hand pointing right For Index to the Narrative, see page 165 of the first part. ACTON MEN, 10 Davis's Company, 11 Hunt's Company, 11 Robins's Company, 11 ARLINGTON MEN, 75 Locke's Company, 75 BEDFORD MEN, 11 Moore's Company, 11 Willson's Company, 13 BEVERLY MEN, 67 Dodge's Company, 67 Thorndike's Company, 68 Shaw's Company, 68 BILLERICA MEN, 14 Crosby's Company, 14 Farmer's Company, 15 Stickney's Company, 16 BROOKLINE MEN, 45 White's Company, 45 Aspinwall's Company, 46 Gardner's Company, 47 CAMBRIDGE MEN, 40, 75 Locke's Company, 75 Thatcher's Company, 40 CHELMSFORD MEN, 16 Barron's Company, 16 Parker's Company, 18 CONCORD MEN, 7 Brown's Company, 8 Miles's Company, 9 Minot's Company, 10 Barrett's Company, 10 DANVERS MEN, 69 Epes's Company, 69 Flint's Company, 70 Hutchinson's Company, 71 Lowe's Company, 72 Page's Company, 73 Prince's Company, 73 Edmund Putnam's Company, 74 John Putnam's Company, 75 DEDHAM MEN, 53 Battle's Company, 53 Bullard's Company, 55 Draper's Company, 56 Ellis's Company, 56 Fairbanks's Company, 57 Fuller's Company, 57 Gould's Company, 58 Guild's Company, 59 DRACUT MEN, 38 Coburn's Company, 38 Russell's Company, 39 FRAMINGHAM MEN, 18 Edget's Company, 18 Emes's Company, 20 Gleason's Company, 20 LEXINGTON MEN, 5 Parker's Company, 5 LINCOLN MEN, 13 Smith's Company, 13 LYNN MEN, 63 Bancroft's Company, 63 Farrington's Company, 63 Mansfield's Company, 64 Newhall's Company, 65 Parker's Company, 66 MALDEN MEN, 50 Blaney's Company, 50 MEDFORD MEN, 49 Hall's Company, 49 NEEDHAM MEN, 60 Aaron Smith's Company, 60 Robert Smith's Company, 61 Kingsbery's Company, 62 NEWTON MEN, 42 Cook's or Marean's Company, 42 Fuller's Company, 42 Wiswall's Company, 44 READING MEN, 21 Bacheller's Company, 21 Eaton's Company, 22 Flint's Company, 23 Walton's Company, 24 ROXBURY MEN, 51 Child's Company, 51 Draper's Company, 52 Whiting's Company, 53 STOW MEN, 34 Whitcom's Company, 34 SUDBURY MEN, 25 Cudworth's Company, 25 Haynes's Company, 26 Locker's Company, 27 Nixon's Company, 27 Smith's Company, 28 Stone's Company, 29 WATERTOWN MEN, 47 Barnard's Company, 47 WESTFORD MEN, 36 Bates's Company, 36 Minot's Company, 37 Parker's Company, 38 WOBURN MEN, 30 Belknap's Company, 30 Fox's Company, 31 Walker's Company, 33 This book is a preservation facsimile. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper) Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Acme Bookbinding Charlestown, Massachusetts publisher's colophon 2005 TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE All changes in the Errata, found at the end of the narrative and before the main Index, have been applied to the etext. Other obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Several shilling and pence amounts in the form "13 s" or "13 s." or "13 s," have been changed to the form "13s." for consistency. All instances of 'Lieut. Col.' have been replaced by 'Lieut.-Col.' for consistency. Except for those changes noted below, all misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example: farmhouse, farm-house, farm house; a while, awhile; today, to-day; dismission; bowlder; loth. Pg x. 'Americans Killed' replaced by 'American Killed', to match TOC with chapter heading. Pg 1. 'treasure and bood' replaced by 'treasure and blood'. Pg 16. "D'Bernicre" replaced by "De Bernicre". Pg 23. 'soliders' replaced by 'soldiers'. Pg 35 FN [65]. 'In a article' replaced by 'In an article'. Pg 70. There are two valid anchors for FN [149]. Pg 111. 'three o'clcok' replaced by 'three o'clock'. Pg 128. The currency amount '£1761, 1, 5;' has been replaced by '£1761, 1s. 5d.;'. Pg 133. 'had be known' replaced by 'had he known'. Index: Faulkner ... 'Fraucis' replaced by 'Francis'. Flour ... entry moved from before Flint to after Flint. Mason ...'198' replaced by '128'. Prisoners ... 'American' replaced by 'Americans'. White ... 'Begjamin' replaced by 'Benjamin'. The second part of this book contains the Muster Rolls of the companies which participated in the battle. The page numbering begins again with Page 1. Except for those changes noted below, the spelling of names in the Muster Rolls has been left unchanged, including the use of (?) for partial or missing names as in the original text. (?) has been contracted to (?). The inconsistent use of Jr. Jun. Junr. Jur. Jor. Joner. Jnr. as abbreviations for Junior, has been left unchanged. A period has been added when missing (Jr to Jr. etc). Pg 9. 'Coporal Stephen Barrett' replaced by 'Corporal Stephen Barrett'. Pg 13. 'Joseph Meeds, June' replaced by 'Joseph Meeds, Jun.'. Pg 14. 'Abra Peirec' replaced by 'Abra Peirce'. Pg 28. 'Ninteenth' replaced by 'Nineteenth'. Pg 39. 'Ar D.' replaced by 'April A.D.'. Pg 43. 'Slias Chubb' replaced by 'Silas Chubb'. Pg 46. Due to the printer's insertion of page 46a, the last three lines of this page have been moved to the top of page 47. Pg 54. '20th th of' replaced by '20th of'. Pg 57. "Fuller's Compamy" replaced by "Fuller's Company". Pg 72. Ditto, on one line represented by ", replaced by 'do' for consistency. |