Kellogg's Everbearers


(For photo-engravings see Pages 8 and 45)

Kellogg’s Everbearers begin fruiting the first year about three months after plants are set and continue to fruit heavily until checked by severe winter weather. The following year they begin fruiting in June, producing a spring crop fully as large as many of the standard varieties and (after a rest period in July) another enormous crop during the summer and fall. They are not affected by frost or light freezing. We have picked and served delicious Everbearing Strawberries early in December after a six-inch snowfall.

The high prices received for fall berries and the fact that Kellogg’s Everbearers produce a substantial crop the same season the plants are set, makes them highly desirable for the home garden or commercial strawberry grower.

To anyone who never has grown or seen the Everbearers fruiting in the fall and who is inclined to question their summer and fall fruiting habits, we want to say that it is difficult—yes, practically impossible to keep off the late summer and fall blossoms, so persistent is their nature to fruit at that time.

They have been developed out of the experimental stage, their success is absolutely unquestionable and we recommend them with our highest endorsement.

As a result of weather conditions last summer, there is a very small crop of Everbearing plants throughout the country and only by ordering early can you be assured of getting them this spring.

(For photo-engraving see Page 40)

Kellogg’s Perfection won the $1,000 cash prize offered for the Everbearer proving the most perfect in every way, hence its name.

Perfection is strong, hardy and vigorous in plant growth, roots deeply and resists drouth to a remarkable degree.

It is unusually productive of uniformly large, well-formed berries of rich red color, delicate flavor and high quality.

We introduced Kellogg’s Perfection Everbearer in 1920 and its success with our customers amply justifies us in recommending it with assurance that you will find it “The Supreme Everbearer.”

Owing to the fact that Kellogg’s Perfection makes few runners we are unable to quote this variety as low as our other Everbearers. It makes just enough runners to fill a well formed fruiting row, a decided advantage to the strawberry grower. For prices of Kellogg’s Perfection Everbearing plants see Page 66.

“I will fruit about 350 Kellogg’s Perfection this season and if they do as well as my first 25 plants of this variety did, I shall discard all others and plant it exclusively.” J. S. Cook, Iowa.

“The Kellogg Everbearers you shipped me last spring gave splendid satisfaction. We grew them hill system as you advised and had ripe berries from the latter part of July until October 5th, when a severe freeze came. I can safely say that they averaged a quart to the plant.” A. T. Patterson, Alberta, Canada.

“Will you kindly send me four copies of ‘Kellogg’s Great Crops of Strawberries and How to Grow Them’? This may seem a strange request but I desire to place them with certain important people who, after seeing my Perfection Everbearing Strawberries, have requested me to obtain your strawberry book for them. If you will kindly forward four copies, I promise you results from the same.” H. M. Fell, New York.

“Last spring I set 275 Kellogg’s Progressive Everbearers from which we picked 250 quarts up until freezing weather in the fall. They were far beyond my greatest expectations.” Louis Hartley, Oregon.

“I set 200 Kellogg’s Progressive Everbearers last spring and we enjoyed our last berries from these plants November 24th when the ground froze hard. The plants at that time were loaded with blossoms and berries of all sizes. I never saw their equal.” S. A. Reeder, Illinois.

“We set 1,000 Kellogg’s Progressive Everbearing plants last spring and they have produced so wonderfully that we now wish to place an order for 1,000 more. Please advise cost.” Mrs. Geo. Bollman, Idaho.

Progressive grows rather tall and spreading, has vigorous, healthy foliage, long, heavy root system and is a splendid drouth resister. It is a strong bisexual—an ideal mate for any pistillate variety.

Its berries are medium large, beautiful dark red in color and of most delicious flavor, ideal for serving fresh from the vines or for canning and preserving for the winter.

Progressive is one of the first varieties to ripen in the spring and the last to ripen in the fall. It not only fruits heavily but brings practically every berry to full size and maturity. Its fall crop sells readily at 30 to 50 cents per quart.

The many dependable qualities of Progressive have made this “The Universal Everbearer.” An ideal variety for home use or market. For prices of Progressive Everbearing plants see Page 66, column 5.

