Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of a Number of men belonging To Lexington Alarms, XII, 16. Lieutenant, Oliver Crosby Benja. Beard Edward Farmer's Company.Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster roll of the Company, under the Command of Capt. Edwd. Farmer, of Billerica in Colo. Green's Regt. of Melitia, which march'd on the Alarm April 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 73. Captain, Edwd. Farmer Isaac Holt Captain Jonathan Stickney's Company.Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Role of the Company under the Command of Capt. Jona Stickney in Coll Bridges Regt of Minet men wich marched on the alarm April 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 118. Captain, Jona. Stickney Saml. Hill |