Letter One of the strongest Banks Bank
First State Savings Bank Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 Three Rivers, Mich. To Whom it May Concern: We are personally acquainted with the officers and management of R. M. Kellogg Company of Three Rivers, Mich., and take pleasure in endorsing their ideals and business methods as the very highest. Mr. F. E. Beatty, President and General Manager, is Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of this Bank and in our many intimate business relations he has stood out conspicuously as a man of strict integrity. It is but a natural consequence that under his capable, efficient management, R. M. Kellogg Company has become the world’s largest exclusive strawberry plant nursery. We unhesitatingly recommend this Company to any prospective buyer of strawberry plants with assurance of fair, courteous treatment also that Kellogg Pedigree Plants will be found exactly as represented. FIRST STATE SAVINGS BANK Signature Geo. F. Wolf President |