
Acanthia lectularia, or the common bed bug, 273

Acanthocephala in birds, 446
" include but one family, 5
" in the Hunterian Museum, 413

AcanthotÆniadÆ, a family of tapeworms, 4

AcaridÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Acephalocysts in cattle, Hunterian specimens of, 140

Agricultural societies, their indifference to helminthology, 412

Aguti, Spiroptera mediospiralis from the, 403

Alligator, entozoa from an, 455

Amphistoma and Polystoma in the frog, 452
" hominis, notice of Lewis’s and McConnell’s, 36
" subclavatum, ciliated embryo of, 49

Amphistomes infesting deer, 332
" " elephants, 395
" " the horse, 357

AmphistomidÆ, a family of flukes, 4

AnÆmia, tropical, due to Anchylostomata, 203

Anchylostomum-helminthiasis, Wucherer’s account of the, 213

Anchylostomum (Dochmius) duodenale, description of, 212

Aneurism of the horse, Bollinger’s account of, 368

Anguillula (Leptodera) stercoralis, description of, 234

AnguillulidÆ, a family of round worms, 5

Annelid parasites, ectoparasitic character of the, 5

Anoplocephala perfoliata as a synonym, 401

Ant-eaters, internal parasites of, 321

Antelopes and deer, Pentastomes found in, 350

Anthomyia canalicularis as a human parasite, 271

Arachnid parasites, various families of, 5

ArgulidÆ, a family of parasitic crustaceans, 6

ArhynchotÆnia critica of the hyrax, 403

ArhynchotÆniadÆ, considered as a group, 4

Armadillo, parasites found in the, 321

AscaridÆ, a family of round worms, 4

Ascarides infesting cetaceans, 426
" (Oxyurides) in relation to cleanliness, 232

Ascaris alata, Bellingham’s so-called, 237
" Cornelyi from the vulturine pintado, 447
" halicoris from the Indian dugong, 429

Ascaris infecta from Passalus cornutus, 483
" lumbricoides as a human parasite, 243
" " Davaine’s experiments with, 244
" " development of the, 244
" " Heller’s “find” respecting the young of, 244
" " remarkable cases caused by the, 248
" maculosa causing avian epizoÖty, 441
" " Unterberger’s experiments with, 245
" megalocephala and A. lumbricoides not identical, 243
" " experiments with the eggs of, 246
" " of solipeds, 378
" mystax considered as a human parasite, 237
" " Leuckart’s experiments with, 244
" " researches of Nelson respecting, 240
" nigrovenosa, parthogenesis of, 452
" suilla considered as a synonym, 243
" " of the hog, a synonym, 405
" tentaculata of opossums, 433
" tetraptera, development of the embryos of, 245
" vesicularis from the ring-necked pheasant, 442

Aspidocephalus scoleciformis of opossums, 433

Aspidocotylus mutabilis, a parasite of fish, 360

Ass, frequency of aneurism in the, 367
" liver-fluke frequent in the, 356
" strongyles from the stomach of the, 383

Australian entozoa, Mr Krefft’s brochure on, 431
" hedgehog, tapeworm from the, 433

Avian hÆmatozoa, observations by Lewis on, 486
" parasites in the British Museum, 448
" " in the Hunterian Museum, 448

Bacteria, the best known forms of, 277

BacteridÆ, as a family of protozoa, 7

Balantidium (Paramecium) coli of man, 282
" semiparasitic character of, 7

BalÆna, flukes occurring in the genus, 421
" rostrata infested by Ascaris angulivalvis, 426

BalÆnoptera rostrata, filariÆ from, 425
" " fluke from, 421

Bats, entozoa and ectozoa infesting, 294

Bear, Cysticerci in the heart of a, 140

Beef, cyst-infected, quantity destroyed in India, 76
" in India, prevalence of “measled”, 61
" tapeworm, description of the so-called, 56

Bee, parasite of the, known to John Hunter, 480

Beetles (Passalus) infested by nematodes, 483

Beluga leucas, worm from the ear of, 427

Bilharzia hÆmatobia, history and development of the, 38

Birds, frequency of entozoa in, 434
" Spiroptera helicina in the feet of, 440
" the gape disease in, 443

Blackbirds, tapeworms destructive to young, 440

Blackcap, flukes reared by Zeller in the, 436

Blackfish or tursio, cestode from the, 422

Bladderworms and measles in cattle, 62

BlaptidÆ as parasitic insects, 7

Blaps mortisaga as a human parasite, 270

Bleak, the (Leuciscus), a possible source of tapeworm, 301
" the, in relation to Bothriocephalus latus, 470

Bonito, parasites from the, 458

BopyridÆ, a family of parasitic crustaceans, 6

Bothriocephali of water-birds obtained from fish, 468
" researches of Bertolus and Duchamp on, 110

Bothriocephalus cordatus, brief description of, 111
" cristatus, brief description of, 111
" in Holland, Dr Fock’s remarks on, 109
" latus, distribution and characters of, 106
" " source and proscolices of, 107
" proboscideus of the salmon, 468
" tropicus, note on the so-called, 96

Bot infesting the stomach of the rhinoceros, 401

Bottle-head (HyperoÖdon), flukes from the, 421

Brain, Cysticerci occurring in the human, 92

Bronchi of whales, worms in the, 425

Bucephalus probably a larval state of Gasterostoma, 462
" regarded as a germ-sac, 453

