NEEDHAM. Captain Aaron Smith's Company. |
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Rool of Capt Aaron Smith's Company of Militia who marched in Consequence of the Alarum Made on the 19th of April last in the Regiment where of William Heath Esqr was the Col. as Follows viz." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 98. Captain, Aaron Smith Lieutenant, Moses Bullard Ensign, Josiah Upham Sergeant, John Bacon Sergeant, William Fuller Sergeant, Samuel Kilton Sergeant, Joseph Daniell Corporal, Enock Kingsbery Corporal, Jonathan Smith Corporal, Joseph Drury Corporal, Jeremiah Daniell Drummer, Joseph Mudy Jonathan Whittemore, Junr. Stephen Bacon, Junr. Isaac Bacon Moses Fuller David Trull Samuel Bracket Lemuel Bracket Zebadiah Pratt John Slack Samuel Baley John Smith, Junr. Daniel Huntting, Junr. Joseph Haws Moses Daggett William Kingsbery Daniel Ware Timothy Huntting Samuel Daggett, Junr. Seth Broad Benjamin Mills, Junr. Jonathan Kingsbery Samuel Pratt Joseph Kingsbery, Junr. Samuel Woodcock Jonathan Dunn Jeremiah Smith Issachar Pratt Abner Felt Philip Floyd Timothy Bacon Samuel McIntire Solomon Flagg Peter Jenison Joseph Kingsbery, Jun. John Bullard Jeremiah Gay Eliphelet Kingsbery, Junr. Jonathan Huntting Joseph Haws, Jun. Aaron Smith, Junr. Ebenezer Huntting Amos Edes Jeremiah Edes Samuel Smith Moses Huntting Collins Edes John Smith the 3d Ithamar Smith, Junr. John Fuller Luke Mills Uriah Coller, Junr. Seth Pratt Moses Bacon Israel Huntting William Huntting Samuel Ward Noah Millard, Resident in Needham Abel Smith, Natick Captain Robert Smith's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of The Company under the Command of Capt Robert Smith in Colonel William Heaths Regiment Needham January 2 1776." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 92. Captain, Robert Smith Lieutenant, Oliver Mills Ensign, Silas Alden Sergeant, Elisha Mills, killed Sergeant, Jona. Gay Sergeant, Tho Fuller Sergeant, Elias Fuller Corporal, Sam Alden Corporal, Sam Fisher Corporal, Euahim Cooke Corporal, Eben Day Drummer, Eben Clark Fifer, Josiah Fisher John McIntosh Jona. Parker, killed Isaac Shepard Josiah Eaton, Jun. Sam Ware, Jun. Nath Willson Richard Blincome Moses Bacon Jeum Eaton Elmon Tolmon Eben Wilkenson Sam Edes Timo. Dewing Benj Ware Amos Fuller, Jr. Benjamin Mills, Jun. Joseph Stowell Aaron Paine Josiah Lyon, Jun. Daniel Wright Joseph Ware Eben Richardson Thomas Fisher David Nowell Simeon Fisher Elijah Fuller John Tolman Jonathan Ware Jona. Kingsbery Sam Paine Theop Richardson, Jr. Solomon Fuller Nath Fisher, Jr. Ezra Mills Aaron Ayers Philip Mills William Eaton Lem Eaton Aaron Fisher Lemu. Mills Timo. Fisher Robt. Fuller, Jr. Joseph Colburn Jos Colburn, Jr. Jou Woodcock Nathan Newell John Bird Wm. Smith Eben Clark Sam Wight Timo. Broad Josiah Newell, Jr. Josiah Dewing Aaron Smith, Jr. David Mills Uriah Cotter Phinehas Cotter John Clark Theop Richardson Richd. Obrian John Kelley Richd. Richardson Captain Caleb Kingsbery's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of the Travel & Service of a Company of Alarm Men in Needham under the Command of Caleb Kingsbery in Colon Aaron Davis's Regiment That March'd in Consequence of the Alarum Made on the 19th of April 1775, Which is as Followeth Vizt." Lexington Alarms, XII, 164. Captain, Caleb Kingsbery First Lieutenant, John Bacon, killed Second Lieutenant, Eleazer Kingsbery Sergeant, Daniel Gould Sergeant, Samuel Daggett Sergeant, Isaac Underwood Sergeant, Ephraim Stevens Corporal, Samuel Brown Corporal, Samuel Daniell Corporal, Thomas Hall Drummer, Ephraim Bullard John Fuller Ezekiel Richardson Jesse Kingsberry Joseph Mudy Henry Dewing Josiah Ware Stephen Huntting David Hall Jonathan Smith Jacob Parker Moses Felt David Smith Thomas Discomb Isaac Goodenow, Jr. Abijah Mills Samuel Greenwood Josiah Lyon Theodore Broad John Edes, Junr. Nathan Kingsbery Nathanl. Chamberlain, killed Amos Mills, killed Seth Willson Ithamar Smith Henry Gale Nehemiah Mills, Jur.