In the vicinity of Concord were two regiments, one of militia under Col. James Barrett of Concord, with Ezekiel How of Sudbury as Lieutenant Colonel, and one of minute-men under Col. Abijah Pierce of Lincoln, with Thomas Nixon of Framingham as Lieutenant Colonel, and John Buttrick of Concord as Major. These two regiments did not appear as such at the North Bridge, the entire force there at the opening being under the command of Barrett, who directed the advance to be led by Major Buttrick. Quite a number of the Companies of each were in line, but not in regimental formation. Colonel, James Barrett of Concord Lieut.-Colonel, Ezekiel How of Sudbury Captain, Nathan Barrett of Concord Captain, George Minot of Concord Captain, Joseph Robbins of Acton Captain, John Moore of Bedford Captain, Samuel Farrar of Lincoln Captain, Moses Stone of Sudbury Captain, Aaron Haynes of Sudbury Colonel, Abijah Pierce of Lincoln Lieut.-Colonel, Thomas Nixon of Framingham Major, John Buttrick of Concord Second Major, Jacob Miller of Holliston Adjutant, Thomas Hurd of East Sudbury Captain, David Brown of Concord Captain, Charles Miles of Concord Captain, Isaac Davis of Acton Captain, William Smith of Lincoln Captain, Jonathan Willson of Bedford Captain, John Nixon of Sudbury Captain, George Minot Captain, Nathan Barrett There were four Concord Companies present, commanded respectively by Captains Brown, Miles, Minot, and Barrett. No claims for service were filed with the Commonwealth in their behalf, therefore, I can present no official Rolls. I found in Tolman's "Concord Minute Men" a roster of Brown's Company, and for those constituting Miles's Company I am indebted to the rare original manuscript belonging to the late Dr. Charles E. Clark of Lynn, and which was sold at auction by C. F. Libbie & Co., in Boston, Jan. 15, 1901, for $275.00. Captain David Brown's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. Captain, David Brown Lieutenant, David Wheeler Lieutenant, Silas Man Sergeant, Abishai Brown Sergeant, Emerson Cogswell Sergeant, Amos Wood Corporal, Amos Barrett Corporal, Stephen Barrett Corporal, Reuben Hunt Corporal, Stephen Jones Fifer, John Buttrick, Jr. Phineas Alin Humphrey Barrett, Jr. Elias Barron Jonas Bateman John Brown, Jr. Jonas Brown Purchase Brown Abiel Buttrick Daniel Buttrick Oliver Buttrick Tilly Buttrick Willard Buttrick William Buttrick Daniel Cray Amos Davis Abraham Davis Joseph Davis, Jr. Joseph Dudley Charles Flint Edward Flint Edward Flint, Jr. Nathan Flint Ezekiel Hagar Isaac Hoar David Hubbare John Laughton David Melvin, Jr. William Mercer John Minot, Jr. Thomas Prescott Bradbury Robinson Ebenezer Stowe Nathan Stowe Thomas Thurston Jotham Wheeler Peter Wheeler Zachary Wheeler Ammi White John White Jonas Whitney Aaron Wright Captain Charles Miles's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. Captain, Charles Miles Lieutenant, Jonathan Farrar Lieutenant, Francis Wheeler Sergeant, David Hartwell Sergeant, Amos Hosmer Sergeant, Silas Walker Sergeant, Edward Richardson Drummer, Daniel Brown Fifer, Samuel Darby Corporal, Simeon Hayward Corporal, Nathan Peirce Corporal, James Cogswell Joseph Cleasby Simeon Buridge Israel Barratt Daniel Hore Ephraim Brooks William Buridge Joseph Stratton Stephan Brooks Simon Wheeler Ebenezer Johnson Stephan Starns William Brown Jeremiah Clark Jacob Ames Benjamin Hosmer Joel Hosmer Samuel Wheeler Warham Wheeler Oliver Wheeler Jesse Hosmer Amos Darby John Corneall Levi Hosmer Solomon Rice Thaddeas Bancraft Amos Melven Samuel Melven Nathan Dudley Oliver Parlin John Flagg Samuel Emery John Cole Daniel Cole Barnabas Davis Major Raley Edward Wilkens Daniel Farrar Oliver Harris Samuel Jewet Daniel Wheat Captain George Minot's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. Names and number of men unknown. Captain Nathan Barrett's Company. Entered the Contest at Concord. Names and number of men unknown.