Bug, the common, as a human parasite, 273

Cachalot, cestode from the high-finned, 422

Calceostoma, hooks of the suckers of, 464

CaligidÆ, a family of crustaceans, 6

Campula oblonga regarded as a synonym, 419

Capercaillie, entozoa of the, 440
" Trichosoma and Ligula from a, 447

Carnivora, internal parasites of the, 297

Cataphractus infested by Aspidocotylus, 360

Cat, Australian, Bothriocephalus from, 309
" flukes and tapeworms infesting the, 308

Cattle diseased by parasites, natural cure of, 83
" measles and bladderworms in, 61
" of the Upper Punjab infested by cysts, percentage of, 75
" plague bodies, nature of the so-called, 280
" species of lice infesting, 352
" tapeworms found in, 332

Cercaria diplocotylea of water-snails, 452
" of the common fluke, 325

CercariÆ and RediÆ, Pagenstecher’s remarks on, 452

Cercomonas hominis in cholera dejections, 282

Cestoda, families of the order, 4

Cestode (larval) in Delphinus delphis, 422

Cetacea, external parasites of, 428
" parasites of, 416
" " in Hunterian collection, 427
" worms in the lungs of, 423
" " in the cranial sinuses of, 425

Chacma, strongyles found in the, 291

Charbon, an anthracoid disease associated with bacterids, 278

Cheetah, tapeworm found in the, 300

CheiracanthidÆ, a family of round worms, 4

Cheiracanthus robustus in Indian dogs, 305
" " mistaken for Echinorhynchus, 257

Cheiroptera or bats, parasites of, 293

Chigoe or jigger as a human parasite, 274

Chinese missionary, flukes in the family of a, 21

Cirrhipeds, parasitic, upon whales, 428

Civets, parasites found in, 299

Classification of Schneider referred to, 4

ClepsinidÆ, a family of suctorial annelids, 5

Coati, intestinal worms of the, 298

Cochin-China diarrhoea due to Leptodera, 235

Cockchafers harbor young Echinorhynchi, 413

Cockroaches (Blatta) infested by nematodes, 483

Codfish, frequency of filariÆ in the, 472

Coenuri from rabbits in Guy’s Museum and at Oxford, 140
" researches of Rose and Numan respecting, 334

Coenurus cuniculi, specimen of, from Ayrshire, 140
" serialis of the hyrax, 408

Conocephalus typicus from a dolphin, 426

ConopidÆ, the larvÆ of, as parasitic insects, 6

Conorhinus nigrovarious or pampas benchucha, 273

Cotylogaster cochleariforme not an equine parasite, 360

Crane, entozoa from a, 447

Crossophorus collaris of the hyrax, 403

Crocodile, worm from beneath the skin of a, 456

Crows, hÆmatozoa in Indian, 486

Crustacea, parasitic, upon whales, 428
" the, as alleged human parasites, 269

Crustacean parasites, families of, 6

Crustaceans, entozoa infesting, 480

CucullanidÆ, a family of round worms, 4
" development of the, 474

Culex, various species of, attacking man, 273

Curlew, entozoa from the, 447

Cuterebra noxialis, or Macaco worm, 271

Cuttle-fishes, tapeworm larvÆ found in, 468

CyamidÆ included with PycnogonidÆ, 5

Cyamus balÆnarum or whale-louse, 428

Cyclobdella lumbricoides, the, of Brazil, 259

Cyclops considered as an intermediate host, 223

CymothoidÆ, a family of parasitic crustaceans, 6

“Cyst”-affected meat in the Punjab, quantity of, 76

Cystic disease in cattle, Dr J. Fleming on, 76
" entozoa are larval tapeworms, 4

Cysticerci, common situation of, in ration meat, 78
" destruction of, by calcareous degeneration, 83
" detected in the living animal, 78
" from sheep, Dr Maddox on, 98
" from the nasal sinuses of a porpoise, 421
" from the skin of Physeter, 421
" in the heart of a bear, 140
" in the human body, seat of, 91
" in the psoas muscles, Dr Joseph Fleming on, 75
" in meat, Pellizzari’s and Tommasi’s researches on, 62
" investigations of Lewis respecting, 66
" monstrous varieties of, 105
" of the sheep alleged to contain eggs, 98
" prophylactic measures respecting, 83
" researches by Perroncito on, 67
" said to be capable of swimming, 97
" temperature necessary to destroy, 69
" voluntarily swallowed by Italian gentlemen, 71

Cysticercus bovis found in the liver and lungs, 59
" " human feeding experiments by Oliver with, 72
" delphini, nature of the so-called, 422
" found in the dog, 302
" from the Red River hog, 405
" in the brain, cases of, 92
" of the sheep, discovery of the, 97
" report by Dr Neill respecting, 80
" (telÆ) cellulosÆ, or pork measle, 89
" tenuicollis found in man, 101
" " , the self-feeding experiment by MÖller with, 72

Cysts at the root of the tongue, diagnostic value of, 80
" of the liver containing psorospermiÆ, 282

Dactylogyrus, allusion to the eggs of, 42

Dasse (Hyrax), parasites of the, 403

Dasyprocta aguti, stomach excrescences in, 403

Deaths from worms, Registrar General’s returns of, 285

Deer, abundance of amphistomes in, 332
" filariÆ found in various kinds of, 350

Delphinus Forsteri, tapeworm found in, 422
" phocÆna, cestode (Diphyllobothrium) from, 422
" rostratus, tapeworm from, 422
" tacuschi, flukes found by Natterer in, 417

