Acton, alarm in, 40
Killed and wounded, 157
Men of, 81
Abbott, Lieut. Moses, 81
Adams children, 138
Hannah, removed from her home, 125
Home, 141
Joel, 138
Deacon Joseph, 137,
home set on fire and looted, 137; 138
Mrs. Joseph, 137
Samuel, 17; 18; 21; 25; 29; 30; 31; 34; 36
Adan, John R., note, 23
Alarm in other places, 32
Allen, the one-handed peddler, 28
Americans killed and wounded, 157
Number of, engaged, 161
Andover, alarm in, 34
Arlington, battle in, 130
Killed and wounded of, 157
Men of, 134
Smith's advance through, 51
Percy's retreat through, 130
Aspinwall, Capt. Thomas, 133
Bacheller, Capt. John, 96
Bacon, Jacob, 158
Lieut., John, 143; 158
Baggage wagons of Percy captured, 119
Length of their route, 161
Baker, Lieut. Thomas, of the 5th Regt., 112; 128; 159
Baldwin, Ensign Henry, of the 47th Regt., 112; 128; 160
Col. Loammi, 33; 112
Ballard, John, 17
Bancroft, Capt. Nathaniel, 134
Barber, Mrs. Anne Hay, 155
William, home of, 155
Edward, 125; 155; 157
Barker, Francis, 42
Barnard, Capt. Samuel, 134
Barrett, Corporal Amos, 39
Col. James, 42; 76; 80; 81; 82; 83; 86; 87; 88; 161
Mrs. James, 87; 88
James, Jr., 87
Capt. Nathan, 73; 80; 157
Samuel, 78
Stephen, 87
Deacon Thomas, 78
Barron, Capt. Oliver, 43; 96; 157
Bates, Capt. Oliver, 97
Bathericke, Mother, 119
Battle, Capt. Eben, 134
Beaton, John, 93
Bedford, alarm in, 37
Killed and wounded, 157
Men of, 37
Belfry, the Old, in Lexington, 61
Belknap, Jason, 119
Joe, 119
Capt. Samuel, 97
Bell, Joseph, 157
Bentley, Joshua, 22
Berkshire County Convention, 14
Bernard, Lieut.-Col. Bery, 159
Beverly, killed and wounded, 157
Men of, 134
Bigelow, Capt. Timothy, 46
Billerica, alarm in, 39
Men of, 96
Wounded, 157
Black Horse Tavern (see also Wetherby's Tavern), 18; 36; 51; 52
Blanchard, Luther, 42; 83; 84; 99; 157
Timothy, 157
Blaney, Capt. Benjamin, 134
Bliss, Mr., 9
Mr. (tory), 16
Bloody Angle in Lincoln, battle at, 101; 105
Bond, Joshua, house and shop of, burned, 126
Boston Massacre, 2
Boston Port Bill, 2
Boston, start of Percy from, 114
Start of Smith from, 19
Bowman, Lieut. Solomon, 53; 54; 145
Capt. Thaddeus, note 35; 37; 58; 61
Boynton, Thomas, Journal of, note 34
Breed, Joshua, 158
British Forces, 13
Killed, wounded, prisoners and missing, 159
Number of engaged, 160
Prisoners, first ones captured, 71
Start for Lexington and Concord, 19
Brookline, killed, 157
Men of, 133
Brooks, Major John, 96
Joshua, 84; 99; 158
Tavern, 98; 102
Brown, Deacon Benjamin, 71
Capt. David, 39; 40; 74; 80; 83
Francis, 158
John, 60; 70; 158
Jonas, 99; 157
Jonathan, 40
Reuben, 93
Solomon, 18; 27; 28; 34; 35; 36; 67; 68
Widow, her Tavern, 42; 88
Bryant, Albert W., note, 35
Buckman, John, 67
Tavern, 30; 31; 36; 37; 60; 61; 62; 67; 68; 71; 111
Budge, James, 119
Bullard's Bridge, 47; 48
Bullet found in Lexington, 106
Bull's Tavern, 72; 106
Burgoyne, Gen. John, 4
Butterfield, Jonathan, 138
Samuel, home of, 160
Buttrick, Major John, 81; 82; 84; 85; 91
John (fifer), 83
Cambridge, battle of, 145
Burial of the patriot dead of, 149
Killed and missing, 157
Men of, 104
Percy's retreat through, 145
Smith lands at, 20;
advances through, 47; 50
Camden, Lord, 4
