I., II., AND III. IV. V., VI., VII., AND VIII. German Fifteenth Century. Pigskin. I.—German Fifteenth Century. Pigskin. Actual size, 8¾ × 6¼. German Fifteenth Century. Calf. II.—German Fifteenth Century. Calf. Actual size 12½ × 8½. Italian Fifteenth Century. Sheepskin, with coloured roundels. III.—Italian Fifteenth Century. Sheepskin, with coloured roundels. Actual size, 11½ × 8¼. IV.—Italian Sixteenth Century. Actual size, 12½ × 8½. Goatskin. Half Niger morocco, with sides of English oak. V.—Half Niger morocco, with sides of English oak. Actual size, 17 × 11½. Niger morocco, inlaid green leaves. VI.—Niger morocco, inlaid green leaves. Actual size, 8¼ × 5½. Green levant, inlaid with lighter green panel and red dots. VII.—Green levant, inlaid with lighter green panel and red dots. Actual size, 6¾ × 4½. Niger morocco, executed by a student of the Central School of Arts and Crafts. VIII.—Niger morocco, executed by a student of the Central School of Arts and Crafts. Actual size, 11¾ × 9¼. |