Demodex folliculorum of man and dog, 266

Dermatophagoides SchÉrÉmÉtewsky, the so-called, 266

DibothridÆ and BothriocephalidÆ as synonyms, 4

Dibothrium hians, supposed monstrous state of, 105

DichelestidÆ, a family of crustacean parasites, 6

Dicotyles (Peccary), parasites of the genus, 404

Dicrocoelium Buskii as a synonym, 20

Didelphys philander, acanthocephalous worm of, 434

DiphyllobothridÆ, a family of tapeworms, 4

Diphyllobothrium stemmacephalum from a porpoise, 422

Diplodiscus subclavatus, water-vessels of the larvÆ of, 51

Diplozoon in the Diporpa condition, 464

Diseased meat from “rot”, 331

Distoma Andersoni from Platanista, 420
" campula of the porpoise, 418
" clavatum, particulars respecting, 458
" conjunctum as a human parasite, 30
" crassum or Busk’s fluke, 20
" cygnoides, ciliated embryo of, 49
" gigas of Nardo, description of the, 460
" hepaticum a synonym of Fasciola, 15
" heterophyes, description of the, 34
" lancea infesting dolphins, 416
" lanceolatum as a human parasite, 17
" " ciliated embryo of, 49
" " description of the, 18
" leptosomum and D. brachysomum, source of, 438
" macrostomum, development of, 435
" megastoma, ciliated embryo of, 49
" militare, development of, 436
" neuronaii Munroii, the so-called, 52
" ophthalmobium, notice of the so-called, 36
" sinense, or the Chinese fluke, 29
" species of, in Delphinus Forsteri, 421

Distomata confounded with proglottides, 16

DistomidÆ, a family of flukes, 4

Distomum spatulatum as a synonym, 28

Dochmius duodenalis, discovery of, by Dubini, 211
" Sangeri from the elephant, 399

Dogs, destruction of dogs by heart-worms, 304

Dog, ectozoa and follicle mites of the, 307
" internal parasites of the, 300

Dolphin, remarkable worm from the stomach of a, 426

Dolphins, fluke parasites of, 416

Dorado, Fasciola fusca from the, 459

Dracunculus, description of the embryos of, 221
" Fedschenko’s discovery respecting, 223
" medinensis, description of the, 217

Duck, worms from a dusky, 447

Dugong, parasites of the, 429

Ear of the porpoise, worms found in the, 427

Earth-wolf, remarkable parasite from the, 299

Earth-worms as intermediate bearers, 346

Earwig, FilariÆ found in the, 483

Echidna, tapeworm from the, 433

Echinococci described by Leuckart and Naunyn, 117

Echinococcus brood-capsules known to Wilson and Busk, 117

Echinococcus hominis, synonyms of, 112
" multilocularis found in a calf, 116

EchinorhynchidÆ abound in fishes and reptiles, 5

Echinorhynchi found by John Hunter, 427
" infesting monkeys, 292
" in trout, frequency of, 475
" of water newts, 455

Echinorhynchus angustatus and E. hominis, 413
" gigas as a human parasite, 256
" " of the hog, 412
" hominis, Lambl’s so-called, 256
" in man, Welch’s supposed case of, 256
" Leuckart on the development of, 476
" microcephalus from an opossum, 434
" Muriei from a whale, 427
" pellucidus and E. brevicollis, 428
" porrigens from whales, 427
" spirula of monkeys, 413
" transversus in birds, 446

Echinostoma hispidum from a sturgeon, 462

Ectozoa of swine, 414
" of the elephant, 399
" of whales, 428

Edentata, parasites of the, 321

Eel, Echinorhynchi in the, 475

Eggs, entozoa found in the interior of, 440

Elephants destroyed by “rot” in Burmah, 394
" earth-eating habits of worm-infected, 395
" ectozoa of, 399
" in England destroyed by worms, 399
" parasites infesting, 393
" parasitic diseases of, 397

Entozoa do not result from diseased states, 1
" of game birds, list of, 440
" their relation to the helminths, 8

Epidemics of rot disease, 327

Epizoa, haustellated crustacean parasites, 6

EpizoÖty amongst elephants from flukes, 394
" amongst pigeons, 441
" in birds, very destructive to life, 435
" in cats, Dr Romano’s account of, 308
" in swine from Echinorhynchus, 413
" in tenches from LigulÆ, 469
" in the hog from Stephanurus, 411
" in the Mauritius from worms, 382
" in the pig from Strongyli, 412
" in young blackbirds from tapeworms, 440

Eustrongyli within the skull of water-turkeys, 446

Eustrongylus gigas, description of, 207
" " in dogs and wolves, 305
" " source of the, 208
" " wild animals infested by, 207
" papillosus from a crane, 447

Eye-worms in cattle, 349

Eye of the fowl infested by filariÆ, 440

Fasciola clavata, description of the so-called, 459
" hepatica as a human parasite, 14
" " as a “zoological” individual, 325
" " ciliated embryo of, 48
" Jacksoni infesting elephants, 397

Fauna, parasites form a peculiar, 2

Ferret, ectozoon infesting the ears of the, 307

Filaria acuta in the limbs of birds, 447
" Bancrofti, history of the discovery of, 180
" gracilis infesting monkeys, 291
" hominis oris, description of the, 206
" horrida from the American ostrich, 447
" immitis in the heart of dogs, 304
" inflexicaudata from BalÆnoptera, 425
" " of the porpoise, 425
" labialis, description of the, 206
" lacrymalis as a synonym, 206
" lentis, notice of the so-called, 205
" loa, notice of the so-called, 205
" macropodis gigantei in the Hunterian Museum, 433
" Mansoni in the eye of a fowl, 441
" medinensis considered as a synonym, 217
" microstoma and F. megastoma, temperature necessary to kill, 70
" oculi considered as a synonym, 383
" papillosa hÆmatica canis domestici, 184
" " in the horse, 383
" Salisburyii considered as a synonym, 187
" sanguinis, Bancroft’s account of the, 189
" " equi, the so-called, 384
" " hominis, correction respecting, 487
" " " discovery by Lewis of, 183
" spelÆa from a wallaby, 433
" (Strongylus) bronchialis, description of, 207
" terebra in the black-tailed deer, 349
" trachealis, remarks on the, 207
" Websteri proposed as a synonym, 433

