- A Company of the Gold Coast Regiment, 4, 31, 35, 37, 38, 50, 53, 61, 82, 84, 119, 131, 135, 215, 222, 236, 244, 253, 260
- Accra, 4, 275, 278;
- volunteers from, 56;
- school at, 64
- Æneas, the transport, 5
- Aeroplane, British, shot down, 155
- Aeroplanes, use of, 111
- Africa, East, climate in August, 18;
- bush fires, 18;
- commencement of the dry season, 71;
- the carrier, 151
- African, an ancient, acts as guide, 114
- Aidoo, Quarter-Master Sergt. S. Amonoo, awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, 289
- Airship, German, 188
- Aleppo, 189
- Amartey, Corpl. J. W. H., awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, 289
- Ankuabe, 227;
- Ant-bears, 111;
- Antonio Annes, 284
- Arab house, 208, 215
- Armistice, terms, 277
- Armitage, Capt., Chief Commissioner of the Northern Territories, 277
- Armoured Car Battery, the 7th Light, 167, 174
- Arnold, Captain, 206
- ——, Lieut., death, 39
- Ashanti, 4
- Askari, the German native soldier, 22;
- reasons for the fidelity, 74, 77;
- result of the military system, 75-77, 203;
- reputation, 77;
- desertion, 166
- Austro-Hungarian armies, rout, 277
- Avenell, Colour-Sergt., 112
- Awudu Arigungu, Sergt., killed, 96
- —— Bakano, Sergt.-Major, killed, 105
- B Column, march to Naurus, 204268
- Chiure, 222
- Chiwata, 191, 195
- Chokosi, Pte. Seidu, awarded the D.C.M., 288
- Chuplies, meaning of the word, 9
- Clarke, Lieut., 224, 234, 237
- Clifford, Sir Hugh, Governor of the Gold Coast Colony, 4;
- banquet to the officers, 4
- Column, No. 1: 98, 101, 117, 126, 132, 134, 142, 143, 153, 157, 159, 163, 164, 166;
- at Ukuli, 94;
- march to Ruponda, 184;
- at Ndanda, 187;
- occupy Mwiti, 187;
- Luchemi, 194;
- at Luatalla, 198;
- charged by a bull buffalo, 199;
- at Bangalla, 201;
- broken up, 204
- ——, No. 2: 94, 96-98, 102, 103, 104, 118, 127, 166, 195
- ——, No. 3: 94, 99, 102, 195
- Cumming, Lieut. L. B., 238;
- awarded the Military Cross, 286
- Cuneen, Colour-Sergt., 167, 172;
- Cunliffe, General, 108
- D Company, 56
- “D. M. B.,” the Indian Mountain Battery, 94, 96, 233, 242, 247, 259, 272
- Dadoma, 11, 12, 109
- Dagarti, Sergt. Braima, awarded the Military Medal, 288
- ——, Corpl. Issaka, awarded the D.C.M., 288
- Dakawa, 16
- D’Amico, Capt., 556;
- journey to Ngombezi, 6-8;
- service kit, 8;
- characteristics, 9, 15;
- join up with the Royal Fusiliers, 11;
- march to Msiha, 12-15;
- at Dakawa, 16;
- march to the Ngere-Ngere, 17-20;
- transport burnt, 19;
- at Metomba, 22-24;
- the battle of Kikirunga, 25-32;
- casualties, 32, 39, 55, 67, 104, 132, 139, 146, 178, 181, 194, 248, 276;
- at Kiringezi, 34;
- occupy Nkessa, 39;
- march to Dar-es-Salaam, 40;
- on board the Ingoma, 41;
- at Kilwa Kisiwana, 44;
- march to Chemera, 44-46;
- reduction in the personnel, 46;
- march to Mtumbei Chini, 47;
- attack on Gold Coast Hill, 50-55;
- reinforcements, 56, 112;
- total strength, 57, 88, 89, 92, 113, 205, 276, 290;
- at Ngarambi Chini, 61;
- Njimbwe, 65, 69;
- shortage of food, 68, 261;
- discipline, 68, 129;
- march to Mitole, 70, 78;
- at Mnasi, 79;
- Migeri-geri, 82;
- Rumbo, 86, 88;
- Ngomania, 95;
- Makangaga, 95;
- join up with No. 2 Column, 95;
- retransferred to No. 1 Column, 98;
- attack on Narungombe, 101-104;
- at Mikikole, 110;
- Liwinda Ravine, 117;
- sufferings from thirst, 125-129;
- at Mbombomya, 127;
- Ndessa Juu, 129;
- Kitandi, 130;
- march
ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@52522@52522-h@52522-h-19.htm.html#Page_265" class="pginternal">265;
- Lusinje, 256, 261
- Lustalla, 201
- Macpherson, Capt., 86, 87;
- at the battle of Nkessa, 36;
- Rumbo, 90
- Mafisa, 17, 41
- Magaruna River, 222
- Magaura River, 86, 91
- Magdalene, H.M.T., 274
- Magogoni, 41
- Maguida River, 228
- Mahazi, 15
- Mahenge, 109
- Mahiba, 225
- Mahiwa, 208;
- Mahu, 267
- Makangaga, 79, 94, 95
- Makindu River, 16
- Makochera, 207
- Makonde Plateau, 188, 190
- Makotschera, 73
- Makuku, 256, 262
- Mama Juma, Sergt.-Major, 173
- Mambir River, 190
