PART I. | PAGE | Pioneers of Evolution From Thales To Lucretius—B.C. 600-A.D. 50 | 1 | PART II. | The Arrest of Inquiry—A.D. 50-A.D. 1600. | 1. From the Early Christian Period To the time Of Augustine—A.D. 50-A.D. 400 | 37 | 2. From Augustine To Lord Bacon—A.D. 400-a. d. 1600 | 73 | PART III. | The Renascence of Science—A.D. 1600 Onward | 99 | PART IV. | Modern Evolution— | 1. Darwin and Wallace | 126 | 2. Herbert Spencer | 175 | 3. Thomas Henry Huxley | 201 | Index | 267 |
“Nature, which governs the whole, will soon change all things which thou seest, and out of their substance will make other things, and again other things from the substance of them, in order that the world may be ever new.” Marcus Aurelius, vii, 25.