FilariÆ as a cause of abscess and erysipelas, 487
" discovery of microscopic, by Wucherer, 183
" hÆmatozoal, of Grube and Delafond, 303
" in human blood, Sonsino’s verification of, 185
" of the mosquito, Manson’s description of, 194

FilaridÆ, a family of round worms, 5

Fishes largely infested by Echinorhynchi, 477
" of Brazil, amphistomes in the, 463
" parasites of, 457

Flea, the common, of man, 274

Fluke, description of the common liver, 15
" description of the large human, 24
" origin and meaning of the term, 4

Flukes abundant in the great kangaroo, 431
" causing “rot” in elephants, 394
" found in fishes, 457
" found in ruminating animals, 323
" Pagenstecher’s researches on, 452
" their destiny favored by mimetism, 436

Fox, fluke of the American red, 299
" source of tapeworms infesting the, 300

Fowl, entozoa infesting the common, 440

Free nematoids, Villot’s opinion respecting the, 483

Frog, Ascaris nigrovenosa of the, 452

Galeodes araneoides or canal tick, 267

Gallinula chloropus, worms in the limbs of, 447

GamasidÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Game birds, list of entozoa infesting, 440

Gammarus pulex as an intermediate host, 476

Gape disease, methods of preventing and treating the, 445

“Gapes” in birds due to Sclerostoma, 443

Gasterostoma gracilescens, probable larval condition of, 52
" peculiarities of the genus, 462

Gastrodiscus Sonsinonis of the horse, 359

Gastrophilus rhinocerontis, a bot-fly, 401

Gid hydatid found in various animals, 333
" in the hog noticed by Florman, 405

Giraffe, large fluke found in the, 323

Glossina morsitans as a human parasite, 273

Glow-worm (Lampyris), correction respecting the, 483

Gluttons, internal parasites of the, 298

Gnathostoma hispidum of the hog, 412

Goat, the beef-measle discovered by Zenker in a, 83

Gongylonema pulchrum of the hog, 412

Goose, worms from the ashy-headed, 447
" " from the Sandwich Islands, 447

GordiidÆ, a family of round worms, 5

Gordius survives desiccation, 483

Grebe, worms found in the legs of the lesser, 447

GregarinidÆ, as a family of protozoa, 7

Grouse-disease, parasites producing the, 438
" entozoa of the red, 440

Gubleria proposed as a generic title, 7

Guillemot, entozoa from the, 447

Gulls, entozoa found in, 447

Guinea-worm, development of the, 223
" geographical distribution of the, 218

Gymnorhynchus horridus as a synonym, 471

GynÆcophorus hÆmatobius considered as a synonym, 39

GyrodactylidÆ, a family of flukes, 4

Gyrodactylus, conclusions of Wedl respecting, 465
" elegans, development of, 466

Haddock, frequency of filariÆ in the, 472

Halmaturus Derbyensis, nematodes of, 434

Hams, Cysticerci in Westphalian, 405

Hares and rabbits, entozoa of, 318

Hawk, entozoa from the sparrow, 447

HÆmatomyzus (Idocoloris) elephantis, 399

HÆmatopinus of the hog, 414

HÆmatopota pluvialis or the clegg, 273

HÆmatozoa in dogs, discovery by Grube and Delafond of, 184
" in Egyptian and Indian crows, 486
" of the dog, 303

HÆmaturia caused by Bilharzia hÆmatobia, 54

HÆmenteria, American leeches of the genus, 259

HÆmopis sanguisorba attacking French soldiers, 258

Heart of whales, worms in the, 425

Hedgehog, parasites of the common, 295
" tapeworm from the so-called Australian, 433

Helmintha, the term in relation to “worms”, 8

Helminthology, practical results from the study of, 3

Helophilus, larva of, found in man, 273
" larvÆ found in the horse, 387

Herring, frequency of filaria in the, 472

Hesslingia proposed as a generic title, 7

Heterocheilus tunicatus from Natterer’s manatee, 429

Heteroura androphora, sexual peculiarities of, 445

Hexathyridium pinguicola and H. venarum, 36

HippoboscidÆ contain parasitic insects, 6

Hippopotamus, parasites of the, 402

Histiocephalus, a genus of nematodes, 433

Hog, absence of tapeworms in the, 404
" cholera, supposed connection with Stephanurus, 410
" skin affection from parasites in the wild, 414

Hog’s flesh, supposed injuriousness of, 404
" intestines perforated by parasites, 413

Hogs, Stephanurus discovered in a Chinese race of, 408

Horse, aneurism in the, from parasites, 368
" a thousand amphistomes found in the, 358
" bladderworms found in the, 366
" bots or larval gadflies of the, 385
" earth-eating habits of, in relation to worms, 357
" ectozoa liable to attack the, 388
" epizoÖty from strongyles in the, 374
" eye-worms from the, 383
" giant strongyle found in the, 385
" hÆmatozoa discovered by Sonsino in the, 384
" hydatids from the, 366
" internal parasites of the, 357
" plague, parasites not the cause of the, 360
" poultry lousiness of the, 388
" psorospermial sac in the mitral valve of a, 281
" scab or mange mites of the, 389
" Sonsino’s amphistomatoid fluke from the, 359
" stomach-worms of the, 380
" tapeworm epizoÖty in the, 361
" tick, the so-called, 388
" worm-aneurism of the, 368

