SUDBURY. Captain Nathaniel Cudworth's Company. |
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of the Minute Compy. under the Command of Capt Nathl. Cudworth, in Col. Abijah Peirce's Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XII, 8. Captain, Nathl. Cudworth Lieutenant, Thadeus Russell Ensign, Nathl. Maynard Sergeant, Nathl. Reeves Sergeant, Jona. Hoar Sergeant, Caleb Moulton Sergeant, Thoms. Rutter Corporal, Josih. Willington Corporal, Thads. Bond Corporal, David Clough Corporal, Josha. Kendell Drummer, John Trask Phins. Gleason Ebenr. Dudley John Noyes. Jr. Timothy Underwood, Jr. Peter Brintnal Zebr. Farrar Jona Parmenter, Jr. Jona. Wesson Saml. Pollard Danl Rice Leml. Whitney Benjn. Adams Saml. Curtis Richd. Heard, Jr. Saml Bent Saml. Haynes Joseph Nichols Willm Grout Saml Merriam David Underwood Naum Dudley James Phillips Edmd. Rice, Jr. Nathl. Parmentor David Damon David Rice Edward How Timothy Sherman Captain Aaron Haynes's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Role of Millitia Company a part of an Alarm Company that Marched to Cambrdg by Concord on the Alarum on the ninteth of April last the Comand of Capt. Aaron Haynes of Sudbury and Returning home." Lexington Alarms, XII, 123. Captain, Aaron Haynes Lieutenant, Daniel Bowker Second Lieutenant, James Puffer Sergeant, Joshua Haynes Sergeant, Samll. Dakin Sergeant, Samll. Puffer Sergeant, Jona. Haynes Corporal, Benja. Smith Corporal, Asahel Balcom Corporal, Hope Brown Corporal, Ithamar Rice Clerk, Phinehas Puffer Fifer, Aaron Haynes Abel Maynard Silas Tower Thomas Puffer Rufus Parmenter James Parmenter Ebenr. Plymton Abel Tower Francis Grean Jason Haynes Joseph Haynes Joel Brigham Abel Willis Isaac Rice John Beamis Moses Noyes David Moore Micah Howard John Maynard James Haynes Isaac Puffer Lieutenant, Oliver Dakin Sergeant, Abijah Brigham Israel Haynes Edmund Parmenter Henry Smith Dean Thos. Plymton (And possibly Silas How, not given in official roll.—F.W.C.) Captain Isaac Locker's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "Province of the Massachusetts Dr To Isaac Locker & the men under me by name, in ye Colony for service done in defence of the Country on ye 19th day of April to ye 21st of the same when the alarm at Concord agreeable to the General Courts Order made up this accot." Lexington Alarms, XII, 178. Captain, Isaac Locker Lieutenant, Oliver Noyes Quartermaster, Jas. Ruffer Corporal, Jas. Noyes Corporal, Jesse Gibbs Corporal, Abel Smith (Da?) Wood Moore Ephm Moore Jonas Wheeler Jesse Mostman Rufus Bent Jason Bent Wm Wyman Jos. Butler Wm. Noyes Timo. Sharmon Danl. Moore, Jr. David Curtis Zachh. Heard Jacob Jones Nathl. Knowlton Jonas Rice Nathan Stearns Micah Greaves Nathl. Jenison Stephn Locker Asaph Travis Jonas Locker Simon Newton David Heard Captain John Nixon's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "A List of a Company of Minute men under the command of Capt John Nixon in Colonel Abijah Pierce's Regiment who entered the Service April Nineteenth One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five." Lexington Alarms, XII, 26. Captain John Nixon Lieutenant David Moor Second Lieutenant Asahel Wheeler Sergeant Micah Goodenow Sergeant Elijah Willis Sergeant Jeremiah Robins Sergeant Abel Holden Corporal Hopstill Brown Corporal Jesse Moor Corporal Uriah Wheelr Corporal William Moor Joseph Baleum Phillmon Brown Samll. Brigham Samll. Cuting Asher Cutler William Dun Aaron Ames Robert Ames Saml. Gleason Thomas Goodenow Jesse Goodenow William Goodenow Reuben Haynes Joshua Haynes Caleb Wheeler John Weighton Elishai Wheeler Israel Willis Hopestill Willis Ebenezer Wood Jonas Holden Simeon Hingerson Daniel Looring Thaddeus Moor William Maynard Daniel Maynard Eliale Moor Uriah Moor Isaac Moor John Moor Josiah Richardson Nathan Reed Charles Rice Oliver Rice Jonas Rice Ezra Smith John Shirley Peter Smith Abraham Thompson Daniel Wright Nathaniel Rice Daniel Putnam Micah Grout Captain Joseph Smith's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster roll of the Company under the Command of Capt Joseph Smith, in Colo James Barrett's Regiment from Sudbury on April 19th 1775, in pursuit of the Ministerial Troops." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 94. Captain Jos. Smith Lieutenant Josiah Farrar Lieutenant Ephm. Smith Ensign Timo. Underwood Sergeant Wm. Bent Sergeant Saml. Griffen Sergeant Robt. Cutting Sergeant John Bruce Corporal Saml. Tilton Corporal Nathn. Smith Corporal Peter Johnson Corporal John Meriam Drummer Thos. Trask Edwd. Sherman Timo. Bent Micah Rice Isaac Gould John Barnay Joel Stone Isaac Daman John Tilton, Junr. John Cutting Sami. Tilton, Junr. Amos Oddaway (?) Travis Roland Bennett Isaac Stone John Stone Isaac Rice, Junr. Wm. Dudley John Peton Frances Jones (James) Sharman [?] Thomas Joseph Goodenow Josiah Allen Elisha Cutting Jacob Gould Benja. Dudly Zachh. Briant Ebenr. Johnson Jona. Bent Sarion Belcher John Dean James Sanderson Ephm. Barker Jona Cutting James Davis Jason Parmenter (And possibly Samuel Sharmon, not given in official list. F.W.C.) Captain Moses Stone's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. "These certify that the men's names hereafter annex'd march'd on ye 19th of April last, to Head Qrs we being under Command of Lt Colo Ezekiel How of Sudbury and Moses Stone Capt." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 86. Captain Moses Stone Lieutenant Jona. Rice Second Lieutenant Joseph Goodnow Sergeant Joseph Moore Corporal Ephm Carter David How Benja. Berry Ion Carter Elijah Goodnow David How Ezekl How, Jr. Jonas Wheeler Isaac Lincoln Thos Ames Thos Burbank Nathl Bryant Israel Maynard Thos Carr, Junr. Isaac Moore Uriah Moore Abner Walker Wm. Walker Abel Parmenter Danl Asburn Thos Derumple "These Certify that the Names hereafter annex'd march'd on the 19th of April last to Hd Qrs we being under the Command of Lt. Colo Ezekiel How of Sudbury and Moses Stone Capt.—— I would inform all well wishers to North America, those hereafter nam'd are the men that went off without a proper Dismission. "Attest Moses Stone Capt." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 86. Peter Haynes Lieutenant Elisha Wheeler Aaron Good'now Thomas Walker Ebenr Burbank Thos Derumple Nathl Brown Uriah Hayden [Is?]rael Willis Calvin Clark