WOBURN. Captain Samuel Belknap's Company. |
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A List of the names of the Men who Marched from Woburn [torn off] Concord and from thence to Cambridge on the nineteenth day of April 1775 under the Command of Capt. Samuel Belknap together with their after Services untill the Army was form'd." Lexington Alarms, XI, 194. Captain Samuel Belknap Lieutenant Joseph Winn Lieutenant Nathaniel Brooks Sergeant Joshua Tay Sergeant Samuel Person Sergeant William Fox Clerk Abijah Tompson Drummer Jonathan Wright Drummer Jesse Russell, Junr. Fifer Jonathan Kendol Israel Reed Jesse Russell Jona. Brooks John Bruce William Abbit Jona. Tottingham Ephram. Tottingham William Breuster Samuel Winn Cyrus Bruce John Flagg Robert Convers James Foyle, 3 James Fowle, 4 Seth Johnson Thos. Deen, Junr. Jonathan Laurence Daniel Reed Josiah Walker, Junr. Nathan Kendol Zeb Simonds Cotton Center Asael Simonds Robert Douglass John Cutter, Junr. Francis Johnson, Junr. Samuel Simms Nathaniel Kendol Jabez Thompson Samuel Peirce Hiram Thompson Josiah Parker Thos. Bruce Peter Wyman, Junr. Joseph Laurence Jacob Peirce Isaac Reed Nathaniel Wyman Silas Simonds Benjamin Parker Joseph Bruce James Baldwin David Johnson James Wright George Bruce Ruben Johnson James Convers Ichobod Richardson Thomas Wright, Junr. Dudley Porter Samuel Russell George Reed William Simms John Burnam Jeames Snow Samuel Wyman, Junr. Captain Jonathan Fox's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Roll of the Trauel and Seruice of the men that went under my command on the alaram on 19 of Aprel 1775 Last for the Defences of thes Coloney and the Rites of America we went from Woburn to Concord we went to Cambrege With the number of miles each man went and the Dayes he was in the servieces." Lexington Alarms, XII, 70. Captain Jona. Fox Lieutenant James Wymon Lieutenant John Richardson (Quartermaster?) Judothon Richardson Sergeant Gosse Richardson Sergeant Samll. Tay Sergeant Gasse Wymon Doctor Aaron Mason Sergeant John Fowle Josiah Richardson (Lanrd?) Richardson Abraham Skens Abel Richardson John Skens Josiah Fowle Josepht Skens Ben. Richardson Josiah Right Admon Richardson Zack Brooks Joshuay Reed Will Tay John Tay Joshuay Wymon John Fox Elezr Poole Thomas Parmer Nathan Wymon John Duglesh Ruben Richardson Hare Richardson Thomos Muthes Andro Evens Archebl Tay Will Wats Josiah Brown Silas Richardson Ase Richardson Samll. Richardson Silos Wymon Tim. Brooks Gasse Right David Richardson David Richardson, Jur. Noah Eighten Jona. Smeth Zack. Richardson Tomas Wymon Bart. Richardson Joshuay Parse Ben Richardson, Jur. Jacob Eames, Jun. Silos Richardson John Right Jona. Richardson John Richrdson Aaron Tay Pall Wymon Stuen Richards Nathenl Wats Barny Richrdson Ebrz Richrdson Zack. Richrdson Will Brooks Zablon Richrdson Ebnr Richrdson, Jur. Nathan Richardson Samll. Thompson Lanrd Fowle Joseph Fowle Jacob Eames Josephel Brown Captain Joshua Walker's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "A muster Roll of Capt. Joshua Walker's Company under the Command of Colonel David Greene of the 2d Regiment of Foot in the County of Middlesix." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 155. Captain Joshua Walker First Lieutenant, Jona. Tidd Second Lieutenant John Wood Ensign, Jos. Johnson, 3d Sergeant Saml. Dean Sergeant Jacob Caldwell Sergeant Nathl. Cutler Sergeant Ezra Wyman Corporal Isaac Buxton Corporal Ruben Kimbal Corporal James Read Drummer Jacob Winn Abraham Andrews John Alexander Giles Alexander David Blanchard David Blanchard, Junr. James Tomson, Junr. Corporal John Cal (?) h Ebenzr. Cummings David Cummings William Carter, Jr. Nathl. Cutler, Junr. Saml. Cutler Andrew Dodge (?) Dean Alexander Ross (?) Reed (?) Read (?) Read ( ? ) Tho Skilton, Jun. Dayz Skilton Luther Simonds Jona. Simonds Calvin Simonds Abijah Smith Timothy Twist David Tweed Increas Winn Timothy Wilson Abel Wyman Eliaphaz Wyman Edward Wilk (?) Saml. Johnson Timothy Winn, Junr. Amos Blodget Solomon Wood John Cheever Nehh. Wyman Amos Read James Twist John Gleason Thos. Gleason David Daniels Elkanah Welsh (?) na. Proctor Nathl. Wyman Benja. Stratton Benj. (?) yel Joseph Giddens Joshua Jones William Johnson Wm. Johnson, Junr. James Johnson Azel Johnson Shuball Johnson Abiather Johnson Isaac Jaquwith Jona. Jones Jona. Johnson Jona. Johnson, Junr. Joatham Johnson John Kembal Josh. Kembal Wm. Lock Amos Lock Thos. Lock, Junr. Thos. Larrabe Isaac Men(?) Ina (?)t Saml. Nevers Saml. Nevers, Junr. Joshua Read Micah Read Nathan Dix Stephen Bennet Tho Bennett James Bennett Ebenr. Ne (arman?) Cate Simonds Nathl. Trask David Trask Benja. Kendal Selverus Wood Abram. Alexander Benja. Blanchard Thos. Dean Robt. Fisk Benja. Gloyd Abijah Johnson Ebenzr Merion Thos. Phillips Newhall Read John Read Sephen Twist Solomon Twist Jona. Tidd, Junr. Isaac Pierce Jonas Wyman Abel Winship James Walker Edw Wood Edw. Twist, Junr. John Bruce Joel Read Ebenr. (Lorty?)