Husk in young pigs caused by strongyles, 412
" or parasitic bronchitis in cattle, 335
" or verminous bronchitis in dogs, 304

Hydatid disease, deaths in Victoria from, 287
" " possibility of stamping out, 141

Hydatids as the source of TÆnia echinococcus, 113
" exogenous, endogenous, and multilocular, 115
" frequently infest the head of the tibia, 129
" hygienic considerations respecting, 126
" in animals, Dr Cleghorn’s statistics of, 124
" in Guy’s Hospital Museum, 135
" in King’s College Anatomical Museum, 130
" in Royal Veterinary College Museum, 139
" in St Bartholomew’s Hospital Museum, 128
" in St George’s Hospital Museum, 133
" in St Mary’s Hospital Museum, 129
" in St Thomas’s Hospital Museum, 134
" in the Brighton and Sussex Hospital Museum, 136
" in the Calcutta Medical College Museum, 137
" in the Cambridge Anatomical Museum, 136
" in the Charing Cross Hospital Museum, 131
" in the London Hospital Museum, 133
" in the Melbourne Hospital Museum, 141
" in the Middlesex Hospital Museum, 130
" in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Museum, 137
" in the Oxford Anatomical and Pathological Museum, 136
" in the Royal College of Surgeons Museum, 132
" in the Westminster Hospital Museum, 128
" in University College Museum, 131
" in Victoria, number of deaths from, 123
" mortality in England from, 285
" occupying the bones of cattle, specimens of, 140
" occupying the heart of a sow, 139
" occupying the nasal sinuses of a porpoise, 421
" of animals in metropolitan museums, 139
" Hydatids of the tibia in the Nottingham Hospital Museum, 130
" preserved in museums, their value, 128
" prevalence of, in Australia, 123
" probable percentage of fatal cases of, 122
" successful treatment of, by MacGillivray, 128
" their distribution in the organs of the body, 122
" the so-called daughter vesicles of, 121

HydrachnidÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Hymenolepis, as a new genus of cestodes, 102

HyperoÖdon, Echinorhynchus found by Hyrtl in, 427

HyperÆmia and AnÆmia due to parasites, 213

Hyrax, parasites of the Cape, 403

Ichneumon, the Indian, fluke from the, 299

Insectivora, entozoa found in the, 295

Insect parasites, various families of, 6

Insects, entozoa of, 480

Intestinal worms, popular ideas respecting, 8

Itch or scab insect, description of the, 266

Ixodes, species of, attacking man, 267

IxodidÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Jigger or chigoe as a human parasite, 274

Kaleege, worms from the black-backed, 447

Kangaroo, tapeworm in the gall-bladder of a, 432
" worms from the knee-joint of a, 433

Kestrel, entozoa from the, 447

Kite, entozoa from the, 447

Klipdas (Hyrax), parasites of the, 403

Koala (Phascolarctos), tapeworm from a, 432

KÖllikeria filicollis, habitat of, 462

Lagenorhynchus Eschrichti, worm found in, 421

Lambs, tapeworm epizoÖty in, 333

Lampyris, correction of an error respecting, 483

LarvÆ of flukes, Pagenstecher’s researches on, 452

Leeches considered as human parasites, 258
" of India, Ceylon, Japan, and Java, 258
" semiparasitic character of, 5

Lemurs, coenuri or polycephalous hydatids in, 290

Leporines, acarine parasites of, 319

Leptodera (Anguillula) stercoralis, description of, 234
" intestinalis, description of the, 235

Leptus autumnalis a human parasite, 268

LernÆan parasites found on whales, 428

LernÆidÆ, a family of crustacean parasites, 6

Leuciscus, the bleak, a possible source of tapeworm, 108

Leucochloridium, experiments by Zeller with, 435

Lice, various species found on man, 274

Ligula nodosa, as an immature Bothriocephalus, 110
" " the young state of Bothriocephalus, 470
" simplicissima, researches by Duchamp on, 469

Lindermannia proposed as a generic title, 7

Ling, Echinorhynchi in the, 475

Lion, hydatids from the, in the Hunterian Museum, 139

LiotheidÆ, a family of parasitic insects, 6

Liver fluke, the common, in man, 14

Louse of the elephant, 400

Lucilia hominivora, habits of the, 272

Lumbrici, geographical distribution of, 247
" in the Mauritius, remarks by Dyco on, 247
" remarkable cases of, in children, 248
" violent symptoms caused by, 249

Lumbricoid worms, poisonous effects produced by, 250

Lungs of the porpoise, worms in the, 425

Maggots, rat-tailed, found in the horse, 387
" various species of, found in man, 272

MalacobdellidÆ, a family of suctorial annelids, 5

Manatees, parasites of the, 429

Marmoset monkeys, parasites of, 291

Marsupial animals, parasites of, 430

Martens, internal parasites of, 298

Masuri and soorti, parasites of elephants, 395
" or amphistomes occur in man, 38

Measle-cysts in the Punjab, report respecting, 75

Measled cattle cured by removal from sources of infection, 83
" meat, Giacomini’s observations on, 65

Measles and bladderworms in cattle, 61
" and TÆniÆ, observations of Marchi on, 73
" found in mutton brought to table, 97
" of pork reared by experiment, 93

Meat question, the, in relation to “rot”, 331
" served as rations, Cysticerci in the, 78

Melolontha considered as an intermediate host, 257
" vulgaris as an intermediate “host”, 413

