- Bacteria, action of, in reducing organic matter and sewage, 6
- Baffle boards in settling tank, 30
- Broad irrigation, 98
- areas, maintenance of, 108
- methods of applying sewage in, 104
- sewage disposal by, area required, 102
- when advisable, 110
- Clay soils for sewage purification, 9
- Cleaning settling tanks, 32
- Composition of sewage, 4
- Concrete for walls and floors of settling tanks, 24
- walls, forms for constructing, 22
- Contact beds, 87
- alternating flow to, 89
- general features of construction of, 89
- principles involved, 88
- table for use in constructing, 92
- underdrainage of, 89
- Cost items of sewage-disposal plant, table on which to base estimates, 125
- Cost of broken stone, 124
- of concrete, 119
- of dosing devices or siphons, 122
- of excavating and refilling, 115
- of finishing and cleaning up, 124
- of forms for concrete walls, 121
- of laying sewers and drains, 113
- of maintaining sewage-disposal plants, 127
- of material, 113
- of rock excavation, 117
- of sand, 114
- of sewage-disposal plants, 112
- of valves, 122
- Crops, yield of, with and without sewage irrigation, 103
- Disease, transmission of, by insects, 1
- Dosing apparatus, Ansonia automatic, 43
- Drain pipe from settling tank, 26
- Emscher or Imhoff tanks, 34
- Excavation for settling tanks, 25
- Fertilizing elements in sewage, value of, 98
- Forms for building settling tanks, 22
- Grease traps in connection with sand filters, 78
- Imhoff or Emscher tanks, 34
- Irrigation, amount of water necessary for, 101
- of orchards, 108
- value of sewage for, 99
- Laws against disposal of sewage into streams, 3
- Manholes through settling-tank roof, 29
- Overflow pipe from siphon chamber, 31
- Roof of settling tank, construction of, 27
- Sand filters, alternating flow of effluent to different beds composing, 83
- artificially constructed, 79
- details of construction of, 74
- devices for dosing, 82
- distribution of eff
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