The men from Westford did not reach Concord in time to enter the engagement, but pursued the British so closely as to deserve especial mention. Captain Oliver Bates's Company. "A List of the Travels & Service of Capt Oliver Bates of Westford In the County of Middlesex and the Men under him belonging to the Regiment of Militia where of James Prescott Esq. is Coll We in Consequence of the Alarm made on the 19th of April 1775 Marched from home For the Defence of this Collony against the Ministerial Troops." Lexington Alarms, XI, 216. Captain, Oliver Bates Lieutenant, David Goodhoe Second Lieutenant, John Abbot Sergeant, Thomas Rogers Sergeant, Solomon Spaulding Corporal, Joseph Prescot Corporal, Daniel Goodhoe Corporal, John Prescot Drummer, Timothy Cummings William Nichols John Hadley Ephraim Bixbe Levi Bixby Jacob Bixbe Nathaniel Cummings Abel Read David Dutton Amos Fletcher, Jor. Joseph Fletcher Peletiah Wright Timothy Prescot Jonas Prescot 3d Ephraim Wright Joseph Wright, Jor. Jonas Holding David Bixbe Abel Boynton Ephraim Dutton Benjamin Eastabrook Josiah Fletcher Ephraim Haild Nathaniel Prentice Stephen Read Silas Spaulding Jonathan Hadley John Barrot Captain Jonathan Minot's Company. "A list of the Travil and Servis of Capt Jonathan Minot of wesord In the County of Middlesex and the men under him belonging to the Regement of Melitia where of James Prescott Esq. is Colonel We in Consequence of the alarm made on the 19th of April 1775 marched from home for the defence of this Colloney against the Minesterial Troops &c." Lexington Alarms, XII, 194. Captain, Jonathan Minot First Lieutenant, Zaceheus Wright Second Lieutenant, Leonard Proctor Sergeant, Aaron Parker, jun. Sergeant, Gershom Fletcher Sergeant, William Hildreth Sergeant, Samuel White Corporal, Nehemiah Green Corporal, Amos Wright Corporal, Hosea Hildreth Drummer, Jonathan Minot, Junr. John Robins Thomas Meads John Robins, Junr. Peter Robins David Parker Job Dodge Benjamin Osgood James Wright Ebenezer Parker Francis Kidder Thomas Kidder Rogers King Amos Parlin Francis Laughton Joshua Reed Elijah Hildreth John Pushee Peter Brown Zechariah Robins, Junr. Abijah Mason Nathaniel Holmes Francis Smith Charles Proctor Ceasor Bason Aaron Blood
Captain Joshua Parker's Company. "A Return of the mens Names & When entered the Service." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 56. Captain, Joshua Parker Lieutenant, Thomas Rogers Sergeant, Solomon Spaulding Sergeant, Nehemiah Green Sergeant, Silas Proctor Sergeant, Jonathan Minott Corporal, Peter Brown Corporal, Levi Temple Corporal, Jonas Harding Fifer, Ephrm. Spaulding Drummer, Isaac Parker Calvin Blanchard Aaron Blood Ebenezar Chandler Samuel Craft Ephraim Dutton Ephraim Chamberlin Benjamin Easter Brooks Levi Fletcher Joshua Fassitt Josiah Fletcher Isaac Green Ephraim Heald Edward Haws Samuel Keyes John Parker John Pushee Oliver Read Stephen Read Francis Smith Silas Spaulding Joseph Underwood Jacob Wendol James Parry George Deal Jonas Blogget Nathaniel Holmes Joseph Minott Jonathan Hadley John Gordon Lieutenant, Ameziah Fassett