Melophagus, a genus of parasitic insects, 6

Mermis albicans, development of, 482

Messmates and parasites of mollusks, 480

Miana bug of Persia, or Argas, 267

Mice, internal parasites of, 315

Micrococci considered as human parasites, 277

Micropteron (Delphinus), flukes in, 421

Mimetism favoring fluke development, 436

Mite found upon BalÆna australis, 428

Mole, parasites of the common, 296

Mollusks, entozoa of, 480

Monads, parasitic forms of, 282

Monkeys, hydatids obtained from, 141
" parasites of, 289

Monodon monoceros, nematode worms of, 423

Monostoma plicatum from a northern whale, 421
" verrucosum, allusion to the eggs of, 41

MonostomidÆ, a family of flukes, 4

Mosquito, avian hÆmatozoa in the, 486

Mosquitoes of Queensland, filariÆ in the, 487

Mules, fatal epidemic affecting, 382

Musca, larvÆ of, as human parasites, 272

Musk-rat, cestode parasite found in the, 296

Mutton measles, their existence denied, 97

Narwhal, Prosthecosacter infesting the, 423

Nematobothrium filarina, habitat of, 462

Nematoda, families of the order of, 4

Nematodes abundant in marsupials, 433

Nematoids, opinion of Villot respecting the “free”, 484

Nestlings destroyed by tapeworms, 440

Newts, Echinorhynchus anthuris of water, 455

NycteribiidÆ as parasitic insects, 6

Octobothrium lanceolatum, allusion to the eggs of, 41

Odontobius ceti from BalÆna australis, 427

ŒstridÆ, the, a family of parasitic insects, 6
" infesting the ox and sheep, 351

Œstrus (Gastrophilus) equi of the horse, 385
" hominis, Mr Higginson’s case of, 271

Olulaniasis of the cat, 310

Onchocerca reticulata of the horse, 385

Onchotyle appendiculata from a dog-fish, 464

Opossum, Echinorhynchus in a Brazilian, 434

Opossums, flukes infesting American, 432
" much infested by nematodes, 433

Orcella brevirostris, fluke found by Dr Anderson in, 417

Orthagoriscus mola as a “host”, 471

Ostrich, entozoa from the American, 447

Otters, flukes and other entozoa of, 298

Ox, insect parasites and tormentors of the, 351
" species of Strongylus infesting the, 347

OxyuridÆ, a family of round worms, 5

Oxyurides, sanitary precautions in respect of, 232
" source and mode of development of, 230
" voluntary swallowing of human, 72

Oxyuris curvula of the horse, 380
" vermicularis, description of the, 227

Oysters as bearers of fluke larvÆ, 26

Pachydermata, parasites of the, 393

Palisade worms in relation to aneurism, 368

Paramecium (Balantidium) coli of man, 282

Paramecium, semiparasitic character of, 7

Parasites from birds at the Zoological Gardens, 447
" in the Hunterian Museum, 427
" in grouse from the Earl of Cawdor’s estate, 439
" of savages, little known respecting, 27
" popular delusions concerning, 1
" their etiological significance not fully recognised, 488

Partridge, entozoa of the, 440

Peccaries (Dicotyles), parasites of the, 404

PediculidÆ, a family of parasitic insects, 6

Pediculus, various forms of, infesting man, 274

Pentastoma constrictum, description of the, 263
" tÆnioides as a human parasite, 260
" " found in the horse, 389
" " in the dog, 306

Pentastomes infesting monkeys, 293

PentastomidÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Perch, flukes from the eye of the, 458

Peritrachelius insignis from a dolphin, 427

Pheasant, entozoa of the, 440
" parasites from various species of, 447

PhilopteridÆ, a family of parasitic insects, 6

PhocÆna communis, flukes found in, 418

Phyllobothrium delphini, source of, 422

Pigeon, two hundred ascarides in a, 442

Pig, hydatids from the, in the Hunterian Museum, 139
" occurrence of Cysticerci in the brain of the, 405

Pigs, the cause of “husk” in young, 412

Pike-whale, large fluke from the, 421

Pike, worms from the urinary bladder of the, 458

Pinnipedia, parasites of, 314

Pintado, ascarides in the vulturine, 447

Physaloptera turgida infesting opossums, 433

PlagiotÆnia gigantea of the rhinoceros, 401

Plagues, parasites considered as a cause of, 2

Platanista gangetica, fluke from, 420

Podiceps and Gallinula, legs of, infested by filariÆ, 447

Polecats, filariÆ in the cranial sinuses of, 298

Polystoma and Amphistoma of the frog, 452
" appendiculata, allusion to the eggs of, 41

Polystomes, general characters of the, 463

PolystomidÆ, a family of flukes, 4

Ponies, Welsh mountain, epizoÖty affecting, 362

Porcupine ant-eater, tapeworm from the, 433

Pork tapeworm, general description of the, 87
" sources of infection by the, 94

Porpoise, flukes found in the common, 418
" remarkable cestode from the common, 422
" worm from the tympanic cavity of the, 427

Porrigo, mortality in England from, 285

Poultry lousiness not a human disorder, 274

Proglottides mistaken for Distomata, 16

Prosthecosacter, several species of, 423
" specimens of, in Hunter’s Museum, 427

Proteles or earth-wolf, parasites of, 299

Protozoa, parasitic families belonging to the, 7
" parasitic forms of, and gregarinÆ, 278

PsorospermiÆ as a family of Protozoa, 7
" considered as human parasites, 277

Psorosperms abundant in the hog, 414
" in the flesh of animals, 281

Pulex penetrans, gigger or chigoe, 274

Pulmonary vessels of whales, worms in the, 425

PycnogonidÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Quadrumana, entozoa and ectozoa of, 289

