racemes were labeled. As very few pods aborted before they were 3 to 6 days old, the difference of 9.95 pods to the raceme in favor
It will be seen that the production of mature pods on the plant not watered was much greater on the racemes that were labeled before the flowers opened than on the older racemes. This difference is undoubtedly due to the precipitation which fell on the sixth and tenth days of the experiment. It is believed that the yield of 15.23 pods to the raceme on the ones labeled when the pods were 9 to 12 days old is representative of the production of pods per raceme previous to the precipitation and that the other racemes on this plant would have yielded proportionately if conditions had remained the same.
In the early spring of 1916, Melilotus alba was planted in several large pots in the greenhouse of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. These pots were placed outside the greenhouse in the late spring, where they remained until the following January, when they were taken into the greenhouse. The plants grew rapidly and began to flower during the latter part of April, 1917. At this time two pots were placed in a large cage made of screen having 20 meshes to the linear inch. One pot was submerged in a tub of water, so that the soil was saturated at all times, while the plant in the other pot was given only sufficient water to keep it from wilting. The pods on a few racemes were self-pollinated and the results obtained are given in Table IX.
Soil treatment. | Total number of-- | Flowers that matured (per cent). | |||
Racemes. | Flowers. | Pods formed. | Total. | Increase. | |
Soil given only a limited quantity of water. | 12 | 227 | 65 | 28.63 | ...... |
Soil saturated. | 17 | 425 | 235 | 55.03 | 26.22 |
The results of this experiment compare favorably with those obtained under field conditions at Ames in 1916.