Cannon, carriages of, burned, 92; 94
Percy's opening bombardment in Lexington, 122; 123
Trunnions knocked off, 92; 94
Capen house, 49
Chamberlain, Aaron, 157
Nathaniel, 143; 153
Charlestown, battle in, 154
Killed, 157
Percy's arrival in, 154
Selectmen arrange an armistice with Percy, 156
Chatham, Lord, 4
Cheever, David, 51
Chelmsford, alarm in, 43
Men of, 96
Wounded, 157
"Cheevy Chase," 115
Child, Capt. Lemuel, 44; 134
Choate house, in Somerville, 49
Christ Church (Old North) in Boston, 23
Clarke, Miss Elizabeth, letter of, note, 113
Rev. Jonas, 25; 34; 36; 113
son of Rev. Jonas, 30
Clark, Capt. Thomas, 40
Cleaves, Nathaniel, 144; 157
Coburn, Capt. Peter, 44
Concord, alarm in, 39
Battle of, 78
Court House saved, 95
Damages in, 95
Men of, 81
Smith's advance into, 73
Smith's retreat from, 95
Wounded, 157
Comee, Joseph, 62; 66; 67; 70; 158
Committee of Safety, 9; 10; 11; 12; 18; 51; 128
Supplies, 10; 11; 12; 18; 51
Conant, Col., 21; 24
Daniel, 158
Congress, First, Continental, 3
First, Provincial, 3; 5
Its limited power, 6; 7
Second, Provincial, 7; 11
Cook, Capt. Phinehas, 130
Rev. Mr., 120; 137
Samuel, 143; 157
Cooper, Benjamin, 142; 143
Rachel, 142; 143
Tavern, 25; 142; 143
Coolidge, Jacob, 144
Joseph, 158
Council of War in Concord, 80; 81
In Somerville, 156
Court House in Concord saved, 95
Cox, Lieut., of the 5th Regt., 112; 128; 159
William, one of the Boston Tea Party, note, 2
Crosby, Lieut., 96
Cudworth, Capt. Nathan, 96
Cumings, Dr., 93
Cutler, Mr., 143; 158
Hall, Capt. Isaac, 25; 134
Mrs. Thomas, note, 138
Hancock, John, 6; 8; 10; 17; 18; 21; 25; 29; 30; 34; 36; 52
Mrs., 30
Handley, Charles, 88
Hapgood, Capt., 97
Hardy's Hill, fight at, 98
Harrington, Caleb, 62; 66; 67; 68; 70; 158
David, 50; 66
Jonathan, Jr., 66; 68; 70; 158
Thaddeus, note, 37
Hartwell houses in Lincoln, 102
Sergt. John, 102
Sergt. Samuel, 102
Mrs. Samuel, 102
Harvard College, Percy's contemplated destruction of, 116; 149
Hastings, Samuel, 104
Hatchet, British soldier killed with a, 89
Haven, Elias, 143; 157
Hawkshaw, Lieut. Thomas, of the 5th Regt., 112; 128; 159
Haynes, Capt. Aaron, 96
Deacon Josiah, 112; 158
Joshua, Jr., 158
Hayward, James, 108; 112; 157
Lieut., 93
Hicks, John, 148; 157
Mrs. John, 148
Son of John, 148
Hill, Mrs. James, note, 138
Heath, Gen. William, 11; 14; 51; 128; 132; 135; 156
Hemenway, Daniel, 157
Horne, John, 162; 163
Hosmer, Abner, 84; 91; 99; 157
Adjutant Joseph, 80; 91
Hubbard, Ebenezer, 77
Hull, Lieut., of the 43rd Regt., 85; 99; 160
Hunnewell brothers, 49
Hunt, Capt. Simon, 41; 81; 83
Hutchinson, Capt. Israel, 134
Thomas, 13
Indians of Stockbridge, 11
Ireland, Jonathan, 49
Jacobs, Henry, 143; 157
Jasper, Mr., gunsmith, 17
Johnson, Mr., 158
Jones, Elisha, house of, 85; 90
Madame, 30
Jones Tavern, 16
Jones, Rev. Thomas, 30
Kelly, Lieut. Waldo of the 10th Regt., 85; 99; 159
Kennison, Reuben, 143; 157
Kent, Samuel, 49
Killed, wounded and missing, Americans, 157
Killed, wounded and missing, British, 159
Kingsbury, Capt. Caleb, 134
Eleazer, 144; 158
Knight, Lieut., 159
Lamson, David, 119
Lane, Job, 102; 105; 157
Lanterns, signal, 23
Larkin, Deacon, 24, note, 25