- Mamprusi, Sergt. Yessufu, 173;
- wounded, 175;
- awarded the D.C.M. and the Military Medal, 288
- Manambiri, 235
- Manasara Kanjaga, Sergt.-Major, awarded the D.C.M., 57
- Mangano, 159
- Manyambas, 190, 195
- Marenjende, 127
- Marrupula, 281
- Maruchiras, 190
- Massambassi, 20
- Massassi, mission station at, 72, 133, 148, 182, 208;
- headquarters of the Germans, 72, 162, 194
- Matandu River, 43
- Matombo Mission Station, 22, 24, 25
- Mawerenye, 127
- Maxwell, Lieut., 47, 48, 55
- Muapa, 229
- Mudge, Sergt., killed, 246, 248
- Mule, the transport, character, 151
- Muligudge, 282
- Murray, Capt., in command of H.M.S. Lunkwa, 215
- Murray, Lieut., 86
- Murrupula, 282
- Musa Fra-Fra, Corpl., instinct for discovering water, 70
- Mussuril Bay, 281
- Mwalia, 251;
- Mwambia Ridge, 270
- Mwariba, 270
- Mwengei, 57, 58
- Mwiti Mission Station, 187, 190, 200;
- Nahungu, 131;
- Naiku River, 132
- Nairobi, 7, 273
- Nairombo, 195
- Nakalala, 196
- Namaaka, 235;
- Namarala, 227, 228
- Namaranje, 46
- Namarika, 234
- Namatwe, 61, 70
- Nambingo, 201
- Nambunjo Hill, 121, 126;
- Namburage, 61
- Namehi, 153
- Nampula, 281
- Namirrue, 280, 281, 282, 284
- Nanguari, 213
- Nangus, 185
- Nanungu, 256, 265, 269
- Nanunya, 223, 226, 228
- Napue, 282
- Narungombe, 98, 107, 109;
- Nash, Lieut., 59, 286
Pretorius, Major, 17; - acts as guide to the Nigerian Brigade, 161
Pumone, 224, 225, 227 Punjabis, the 29th, 37 Punjabis, the 33rd, 90, 94, 102 Pye, Capt., 51;
html@files@52522@52522-h@52522-h-10.htm.html#Page_114" class="pginternal">114; Watt, Capt., 223 Watts, Capt., at Port Amelia, 208 Webber, Capt., advance on Medo, 236; Wet, General de, 212 Wheeler, Capt., 31, 37, 50; - wounded, 53;
- at Mkufi, 222;
- Mtuge, 225;
- advance on Chirimba Hill, 244
Wiedhafen, 73 Willoughby, Lieut., 112 Wilson, Lieut., 263; Withers, Lieut., 260, 263; Wongara, Sergt. Ali, awarded the Military Medal, 289 Wongara, Musa, awarded the D.C.M., 288 Woods, Lieut., reconnaissances, 114, 115; - patrol on the Mbombomya road, 121;
- attack on, 123;
- at the battle of Mitoneno, 145;
- advance on Lukuledi, 167, 171;
- killed, 173, 178
Wray, Captain, 56, 124; - Zanzibar, island of, 39
- Zeppelin, recalled, 189
PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES, ENGLAND This table summarizes those aspects of the text which were deemed to be attributable to the printer, and which have therefore been corrected. Place-names can be very similar, and care was taken to keep the spelling as printed, except where a single variant was obvious. For example, the reference on p. 91 to the ‘Mgaura’ River would seem to identical to the ‘Magaura’ River referred to on p. 86. The index entry for the latter mentions both pages. Lingaula Ridge is referred to once each as ‘Linguala’ (p. 91) and ‘Langaula’ (p. 93). Both are corrected in the text. With respect to the index, it should be observed that spelling there sometimes contradicts the text; thus ‘Jirimita’ Hills is referred to in the Index as ‘Jerimita’, etc. The index entries have not been corrected. 7.19 | the stu[d/p]endous culmination | Replaced. | 25.17 | from this hill[,/.] | Replaced. | 40.34 | of which the Mget[e/a] is a right affluent | Replaced. | 45.5 | distance from N[i]geri-geri | Added. | 65.31 | terrif[f]ic thunderstorm | Removed. | 91.2 | patrolling the M[a]gaura River | Added. | 91.33 | the detachment at Ling[ua/au]la Ridge | Transposed. | 93.25 | remained behind at L[a/i]ngaula Ridge. | Replaced. | 95.25 | overlooking the water-holes[.] | Added. | 97.22 | King’s African [K/R]ifles | Replaced. | 98.18 | retransferred to No. 1 Column[,/.] | Replaced. | 128.10 | Gold Coast Regiment at Mbombo[n/m]ya. | Replaced. | 206.14 | Exe[d/p]itionary Force | Replaced. | 220.18 | [affected] by shipping the anchor | sic | 248.33 | almost contin[u]ous warfare. | Added. | 254.8 | Shaw’s deta[t]chment digging itself | Removed. | 301.2.30 | Mecklenburg, Duke Adolf Fr[i]edrich of, Governor of Togoland, 76 | Added. | |