Kellogg’s Perfection


The Universal Everbearer


This variety derives its name from its many superb characteristics. Its plants grow low and spreading and are exceedingly vigorous, the heavy foliage completely covering the blossoms and berries and furnishing a splendid protection from the hot summer sun and late fall frosts.

Although Superb does not produce as heavily as our other everbearing varieties, its berries which are of the round type are extra large, strictly fancy and most delicious. They are deep red from surface to center and when packed for market present a most beautiful appearance, always finding ready sale at high prices regardless of market conditions. They are of exceptionally firm texture and ideal for shipping as they will carry a considerable distance and arrive in perfect condition. Superb is universally acknowledged “The Big Everbearing Wonder.” For prices of Superb plants see Page 66, column 5.

“My Superb and Progressive Everbearers fruited forty days last spring. They began fruiting again in August and were loaded with blossoms and fruit right up until winter. The berry illustrations in your catalog have nothing on what I could have shown last season when this patch of Everbearers was fruiting.” R. B. Slaven, West Virginia.

“I have found Kellogg’s Superb Everbearing variety all that you claim for it and expect to set more plants of this variety next season. I have no trouble whatever in disposing of all my extra berries at 35 cents per quart.” Mrs. E. E. Adkins, South Dakota.

“I have had the best of success with Kellogg’s Superb Everbearers. Plants grow as big as a bushel basket and sure are beauties. I am enclosing an order for more plants to be shipped next spring.” Louis Balfanz, Wisconsin.

“Kellogg’s Superb Everbearers and Hearts of Gold Cantaloupes grew side by side in my garden last summer. Both did splendidly and were the very best to be had.” Mrs. L. J. Burckhardt, Kansas.

“We find Kellogg Everbearers fully up to the standard you claim for them. They are the highest quality plants we have ever had.” Peter V. Coddington, New York.

“We are well pleased with Kellogg’s Everbearing strawberries. Had an abundance of berries last year from mid-summer until Thanksgiving.” James G. Cortelyou, California.

“The small trial order of Kellogg Everbearers which we received from you last spring has given wonderful satisfaction. We had ripe berries right up to November. As a result of this experience, I intend to go into the strawberry business on a much larger scale and will set Kellogg Pedigree Plants.” E. H. Dienst, Saskatchewan, Canada.

“Saw your advertisement in Country Gentleman and am sending herewith an order and payment for Kellogg Everbearing Plants. I hope I am not too late to get these plants as strawberries are selling here at 50 cents a quart which is too much for hard working people to pay.” Mrs. C. F. Carr, New York.

“To say the least, we are simply delighted with Kellogg’s Everbearers. People come from miles around to see and purchase our berries. We have picked big, delicious berries in large quantities from May 28th until November 14th, selling all our berries right at home at an average price of 30 cents per quart. Had no trouble in selling all we raised and could have sold many more. We have recommended Kellogg Pedigree Plants to our friends for miles around, and anyone who writes me in regard to them will receive my answer, ‘They are all that is claimed for them and we cannot recommend them too highly.’ Please send me your catalog as I wish to order more Kellogg Plants next spring.” F. A. LaShure, Ohio.

“From one row of Kellogg’s Peerless Everbearers only 113 feet long, I picked 25 quarts at one picking.” J. S. Cook, Iowa.

(For photo-engraving see Page 56)

All who have grown Peerless or seen it in fruit highly recommend this variety both for home use and market.

It produces a big spring crop and throughout the summer and fall the plants are simply a mass of blossoms and fruit.

Peerless, in many respects, bears a close resemblance to Superb. Its foliage, however, grows taller and more upright than Superb. Its berries are fully as large as those produced by Superb but are a trifle darker in color. Both the spring and fall berries are large, round, of glossy dark-red color and highly flavored. Their beauty attracts the eye and their flavor satisfies the most exacting epicure. Peerless has been well termed “The Big Solid Beauty.” For prices of Peerless plants see Page 66, column 5.



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