LYNN. Captain Nathaniel Bancroft's Company. |
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Lynn, Muster roll of Capt Nath. Bancroft's Compy on defence of this Colony upon April 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XI, 243. Captain, Nathl. Bancroft Lieutenant, Jos. Gowing Lieutenant, Nathl. Sherman Sergeant, Thos. Townsend (?) Timo. Munroe Drummer, Benja. Adams James Bancroft Timo. Wolton Jas. Gowing, by order went to Ipswich Goal wth a number of Prisoners, 67 miles John Berry Jesse Wellman Ezekiel Newhall Jona. Wellman Jos Brown Wm. Mansfield Andrew Mansfield John Swone Jos. Jeffery, Junr. Nathan Wotton Onisimus Newhall David Norhood Wm. Norhood Saml. Mansfield Danl. Townsend John Upton John Harte Drubbabel Hart Thaddeus Perry Ephraim Sheldin, Jr. Josiah Braze John Peloue Jas. Brown Abra. Upton Aaron Aborn Thos Wellman Andrew Foster Francis Shelden Amos Smith Captain William Farrington's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Roll of the Second Foot company of Militia in Lynn who Marched toward Concord April 19, 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 77. Captain, Willm. Farrington First Lieutenant, Benj Tohmon Sergeant, John Burrell Sergeant, John Mansfield Sergeant, Jacob Ingalls, Jun. Sergeant, William Newhall Edward Johnson Nehem Ramsdell Wm. Richards Phinehas Sweetser Richd. Hill Abner Alley Aaron Newhall Benja. Parrott William Whitemore Abednego Ramsdell, who was killed, and lost his arms and accoutrements and left a poor widow. Eben Burrell Jedidiah Newhall Theops. Hollowell Benj Burrell Robert Mansfield, Jr. Joseph Richards James Richards Edm Lewis, Jr. Edward Treson Amos Breed Enoch Mudge Stephen Larrabee James Bachelor John Coats John Farrington, Jr. Jacob Ingalls Sam Ingalls John Treson Daniel Ingalls Daniel Parrott Wm. Richards, Jr. Benj B. Burchsted Jacob C. Graves Nath Ingalls John Richards Eleaz Collins Ingalls Theop. Burrell Neh Ramsdell, Jr. John Flagg Fred Breed Joseph Ingalls Thos. Chittenden Edw. Johnson, Jur. John Baker Marston Parrot Ambrose Talbut Errors excepted Captain Rufus Mansfield's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Roll of the fourth foot Company of Militia in Lynn who marched to Concord on the 19th April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 190. Captain, Rufus Mansfield First Lieutenant, Joseph Ballard Second Lieutenant, Dan Newhall Sergeant, Joseph Hart Sergeant, Edmund Clark Sergeant, Henry Burchsted Sergeant, Nathan Atwell Corporal, Ebenr. Newhall Corporal, Charles Newhall Corporal, Joel Newhall Corporal, John Burrill John Burrage Richard Mansfield John Roads Thos. Roads Meshec Ramsdell Joel Breed Ephraim Breed Wm. Roads Nathan Newall Zacha. Atwell Benja. Hudson John Newhall Daniel Tarbox John Farrington Isaac Meachem Nat Ramsdell Joseph Williams Thomas Newhall John Burrill Andw. Newhall Wm. Newhall James Green Edw. Turner Ezekiel Molton James Newhall Allen Newhall (illegible) Solomon Newhall Jona. Fuller James Newhall Nat Tarbox Nat Tarbox, Jr. James Robinson Silas Randall Josiah Breed, taken prisoner, confined 33 days, lost his arms & equipments wh. we refer to the honble Court Captain Ezra Newhall's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "a muster Roll of the minit Company commanded by Ezra Newhall of the Town of Lynn Aprel the 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 27. Captain Ezra Newhall Lieutenant Thomas Cocks Ensign John Upton Sergeant John Botts Sergeant Grimes Tufts Sergeant John Watts Sergeant John Gowen Corporal James Edmonds Corporal Ebenezer Mansfield Corporal Increase Newhall Corporal Ebenezer Stocker Fifer Samuel Berry Drummer William Newhall Joseph Alley Rufus Brown John Bancroft Ezra Waitt Jonathan Briant Timothy Burnham Ralph Lynsdie Joshua Burnham Stephen Coats William Coats Ebenezer Laith Israel Cheever John Cutler Daniel Lynsdie Joshua Danforth Joseph Farington Thomas Florance John Farington Thomas Hall James Bancraft Timothy Johnston William Johnston Daniel Lewis Benja. Meads John Meads Jonathan Newhall Nathaniel Newhall Martin Parrot Hatharn Ramsdiel Jacob Ramsdiel Elezar Richardson Nehemiah Ramsdiel Joseph Stocker Epheraim Stocker Andrew Foster Jonathan Fuller Captain David Parker's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster roll of the first Company in ye Town of Lynn, that marched to Concord." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 45. Captain David Parker Lieutenant John Poole Ensign Nathan Hawks Sergeant Thomas Hawks Sergeant Lemuel Allen Sergeant Benja. B. Redden Sergeant Nathl. Hutchinson Corporal Jabez Newhall Corporal Abner Cheever, Jr. Corporal Saml. Mansfield Corporal Amos Leeds Fifer Willm. Hill Drummer Thos. Barrey Ephm. Brown Danl. Hitchings Jos. Edmund Willm. Bordman Aaron Bordman David Fuller Saml. Bordman John Bordman Francis Smith Francis Smith, Jr. Abijah Hitchings Amos Pratt Benja. Wilson Saml. Wilson, Jr. Jona. Brown Adam Hawke Amos Bordman Ezra Brown James Marble Joseph Eaton Thos. Hutchinson Jacob Newhall Willm. Hitchings John Hitchings John Burrell Amos Porter (Tesreel?) Burrell Benja. Twist Thomas Mansfield Benja. Mansfield Peter Fuller Nathan Newhall Nathan Hitchings Nathl. Byanton Calven Newhall Saml. Sweetser James Lelax John Symes Ebenr. Stoker David Newman Alehony Hawks Saml. Rhoads Benja. Goldthwaite Ebenr. Stacey Iveney Bordman Thos. Stoker Elijah Stoker Joshua Felt, wounded Thos. Hadley, killed Willm. Flint, killed