DEDHAM. Captain Eben Battle's Company. |
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "In the province of the Massachusetts bay County of Suffolk A Roll made up by Capt Ebenezer Battle of Dedham fourth parish from 19 April 1775 to the 20th of Decemr 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 241. Captain, Eben Battle First Lieutenant, Daniel Whiting Second Lieutenant, John Battle Sergeant, Sam Cheney Joseph Fisher John Knap Jabez Baker Theodore Newell, Corp John Chickering Eben Richards Moses Richards Hez Baute (or Bank?), Fifer Samuel Richards, jun. David Cleveland Thomas Gardner Henry (Tiodal?) Nathan Metcalf Aaron Fairbanks Jeremiah Bacon Asa Mason Wm. Fisher James Man Eben Haven Eben Battle, Jr. John Cheney Jabez Whiting Luke Dean Joseph Chickering Daniel Chickering, jr. Elias Thomson, jr. Moses Bacon Frank Battle (?) he Ellis Josiah Bacon, Junr. Seth Wright, Junr. Ephm. Bacon, Junr. Moses Mason John Mason Wm. Mansfield Sam Fisher (?) Richards Tho Burridge Joseph Draper, Jr. Timo. Allen Bariah Smith Thos. Ferret Davd. (Farmer?) Eph Wilson Sam Wilson Joseph Parker Peter Taft Oliver Kendrick Moses Draper Aaron Whiting Eleazer Allen Tho Morse Hezk. Allen Nat. Chickering James Draper John Fisher Asa Richards Sola Richards Ralph Day David Chickering John Draper Eben Smith
Captain William Bullard's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Dedham Decem the 15 1775. A true list of the Soldiers names in the militia company in the south parish in Dedham under the Command of Captn. William Bullard and of the days they have Spent in the public Service upon the Alarm on the 19th of April, said Company belonging to Colo Heaths Regt." Lexington Alarms, XI, 246. Captain, Wm. Bullard First Lieutenant, John Morse Second Lieutenant, Nat Lewis Ensign, Eben Everet Sergeant, Asa (?) eret Sergeant, J (?) bery Sergeant, Icha. Gay Sergeant, John Andrews Corporal, David Andrews Corporal, Ben Dean Fifer, Elip Reade Ben Fisher Nath Bean Jnoa. Dean Jacob Jeniman Seth Fuller Robert Little Josiah Everet Sam Farington Philip Cobbet Wm. Pavet Eleaz Roads, Jr. Silas Man Jesse Gay Wm. Coney Daved Colburn Luther Bullard Jos Turner Jabez Holmes Moses Guild, Jr. (Uep?) Fuller Ebel Everet Abner Fisher Jason Fuller Nat Sumner, Jr. Davd. Fairbanks Nathan Clarke Seth Morse Enoch Talbot Seth Farington, Jr. Wm. Everett Moses Fisher Benj Herring Wm. Kendall Jacob Cleveland John Dean, Jr. Timo. Lewis Jere Kingsbery, Jr. Thos. White Benj Lewis Auhelaus Clarke John Smith Benj Felt Jam Clarke Ithamar Farington Wm. Everett, Jr. Robert Little, jr. Edw Bullard, jr. Jacob Smith
Captain Daniel Draper's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A list of a company that marched from the third parish in Dedham in the Alarms occasioned by the Lexington battle on April 19, 1775, under the command of Capt Daniel Draper in Colo. Davis Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XII, 33. Captain, Daniel Draper Sergeant, Nathan Ellis Sergeant, Timo. Draper Job Buckminster David Ellis Amasa Farington Ezra Gay Jerem Baker Enoch Kinsbury Jona. Omon Aaron Ellis Saml. Colburn, Jr. William Gay Jona. Whiting Simion Colburn John Colburn Joseph Dean Andw. Lewis Fisher Whiting Daniel Guy Seth Gay Jona. Ellis Isaac Whiting Nath Colburn Captain William Ellis's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of the Company under the command of Cap William Ellis of Colo Heaths Regiment 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 91. Captain, William Ellis Lieutenant, Jona. Colborne Sergeant, Joseph Ellis Sergeant, Benj Fairbanks Sergeant, Eben Fisher Corporal, Eliph Baker Corporal, Oliver Ottis Corporal, William Gay Timo. Baker Timo. Smith David Smith Abner Smith Iona. Whiting Eben (?) ing Ichd. Colburn Simeon Colbon Abel Richards John Richards Nath