
It may help you to have a list of some foods that are low in calories.


Because each teaspoon of sugar gives 20 calories, you can cut them down if you use a sweetener that will not supply any calories.

Low-calorie sweeteners mean sweet taste without calories and without sugar. The recipes in this booklet use saccharin (¼ grain tablets), Sucaryl (tablets or solution), and Sweeta (solution).

1tabletsaccharin Equaled in sweetness by 1 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablet Sucaryl
? tsp. Sucaryl solution
2 drops Sweeta

It is unwise to take more than a reasonable amount (equal to about 12 tablets) as the total in the day’s meals.

Liquid non-caloric sweeteners may be added directly to the dissolved gelatine mixture.

Non-caloric sweetening tablets may be crushed and stirred into the dissolved gelatine mixture, or they may be dissolved in small amount of the liquid called for in a recipe, then added.


A number of low-calorie canned or bottle fruits, fruit juices, and beverages are now available in many markets. These foods add much interest in low-calorie diets.

Low-calorie foods used in recipes in this booklet include:

Canned Fruits, unsweetened

Canned Fruits, non-caloric sweetened

Canned Fruit Juices, unsweetened

Canned Fruit Juices, non-caloric sweetened

Carbonated Beverages, non-caloric sweetened

Skim milk is a low-caloric form of milk which helps with successful weight loss by keeping calories low while food value remains high. Fluid skim milk or non-fat dry milk solids can be used.

Non-fat dry milk solids plus water make skim milk. Follow directions on the package for correct proportions. To reliquefy—measure dry milk into glass; add 1 cup water and stir. Chill.


To insure satisfactory jelling, the number of grains of Knox Unflavored Gelatine in each envelope is measured scientifically. Tablespoons vary in size. An “envelope” of gelatine is always an accurate measure.

To soften gelatine in all cold liquids except milk, sprinkle gelatine into ½ cup of the cold liquid. Let stand to soften.

To soften gelatine in ½ cup of cold milk, stir the gelatine into the milk.

To dissolve softened gelatine, stir into hot liquid required in the recipe, or place over hot water and stir until dissolved.

One envelope of gelatine will gel up to 2 cups of liquid.

When solids are added to 2 cups of a gelatine-liquid mixture, up to 2 cups may be added.


Fresh pineapple and frozen must be cooked before adding it to a gelatine mixture to insure jelling; canned pineapple can be used as it comes from the can.

When adding solid ingredients, the gelatine mixture is first chilled to the consistency of cold unbeaten egg white from fresh eggs. This prevents the solids from rising to the top or sinking to the bottom of the mold.

To chill the gelatine mixture quickly to the consistency of unbeaten egg white, half fill the lower part of a double boiler with ice and water. Set upper part of double boiler containing the gelatine-liquid mixture over the ice. Stir frequently until it is a smooth, evenly chilled, unbeaten egg white consistency. As an alternative, two bowls may be used instead of the double boiler.

When low-calorie sweeteners are used in the recipe, beat the egg whites stiff but not dry, then fold them in as directed.

If sugar is used in the recipe when beaten egg whites are added to the gelatine, beat a part of it into the egg whites as in meringues.


Jellied foods—soups, main dishes, salads, or desserts—can be molded in square, round, or loaf pans, muffin tins, washed tins from canned foods, bowls, cups, glasses, or paper drinking cups. For easy serving, a gelatine mixture may be chilled in serving dishes that will go directly to the table, or it may be spooned from bowls into serving dishes.

To unmold, dip the mold in warm or hot water to the depth of the gelatine—metal molds in warm water, glass molds in hot water. Loosen edge with the tip of a paring knife. Place the serving dish on top of the mold, the two tightly together, and turn upside down. Shake, holding the serving dish tightly to the mold. Carefully lift off the mold. Gelatine may be unmolded at serving time, or even as long as an hour or so before mealtime if the service plate or platter is put back in the refrigerator.



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