DANVERS. Captain Samuel Epes's Company.


Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A Muster Roll of the officers & Soldiers which marched on the 19th [part of a line illegible] Samuel Epes Coln Pickering's Regiment."

Lexington Alarms, XII, 82.

Captain Samuel Epes
First Lieutenant Benja. Jacobs
Second Lieutenant Gideon Foster

Second Lieutenant Iras Symonds
Sergeant James Osborn
Sergeant Jona. Tarbel, Jun.
Sergeant Benj. Doughty

Corporal Aaron Osborn
Corporal John Epes
Corporal Andrew Curtis
Corporal Isaac Twiss
Drummer Wm. Tarbel
Drummer Abra Reddington
Israel Osborn
Nathan Upton
Rob Stone, Junr.
Abel McIntier, Jr.
Richd. Phililps
Joseph Whitemore
John Wilson, Junr.
Saml. Small
Benja. Epes
Joseph Epes
James Epes
Wm. Southwick
John Southwick, 3d
George Twiss
John Southwick, 4
John Curtis
Job Willson
Robert Willson, 3d
Isaac Willson, 3d
Joshua Motton
Nat Goldthwait
Daniel Motton
John Reed
Daniel Marsh, Jr.
Wm Goldthwait
Marble Osborn
Joseph Osborn, 3d
John Jacobs
Thomas Gardner, Jr.
Sylvester Osborn
Amos King
Jonathan Nurse

Jona. Felton
Jona. Proctor
Timo. Felton
Ebenr. Felton
Asa Felton
Thos. Andrew
Joseph Osborn, 4th
Daniel Reed
Jona. Southwick
Thomas Day
James Goldthwait
Joseph Ingles
David Newhall
Nath Fitts
Wm. Frost
Newhall Wilson
Jona. Wilson, 3d
Bartho. Motton
Hab Lynse
Eben Motton
Jona. Ridney
John Collins
Jacob Reed
Abijah Reed
Thos. Bond
John Setchel
Solomon Wyman
Saml. Stone
James Stone
Joseph Twist
Heph Twist
Wm. Perkins
Benj Dealand, Jr.
Henry Jacob, Jr.
Geo. Southwick, Jr.
Saml. Cook, Jr.
Eben Goldthwait

Captain Samuel Flint's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A muster roll of Capt. Saml. Flints of ye Militia in the Regiment whereof Timothy Pick'ring Junr Esqr was Colo. and who marched on the Nineteenth Day April last past, in Consequence of the Alarm made on said day, dated at Danvers Decr 20th 1775."

Lexington Alarms, XII, 7.

Captain Samuel Flint
Lieutenant Danl. Putnam
Second Lieutenant Joseph Putnam, Jr.
Ensign Israel Putnam
Sergeant Asa Upton
Sergeant Abel Nichols
Sergeant Thomas Andsaw
Sergeant Amos Tapley
Corporal Wm. Putnam, Jr.
Joseph Dwinel
Joshua Dodge
Jona. Shelden
William Goodell
Benja. Russell ye 3d
Matthew Putnam
John Hutchinson, Jr.
Aaron Tapley
Lea Preston
Aaron Gilbert
Nathl. Smith, w.t to Iph. wth. pris. 60 m.
Jonathan Russell
Danl. Russell

John Hutchinson
Jethro Russell
Stephen Russell
George Small, Junr.
Nathl. Pope, Junr.
Joseph Tapley
Simon Mudge
Willm. Whittredge
Ebenr. McIntyer
Josiah Whittredge
John Kittle
Benjamin Nurs
Eleazer Goodall
Amos Buxton, Junr.
Peter Putnam
Reuben Barthirck
John Preston
James Burch
Daniel Lakman
Michael Cross
Israel Cheevers
Israel Smith
Eleazer Pope, Junr.

Captain Israel Hutchinson's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A Muster Roll of a Minute Company under the Command of Captn Israel Hutchinson."

Lexington Alarms, XII, 118.

Captain Israel Hutchinson
Lieutenant Eben Francis, Beverly
Second Lieutenant Enoch Putnam

Ensign John Woodbury, Bev.
Sergeant Aaron Cheever
Sergeant Job Whipple
Sergeant Asa Brown, Bev.

Sergeant Thomas Francis, do
Corporal James French, do
Corporal Sam Goodridge
Corporal Eliph Perley
Corporal Francis Smith, Bev.
Clerk Nath Oliver
Eben Andrews
James Barley
Sam Chase
Nat Dunton
Henry Dunnett
John Francis
Wm. Freetoe
Nathan Putnam
James Porter
(?) Putnam, Jr.
Thomas White, Jr.
Sam Baker
Sam Fairfield
Benj. Porter 3d.
Jona. Sawyer
Wm. Towns

Wm. Warner
Perley Putnam
Benj Shaw
Wm. Batchelor, Jr.
Jotham Webb

Elisha Dodge Beverly
John Dodge do
Asa Herrick do
John Jones do
Jona Perkins do
Sam Woodbury, Jr. do
Wm. Dodge, Jun. do
John Bachellor, Jr do
Reuben Keneston do
Benj Shalo, Jr. do
Gideon Woodbury do
Gideon Batchelor do
Nath. Dodge do
John Smith Beverly
W Woodbury do
Nathan Cleves do
Joseph Raymond do
Daniel Twist do
Andw. Eliot do

Captain David Lowe's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A roll of Captn Caleb Lowes Company belonging to Danvers who marched on the 19th of April last against the British troops."