Quail, entozoa of the, 440

Queensland, Bancroft’s collection of entozoa in, 431

Rabbits and hares, internal parasites of, 318
" attacked by the autumnal spider, 320
" Coenuri found in the soft parts of, 333

Racoons, parasites infesting, 298

Rats, internal parasites of, 316

RediÆ and CercariÆ, Pagenstecher’s remarks on, 452

Redshank, entozoa from the, 447

Reduvius, or fly bug, various species of, 274

Redwing, Echinorhynchi from a, 446

Reptiles, internal parasites of, 451

Rhea Americana, filariÆ obtained by Darwin from, 447

Rhinoceroses, parasites of, 400

Rhopalophorus, a genus of flukes, 432

RhynchotÆniada considered as a group, 4

Rhytina stelleri, parasites of, 429

Rodentia, parasites of, 315

“Rot” affecting the liver of porpoises, 418
" disease, conclusions respecting the, 323

Round worms, various families of, 4

Ruminating animals, ectozoa found on, 350
" entozoa of, 323

Salmon, pit-headed tapeworms of the, 468

Salmo umbla, worms in the kidney of, 457

Sanguisuga medicinalis or the grey leech, 258

Sanitation in connection with “rot”, 331

Sarcoptes of the hog, 414
" scabiei, description of the, 265

Savages, little known about the parasites of, 27

Scabies, mortality in England from, 285

Scab or itch insect of man, 265

Scalops canadensis, nematode found in, 297

Schistosoma, considered as a synonym of Bilharzia, 39

Sclerostoma and Anchylostoma as synonyms, 211

Sclerostoma dentatum of the hog, 412
" pinguicola of Verrill, the so-called, 409
" syngamus in birds, 443

Seals and walruses, parasites of, 314

Sheep, hydatids from cattle and, 139
" of New South Wales, fatal epizoÖty in, 347
" parasitic bronchitis affecting, 335
" whip-worms occasioning “scour” in, 349

Shrews, parasites known to infest, 296

Simondsia paradoxa, description of, 406

Simulium reptans or the creeping gnat, 273

Skunk, tapeworm infesting the, 298

Sloths, nematode worms found in, 322

Snake-birds, parasites in the cranium of, 446

Snake, larval nematode from the heart of a, 455
" worms from an Egyptian hooded, 456

Solidungula, parasites of the, 356

SolpugidÆ, a family of Arachnida, 5

Soorti and masuri parasites of elephants, 395

SphÆrularia bombi, Sir J. Lubbock’s description of, 481
" found in various bees, 480
" Schneider’s account of the development of, 482

Spirilla, found in the blood of fever patients, 277

Spiroptera helicina in the feet of birds, 440
" megastoma of the horse, 380
" sanguinolenta, Lewis’s remarks on, 303
" sexalata infesting Dicotyles, 407
" strongylina of the hog, 406

Sporocysts or unorganised germ-sacs, 453

Squirrels, internal parasites of, 315

Stephanurus dentatus discovered by Natterer, 407
" Diesing’s description of, 408
" in Australia, announcement respecting, 409
" in relation to porcine epizoÖty, 411
" Nattereri, proposed synonym, 412
" Professor Fletcher’s account of, 411
" rediscovered by Dr White, 409

Sticklebacks, Gyrodactylus from the tail of, 466

Stoat, parasites found in the common, 299

Stomoxys calcitrans, or the leg-sticker, 273

Strongyle, meaning and origin of the term, 4

Strongyles, Welsh equine epizoÖty from, 377

StrongylidÆ, family of round worms, 5

Strongylus acuticaudatus from a Tinamou, 447
" armatus of the horse, 367
" dentatus confounded with Stephanurus, 412
" (Eustrongylus) gigas, found in man, 208
" filaria, experiments by Leuckart with, 337
" " temperature necessary to kill the, 70
" micrurus, or cattle lung-worm, 335
" " original experiments with, 337
" minutissimus in Algerian sheep, 346
" Pallasii from Beluga leucas, 427
" paradoxus a cause of husk, 412
" pergracilis and the grouse disease, 439
" tetracanthus, larvÆ of, 374

Sturgeon, Echinostoma hispidum from a, 462

SuidÆ, rarity of flukes in the, 404

Sun-fish, Tetrarhynchus infesting the, 471

Swine Breeders’ Association, U.S. National, 412
" external parasites of, 414
" internal parasites of, 404

Sword-fish, parasites of the, 458

Sydney, entozoa collected by Krefft and Masters near, 431

Syngamus (Sclerostoma) trachealis in birds, 443

SyrphidÆ include rat-tailed maggots, 7

Tachyglossus setosus, tapeworm found in, 433

Tacuschi, parasites of the so-called, 417

Tapeworm, Cullingworth’s monstrous variety of, 103
" from the vulpine opossum, 432
" in the Baikal, statements of Kaschin respecting, 82
" mortality in England from, 285
" the broad, derived from fish, 107

Tapeworms infesting marsupials, 432
" injurious to avian bearers, 438
" (LigulÆ) causing piscine epizoÖty, 469
" of the dog, 300
" symptoms occasioned by, 90
" various families of, 4

