LEXINGTON. Captain John Parker's Company. |
On Lexington Common, and the First Company in the Contest. As no claim for services on April 19 was filed with the Commonwealth, I have no official Roll. Hudson, in his "History of Lexington," gives the names of one hundred and twenty as constituting the Company, and in the genealogical department of the same work gives several others. In the depositions of participants published in the "Journals of Each Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1774-5," are quite a number who named themselves as of Parker's Company, one of them being Phillip Russell; and Moses Harrington, in the same, places "Jr." after his name. In this Company I have also included the two Woburn men, Robert Douglass and Sylvanus Wood, who joined Parker on the Common at break of day, and accepted his invitation to become members for that occasion. Captain, John Parker Lieutenant, William Tidd Ensign, Robert Munroe Ensign, Joseph Simonds Clerk, David Harrington Orderly, Sergeant, William Munroe Sergeant, Francis Brown Sergeant, Ebenezer White Corporal, Joel Viles Corporal, Samuel Sanderson Corporal, John Munroe Corporal, Ebenezer Parker Drummer, William Dimond Isaac Blodgett Ebenezer Bowman Francis Bowman John Bridge, Jr. Joseph Bridge James Brown John Brown Solomon Brown John Buckman Eli Burdoo John Chandler John Chandler, Jr. Abijah Child Joseph Comee Thomas Cutler Robert Douglass Isaac Durant Prince Estabrook Nathaniel Farmer Nathan Fessenden Thomas Fessenden Dr. John Fiske Isaac Green William Grimes Benjamin Hadley Ebenezer Hadley Samuel Hadley Thomas Hadley Micah Hagar Caleb Harrington Jeremiah Harrington John Harrington Jonathan Harrington Jonathan Harrington, Jr. Jonathan Harrington, 3d Moses Harrington Moses Harrington, 3d Moses Harrington, Jr. Thaddeus Harrington Thomas Harrington William Harrington Isaac Hastings Samuel Hastings Samuel Hastings, Jr. Isaac Hastings John Hosmer Amos Locke Benjamin Locke Joseph Loring Jonathan Loring Amos Marrett David Mason Joseph Mason Abner Mead Benjamin Merriam William Merriam Asa Munroe Ebenezer Munroe Ebenezer Munroe, Jr. Edmund Munroe George Munroe Jedidiah Munroe John Munroe John Munroe, 2d Nathan Munroe Philemon Munroe Stephen Munroe William Munroe, Jr. William Munroe, 3d Nathaniel Mulliken Amos Muzzy Isaac Muzzy John Muzzy Thaddeus Muzzy Jonas Parker Thaddeus Parker John Parkhurst Nathaniel Parkhurst Solomon Pierce Asahel Porter Israel Porter John Raymond Hammon Reed Joshua Reed Joshua Reed, Jr. Josiah Reed Nathan Reed Robert Reed Thaddeus Reed William Reed John Robbins Thomas Robbins Joseph Robinson Phillip Russell Elijah Sanderson Ebenezer Simonds Joshua Simonds Abraham Smith David Smith Ebenezer Smith John Smith Jonathan Smith Josiah Smith Joseph Smith Phinehas Smith Samuel Smith Thaddeus Smith William Smith Simeon Snow Asahel Stearns Phineas Stearns Jonas Stone Benjamin Tidd John Tidd Samuel Tidd Joseph Underwood Joel Viles Benjamin Wellington Enoch Wellington Timothy Wellington John Williams John Winship Samuel Winship Thomas Winship Sylvanus Wood James Wyman Nathan Wyman