Lexington Alarms, XII, 171.

Captain Caleb Lowe
Lieutenant Ezekiel Marsh, Jr.
Second Lieutenant John Dodge
Thomas Gardner
Stephen Needham
Benja. Needham
Hezek Dunklee

Ezra Trask
Benja. Morton
Abel McIntier
John Brown
John Upton
John Marsh
Jona. King
Jona. Trask
Ebenr. Sprague

Doctr. Jos Osgood
Joseph Stacey
Ezekr. Marsh
Robert Shillaber

John Motton
Thomas Whiterage
Zacha. King

Captain Jeremiah Page's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

No introductory heading but endorsed on back.

"Capt Jeremiah Pages

Lexington Alarms, XIII, 49.

Captain Jerh. Page
First Lieutenant Jos. Porter
Sergeant Henry Putnam
Sergeant Richd. Skidmore
Corporal Saml. Stickney
James Putnam
Benja. Putnam, Junr.
Daniel Bootman
David Bootman
John Nichols, Junr.
John Brown
Jethro Putnam
Jerh. Putnam
Willm. Fenno
John Wood
Michael Webb
Benja. Kimball
Elisha Hutchinson
Asa Stickney

Mathew Whipple
Enoch Thurston
Phillip Nurs
Rob Endacott
David Felton
Daniel Verry
David Verry
Archl. Rea, Junr.
James Goddy
Nathan Porter
Saml. Whittemore
Nathl. Putnam
Peter Putnam
Saml. Fowler
Saml. Dutch
Benja. Kent
Ebenr. Jacobs, Junr.
Saml. Page
Stephen Putnam
Joseph Smith

Captain Asa Prince's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A Muster roll of the Men who march'd under the Command of Capt Asa Prince on ye 19th April 1775 in defence of ye Country."

Lexington Alarms, XIII, 50.

Captain Asa Prince
Lieutenant Ezra Putnam
Ensign Jerh. Hutchinson
Sergeant Benja. Gardner
Sergeant Archa. Bachelor
Sergeant Ezekl. Cooper
Sergeant (? P ja P b dy)
Corporal Elijah Wilkins
Corporal Moses Prince
Corporal Jas. Putnam
Corporal Aguilla Wilkins
Benja. Gilford
Israel Putnam
Saml. Whipple
Wm. Berry
Saml. Wiot
Amos Dwinell
Jas. Johnson
Peter Porter

Abra. Dempsey
Phinea. Putnam
Andrew Gray
Jas. Buxton
Levi Howard
John White
Joshua Wiot
Asa Brown
Jos. Brown
Israel Curtis, Jr.
Stephn. Nickols, Jr.
Enos Wilkins
Arche. Kinney
Richd. Thomas
John Flint, Jr.
John Fuller
Francis Peabody, Jr.
John Wright

Captain Edmund Putnam's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A Muster Roll of alarm Company in Danvers command by Captn Edmund Putnam who marched in defence of the Country on the 19th April 1775."

Lexington Alarms, XIII, 48.

Captain Edm. Putnam
Lieutenant Benj. Balch
Ensign Tarrant Putnam
Sergeant Benj. Putnam
Sergeant Benj. Porter
Sergeant Sam Clarke
Sergeant Joseph Jackson
John Nichols
Archelaus Date

Archelaus R(?)
John Shelden
Sam Andrews
Patrick Canell
Aaron Putnam
Nath. Webb
Benj. Porter, Jr.
Wm. Hibbord

Captain John Putnam's Company.

Entered the Contest at Arlington.

"A Muster roll of Alarm Company in Danvers commanded by Captn John Putnam who marched in defence of the Country on the 19th April 1775."

Lexington Alarms, XIII, 46.

Captain John Putnam
Lieutenant Gilbert Tapley
Ensign George Small
Sergeant Francis Nurss
Sergeant Cornelius Tarbet
Sergeant Shelton Sheldon
Corporal John Walcut
Clerk Asi Putnam
Sam Cheever
Caleb Clarke
Peter Cross
Jona Cutler
Saml Marble
Nathl Pope
Eleazer Pope
(? nos) Putnam
Phinehas Putnam
James Prince, Jr.

Daniel Prince
Jona. Russell
John Russell
John Rea
John Swinerton
George Wiat
Sam White
Job Holt
George Kelly
(?) Buxton
Israel Cheever
James Swinerton
Benj. Russell, Jr.
(Eros, or) Enos Putnam
James Phelps Putnam
John Oaks
Joseph Putnam



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