Lawrie, Capt. Walter Sloane, of the 43rd Regt., 76; 85; 161
Lechmere Point, Smith lands at, 20; 47; 48; 74
Lee, Col. Charles, 18; 51; 52; 53
Lee's Hill, Concord, 77; 82
Lester, Ensign Jeremiah, of the 10th Regt., 98; 99; 159
Lexington, alarm in, 34
Battle of, 57
Burial of the slain, 113
Damages, 128
Killed and wounded, 158
Men of, 58
Meeting house bombarded by Percy, 112
Smith's advance through, 57
Smith's retreat to Lexington Village, 105
Liberty pole in Concord, 74
Lincoln, Col. Benjamin, 51
Lincoln, alarm in, 38
Men of, 81
Wounded, 158
Smith's advance through, 72
Smith's retreat through, 99
Littleton, alarm in, 44
Locke, Capt. Benjamin, 56; 134
Locker, Capt. Isaac, 96
London, City of, 3
Petition to Parliament, 163
Long Room Club, 15
Loring, Jonathan, 18; 28; 36
Deacon Joseph, 123;
his loss, 124
Lowe, Capt. Caleb, 134
Lowell, Mr., 30; 31
Lynn, alarm in, 32
Killed, wounded and missing, 153
Men of, 134
McDonald, Second Lieutenant, 160
McCloud, Lt. Donald, of the 47th Regt., 112; 128; 160
Malden, men of, 134
Mansfield, Capt. Rufus, 134
Marcy, William, 125; 148; 149; 157
Mark, the negro slave, 24
Marrett, Rev. Mr., 30; 31
Mason, John, 127;
home of, looted, 128
Mead home, looted, 124
Mead, Israel, 119
Mrs. Matthew, 35; 36
Rhodes, 35
Medford, killed, 158
Men of, 134
Meeting house in Lexington, bombarded by Percy, 122
Menotomy, men of, 134
Meriam's Corner, fight at, 96
Merriam, Benjamin, home of, looted, 124
Messengers of alarm, 20
Middle District Caucus, 15
Middlesex County convention, 14
Miles, Capt. Charles, 80; 83; 157
Miller, James, 153; 158
Miller's River, 48
Mills, Amos, 143; 158
Sergt. Elisha, 144; 158
Minot, Capt. George, 39; 40; 73; 80; 157
Dr., 93
Capt. Jonathan, 97
Military Act, 2
Mitchell, Major, 28; 29
Mohawks, Chief of the, 11
Monroe, Timothy, 158
Moore, Capt. John, 81
Mrs., 48
Mothskin, Johoiakin, 11
Moulton, Martha, 95
Mount Vernon, in Lexington, 122; 123; 128
Mulliken, John, 126
Lydia, house of, burned, 126;
her loss, 126
Miss, 26
Munroe Avenue, suggested as a substitute name for Percy Road, note, 125
Anna, 66
Ebenezer, Jr., 65; 70; 71; 158
Jedediah, 70; 130; 158
John, 65
Marrett, house of, 67
Nathan, 37; 38
Ensign Robert, 66; 68; 158
Sergt. William, 18; 25; 35; 36; note, 37; 62; 72; 127
Munroe Tavern, 122; 126
Musket balls thrown into the river, 94
Muzzy, Isaac, 68; 158
Needham, killed and wounded, 158
Men of, 134
Nelson, Josiah, 38; 103
Newhall, Capt. Ezra, 134
Newman, Robert, 23
Newton, alarm in,
Men of, 130
Wounded, 158
Nichols, John, 157
Nixon, Capt. John, 45; 96; 112
North Bridge, Concord, 75
Battle at, 78; 80
Occupied by the British, 76
North Church, Old North, or Christ Church, in Boston, 23
North End Caucus, 15
North, Lord, 4
Old Belfry, in Lexington, 61
Old Manse, in Concord, 89
Orne, Col. Azor, 18; 51; 52; 53
Page, Capt. Jeremiah, 134
Parker, Capt. David, 134
Elizabeth S., 60
Capt. John, 18; 31; 37; 38; 58; 60; 61; 62; 63; 64; 66; 67; 71; 82; 101; 104; 105; 110; 124; 127
Jonas, 65; 70; 158
Jonathan, 144; 158
Capt. Joshua, 97
Capt. Moses, 43; 96
Rev. Theodore, 60
Palmer, Col. Joseph, 51
Parliament, 1; 163
Parsons, Capt. Lawrence, of the 10th Regt., 76; 86; 87; 89; 159; 161
