Page | XV | line 25 Genealogical, not Genealogicol. | | 11 | line 20 Mothksin, not Mothskin. | | 11 | bottom line, 115, 116, not 116, 117. | | 13 | line 31, MS. not MSS. | | 16 | line 4, of the note, 1100, not 100. | | 45 | line 8, Edget, not Edgell. | | 67 | line 7, latter, not former. | | 67 | line 8, former, not latter. | | | (ie. Comee wounded, Harrington killed). | | 96 | line 18, Colonel, not Lieutenant. | | 96 | line 20, Edget, not Edgett. | | 96 | line 21, Micajah, not Micajab. | | 96 | line 32, Nathaniel, not Nathan. | | 96 | line 33, forty, not thirty-nine. | | 97 | line 1, fifty, not forty-nine. | | 97 | line 2, thirty-five, not twenty-five. | | 97 | line 5, seventeen, not sixteen. | | 97 | line 8 and 9, 1149, not 1137. | | 97 | line 9 and 10, 1577, not 1565. | | 97 | line 17, Whitcom, not Whitcomb. | | 104 | line 27, forty, not twenty. | | 114 | line 15, becoming, not became. | | 128 | line 6, 5, not 15. | | 130 | line 17, Cook's Company was commanded by his | | | Lieutenant John Marean, thirty-eight men. | | 130 | lines 23 and 24, 2013, not 1981. | | 133 | line 11, were, not was. | | 134 | line 4, seventy-five, not seventy-six. | | 134 | line 16, Kingsbery, not Kingsbury. | | 134 | line 23, Lieut. Shaw, not Capt. Shaw. | | 134 | line 31, fifty-three, not fifty-two. | | 148 | line 23, Dunster, not Dusnster. | | 161 | lines 2 and 3, 3792, not 3760. |