Gay Saml. Baker Ezra Gay John Farington Nat Whiting Fisher Whiting Isaac Everet Sam Pettee Saml. Gay David Dean Nat Baker Jona. Omon Isaac Comecher Captain David Fairbanks's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A List of a Party of Soldiers in a Militia Company in Dedham under the Command of David Fairbanks, and in Colo Heaths Regt. that was in the Service on ye Alarm ye 19th April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 35. Captain, David Fairbanks Lieutenant, Jona. Colburn Sergeant, Joseph Draper Corporal, Joseph Dean Corporal, Oliver Ellis Abel Richards Danl. Smith Ezray Gay Saml. Colburn John Farrington Timo. Baker Saml. Baker Abner Smith Lemuel Herring Captain Aaron Fuller's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A List of the Officers and Men who march'd from Dedham first Parish on the 19th day of April 1775, on the Alarm then made, with the No. of Miles and days in Service." Lexington Alarms, XII, 71. Captain, Aaron Fuller Lieutenant, Joseph Lewis Ensign, (?)a Avery Sergeant, John Gay (?) lipha Fuller Willm. Whiting Nathl. Kingsbury Saml. Fales William Richards Nehemiah Fales John Wilson Ebenr. Hunting Benjn. Davenport Joseph Billing Thomas Eaton (?) ne Lewis John Dean John Crowser (?) Whiting, jun. Ebenezer Paul Benj Farrington Moses Davis (?) na. Star, jun. (?) obert Man, Junr. (?) seph Onion (?) on Whiting (?) zekiah Metcalf (?) b Earle (?) n Avery (?) han Man (?) hl. Bill (?) oses Whiting (?) benr Gay (?) nja. Haws (?) m. Flears (?) l Everet, Junr. (?) a Sheperd Calven Dana Willm. Gay, Junr. John Metcalf Joshua (Fales?) David Bracket Boswill Woodard Joshua Kingsbury, Jr. Timothy Gay Abiathar Richards, Jr. Henry Wight Joseph Wight Ebenr. Farbanks, Jr. Joseph Dean, Junr. Timothy Richards, Jr. Jona. D (?) David Smith Isaac Eaton Josiah Fisher Daniel Baker Jesse Brown Timo. Whiting, Junr. Nathl. Gay Nathl. Weatherbe Saml. Dogget, Junr. Nathl. Everett Richd. Woodard, Jur. Israel Farbanks, Jr. Saml. Adams Saml. Lyon Thomas Perry Captain George Gould's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A List of the men that Marched From Dedham at the Allarum on the Nineteenth of Last April under the Command of Capt George Gould." Lexington Alarms, XII, 108. Captain, George Gould Lieutenant, Richard Woodward Sergeant, Israel Everet Sergeant, Joseph Whiting Sergeant, William Gay Corporal, Israel Fairbanks Abel Ellis Samuel Whiting Stephen Whiting Oliver Smith Daniel Gay, Jur. Jonas Humphrey Joseph Metcalf Benjamin Wetherbey Samuel Bill Isaac Stowel Nathaniel Gay
Captain Joseph Guild's Company. Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A true Return of the travel and time of Service of the Minute Company and the Command of Capt. Joseph Guild of Dedham in Col Greatons Regt. Assembled on the 19th of April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 105. Captain, Joseph Guild Lieutenant, John Ellis Lieutenant, Ebenr. Newel Lieutenant, John Gay Sergeant, Isaac Bullard Sergeant, Lews Colburn Sergeant, Nathle. Chickering Sergeant, Elipht. Thorp Corporal, Amasa Farrington Corporal, Asa Richards Corporal, Ambrose Davenport Corporal, Ebenr. Sumner Drummer, John Colburn Saml. Adams Thomas Akley Joseph Baker Joseph Bullard Richard Belcher Nathan Cook Saml. Chickering Oliver Chickering John Carbee Thomas Colburn John Cardey Nathan Colburn Willm. Dean Jeremiah Dean Andrew Everet Seth Fuller Benjan. Fisher Saml. Fales Daniel Fishar Hezekiah Farrington David Fairbank James Gay Ebenr. Gay Aaron Guild Nathl. Gay Oliver Guild Jonas Humfry David Humfry Andrew Lewis Jonathan Metcalf John Morse Abner Pittee Danll. Pittee Joseah Richards Thadeus Richards John Rugglis Ebenr. Smith Thomas Shepard Elijah Scabury James Stevens Lemuel Stowel Timothy Stow Adam Thorp Thomas Wight Samuel Wight Nathl. Wight