Paterson, Col., 11
Payson, Rev. Phillips, A.M., 119
Peirce, Benjamin, 144
Pelham's map of Boston and vicinity, note, 48
Pepperell, alarm in, 44
Percy, Earl, Acting Brigadier-General, 94; Ebenezer, 154
Samuel, house of, 152
Shattuck, Col. Daniel, 33
Sibley, Rev. J. L., 48
Silver Tankard of the Communion Service belonging to the Church in Menotomy, stolen, 138
Simonds, Joshua, 62; 66; 71
Smith, Capt. Aaron, 134
Lieut.-Col. Francis, 19; 47; 48; 50; 51; 57; 69; 72; 73; 75; 76; 85; 91; 92; 93; 94; 95; 99; 105;
wounded, 106; 109; 110; 113; 115; 117; 121; 123; 126; 128; 129; 146; 159; 161
Isaac, 117
Capt. Joseph, 97; 103
Capt. Robert, 134
Solomon, 84
Capt. William, 81; 83
Somerset, man-of-war, 17; 22; 23
Somerville, battle of, 150
Council of war in, 156
Killed, 158
Percy's retreat through, 150
Smith's advance through, 48
Sons of Liberty, 15; 20
Souter, Capt., of the Marines, 113; 128; 160
South Bridge, Concord, 76; 91; 92
South End Caucus, 15
Southwick, George, 143; 157
Spring Valley, 119; 120
Spy Pond, 119; 120
Stamp Act, 1;
repealed, 2
Stedman, Capt., 11; 33
Stickney, Capt. Jonathan, 96
Stone, Capt. Moses, 97
Stow, men of, 97
Wounded, 158
Sudbury, alarm in, 45
Killed and wounded, 158
Men of, 96
Sutherland, Lieut., of the 38th Regt., 85; 99; 159
Sword of slain British officer found, 106
Tanner's brook, 99
Tea, tax on, 2
Tewksbury, alarm in, 40
Thatcher, Capt. Samuel, 105; 146
Thompson, Daniel, 101; 105; 158
Thorndike, Capt. Larkin, 134
Thorning, William, 103
Tidd, Benjamin, 37; 38
John, 158
Lieut. William, 66; 67; 70
Tolman, son of Dr. Tolman, 144; 158
Tooke, John Horne, 162
Townsend, Daniel, 143; 158
Treaty of Peace, Feb. 10, 1763, 1
Trenchers destroyed, 92
Trull, Capt. John, 40; 43
Tufts, Dr., 142
John, 136
Mr., 55
Mrs. Rebecca, 136
Samuel, 49
Tufts Tavern, 55; 136;
looted and set on fire, 137
Tufts, Timothy, 50; 150
Mrs. Timothy, 50
Varnum, Gen., 40; 43
Viles Tavern, 72; 106
Walker, Capt. Joshua, 97
Wallace, Dennison, 144; 157
Walton, Capt. John, 96
Ward, Artemas, 10; 11
Warren, Dr. Joseph, 17; 20; 21; 22; 118; 128; 135; 136
Washington, George, 3
Waters, Col., 17
Watertown, killed, 158
Men of, 134
Watson, Abraham, 51
Jacob, home of, 147
Webb, Jotham, 143; 157
Wellington, Benjamin, 58
Welsh, E., 72
Mr., 72
Dr. Thomas, 118
Westford, men of, 97
Wetherby's Tavern, 18; 51
(See also Black Horse Tavern.)
Wheeler, Timothy, 77
Whitcomb, Capt. William, 97
White, Capt. Benjamin, 51
Capt. Thomas, 133
"White Cockade," 42; 83
Whiting, Capt. Moses, 44; 134
Whittemore, Samuel, 51; 141; 142; 144; 147; 157
Mrs. Samuel, 141; 142
Wilkes, Lord Mayor of London, 3
Willard, Thomas R., 72
Willis Creek, 47; 48
Willson, Capt. Jonathan, 38; 81; 101; 105; 157
Winship, Jason; 142; 143; 147; 157
Son of Jason, 144
Simon, 57
Thomas, 70; 158
Wiswell, Capt. Jeremiah, 130
Noah, 158
Woburn, alarm in, 33
Killed and wounded, 158
Men of, 97
Wood, Amos, 77; 91
Ephraim, 77; 91
Sylvanus, 33; 61; 62; 71
Woodbury, Samuel, 144; 157
Wooden spoons destroyed, 92
Worcester, alarm in, 45
Worcester County convention, 14
Wyman, Amos, 31
Jabez, 142; 143; 147; 157
Nathaniel, 101; 105; 158
Wright's Tavern, 75; 93
"Yankee Doodle," 115