Tapir, parasites of the American, 402

TÆnia abietina, a variety of T. mediocanellata, 102
" acanthotrias, remarks on the so-called, 103
" and cysticercus, coexistence of, 94
" angulata in nestling blackbirds, 440
" bipapillosa from the wombat, 432
" calva and the grouse disease, 439
" canina identical with T. elliptica, 101
" crassicollis, its source suggested by Goeze, 57
" " possessing two heads, 105
" cyathiformis, allusion to the eggs of, 41
" echinococcus, its prevalence in Iceland, 125
" " reared from hydatids, 113
" elliptica as a human parasite, 101
" festiva in Macropus and Halmaturus, 432
" flavopuncta, brief description of the, 101
" from the Cape of Good Hope, variety of, 104
" geophiloides a new tapeworm, 432
" lata of Pruner, probable synonym of, 96
" lophosoma, considered as a species, 99
" Madagascariensis, brief description of the, 100
" magna of the rhinoceros, 401
" marginata, as a human parasite, 100
" mediocanellata, description of the, 66
" " Cullingworth’s specimen of, 99
" " feeding experiments with, 68
" " Mussulmans infested by, 78
" megaloÖn, doubtful character of the, 105
" nana, brief description of the, 100
" perfoliata, temperature necessary to kill the, 70
" phalangistÆ from the vulpine opossum, 482
" phoptica, a new tapeworm, 483
" remarkable Hunterian specimen of, 102
" saginata, considered as a synonym, 67
" serrata, temperature necessary to kill, 69
" solium, general description of the, 87
" " sources of infection by, 94
" tenella, probable source of the, 95
" variabilis, allusion to the eggs of, 41

Tetrarhynchi of sharks and rays, 470

TetraphyllobothridÆ, a family of tapeworms, 4

Tetrarhynchus reptans of the sun-fish, 472

Tenches destroyed by LigulÆ, 469

Tetrastoma renale, notice of the so-called, 86

Tetrabothrium triangulare, from Delphinis, 422

Thecosoma considered as a synonym of Bilharzia, 89

Thorn-headed worms resemble nematodes, 6

Thread-worm, description of the common, 227

Tinamou, worms from the, 447

Tongues of living animals inspected for “cyst”, 80

Tope, or penny dog-fish, Tetrarhynchus of the, 471

Trachearian arachnida, parasitic families of, 5

Trematoda, families of the order of, 4

Trematode-larvÆ, Pagenstecher’s researches on, 462

Trematodes infesting opossums, 432

TriÆnophoras nodulosus with two heads, 105

Trichina affinis, the so-called, 406
" spiralis, discovery of, in man, 194
" " description of the mature, 153
" " experiments conducted in England with, 157
" " in relation to diseased meat, 166
" " temperature necessary to kill the, 70

TrichinidÆ form a family of round worms, 5

Trichinosis in animals, symptoms of, 163
" in England, an outbreak of, 169
" in Germany, outbreaks of, 168

TrichocephalidÆ, a family of round worms, 5

Trichocephalus affinis in sheep, 349
" crenatus of the hog, 406
" dispar, description of the, 178

Trichosoma, new species found by Solger, 456

Tricuspidaria nodulosa, with two heads, 105
" (TriÆnophorus) nodulosa infesting fishes, 470

Tristomes not strictly entozoa, 463

TristomidÆ, a family of flukes, 4

Trout, Echinorhynchi in the, 475
" the, a probable source of Bothriocephalus, 470

Tsetse fly fatal to the horse, 388

Turbellarians, remark concerning the, 8

Turbot, Echinorhynchi in the, 475

Turkeys, water, parasites found by Wyman in, 446

Turtle, worms from a snapping, 455

Tympanum of whales, worms in the cavity of the, 425

Tyroglyphus MÉricourti of LaboulbÈne, 266

Urobales palustris in connection with the guinea-worm, 219

Udonella caligorum, peculiar habit of, 484
" mode of development of, 463

Wagtail, flukes reared by Zeller in the, 436

Wallaby, Filaria from the abdomen of a, 433
" tapeworms observed in the, 432

Warblers, development of flukes in, 435

Warbles formed by the larvÆ of Œstrus, 351

Wasps (Vespa), SphÆrularia in, 481

Water-hen, worms found in the legs of the, 447

Water-turkeys, worms in the cranium of, 446

Weasles, internal parasites of, 298
" source of tapeworms in, 296

Whale-lice (Cyami and PycnogonidÆ), 428
" (CyamidÆ), zoological position of, 5

Whale-worms found by John Hunter, 427

Whales, ectozoa of, 428
" internal parasites of, 416

Whip-worm (Trichocephalus) of the hog, 406

White-throat, flukes reared by Zeller in the, 436

Wombat, tapeworm found in the, 432

Worm-aneurism, Bollinger’s researches on, 368

Worm-like sac in the mitral valve of a horse, 281

Worms are not a criterion of previous disease, 435
" from the heart of a guillemot, 447
" infesting the Virginian opossum, 433
" in the knee-joint of a kangaroo, 433
" in the tympanic cavity of whales, 425
" in whales, found by John Hunter, 427
" mortality in England from, 285
" of the kangaroo in the Hunterian Museum, 433

Zebra, hydatids from the liver of the, 366
" " from a, described by Huxley, 117



Post 8vo, price 5s., Illustrated.
A Manual of the Entozoa of the Ox, Sheep, Dog, Horse,
Pig, and Cat
“En fait d’helminthologie, M. Cobbold est considÉrÉ en Angleterre
comme la premiÈre autoritÉ.”—Cosmos.
London: ‘The Field’ Office, 346, Strand, W.C.

Price 1s., with Two Illustrations.
A Statement of Facts tending to prove the Parasitic Origin
of the Epidemic
London: ‘The Field’ Office, 346, Strand, W.C.

Third Edition, Re-written, price 5s.

With One Hundred Cases.
“It treats upon a subject of which the author is the first scientific
exponent in this country.”—Popular Science Review.
London: Longmans and Co.

Price 2s.
London: Hardwicke and Bogue, 192, Piccadilly.

London, New Burlington Street.
May, 1879.

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