Braquamart, 167 Branche des Royaux Leguages, 183, 199 Breastplates, 49 Brewis Parker on swords, 173 Brief Discourse on Warre (Sir Roger Williams), 200 Brigandine, 185 Broadsword, 169 Brockberger, 156 Burton, Sir Richard F., on the sword, 158 Burgkmair, Hans, 84 Burgonet, 99 Byrnie, 22 C. Cabasset, 66, 100 Caliver, 225 Caltrop, 113 Camail, 38 Canterbury Bible, 161 Cannon, rifled, 215 Cannon, wood, hemp, paper, 207 Cannon in the KÖnigl. Zeughaus, Berlin, 210 Cap of maintenance, 38 Carbine, 227 Carda, 44 Cartridges, 227 Casque, 100 Catapulta, 54, 187 CatÁlogo de la Armeria de Madrid, 157 Cellini, Benvenuto, 140 Cerebrerium, 97 CerveliÈre, 97 Chain-mail, 20; oriental, 23; double-ringed, 23 Chanfrein, 45 Chapel-de-fer, 48 Chapeline, 48 Charlemagne, 23 Chausses, 26, 29, 31, 110 Chaussons, 39, 110 Chaucer, 32, 37, 52, 81, 176 Childeric, 196 Chilperic, sword of, 159 Chivalry, 24 Cinquedea, 167 Ciro, Philippo, 156 Claymore, 173 Coats of arms, 28 Coif de mailles, 30 Colichemarde, 174 Column of Trajan, 53 Fencing, 169 Ferrara, Andrea, 170 Feudalism, 51, 55, 57 Field of the Cloth of Gold, 84 Firearms, early, 71 Flail, military, 201 Flamberge, 166 Flintlock, 226 Fluted Maximilian suit at Berne, 122 Fork, military, 202 Francisca, 151 Frauenpreis, Mathaus, 131, 134 Free companies, 58 Freiturnier, 92 Freydal, 91 Froissart, 25, 59, 79, 192, 194, 202, 203, 205, 207, 222 Fussturnier, 92 Fustibal, or staff sling, 192 G. Gads or gadlings, 39 Gambeson, 51 Garde-de-bras, 92, 107 Garde-de-reine, 108 Garter insignia, 34 Gauntlets, 31, 107, 132 Gedritts, 88 Gemlich, Ambrosius, 168 Gennet, order of the, 34 Genoese crossbowmen, 183 GenouilliÈres, 31, 110 Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg, 75 Ghinelli, 156 Ghisi, Georgio, 63 Gisarme, 202 Glaive, 200 Gloss du Droit, 34 Gloves of mail, 30 Goatsfoot crossbow, 185 Goedendag, 198 Goedendag, Le arme Flamande sa LÉgende, etc., 198 Gorget, 40, 100, 101 “Gothic” armour, 61, 114 Gothic suit in the author’s collection, 123 Gothic, transitional, 186 Psalter (Loutterell), 28, 44, 49 Pursuivant-at-arms, 35, 52, 77 Q. Quarrels, 184 Queue for lance, 95 R. Ranseur, 203 Rapier, 169, 170 Recherches Historiques sur les Costumes des Gildes, etc., 198 Reinforcing pieces, 41, 94, 148 Religious military orders, 41 “Renaissance” ornamentation, 157 RenÉ d’Anjou, 78 “Rennen” at Innsbruck in 1498, 86 Rerebrace, 106 Ribaudequin, 189 Rifled cannon, 215 Rifling barrels, 224 Ringler, Hieronymus, 149 Ringlerennen, 94 Robinet, 189 Rockenberger, Sigmund, 87, 139 Roll of purchases, Windsor tournament, 42, 44 Roll of purchases at Holy Island, Northumberland, anno 1446, 219 Romans, 16, 17 Roman influence, 17 Rondelles, 105 Rosenberger, Hans, 87 Rotunda collection, Woolwich, 98, 115 Round table game, 81 Routiers, 58 Ruiz, Antonio and Francisca, 156 Running at the ring, 94 Rustred mail, 27 S. Sabre, 164 Saddles, 89, 91, 93 Sallad, 97 Sautoir, 52 Scale armour, 31, 35, 37, 63 Scale work, 107 Schiavona, 173 Schiesspringle, 202 Schwarz, 156 Schwenkh’s Hans Wappenmeistersbuch, 84 Scimitar, 162 Scorpion, 188 <
gutenberg@html@files@59209@59209-h@59209-h-10.htm.html#Page_88" class="pginternal">88; Welsches Gestech, 90; Freiturnier, 92; Fussturnier, 92; Kolbenturnier, 93 Tournament roll, Henry VIII., in Heralds’ College, 82, 83, 91 Tournament armour and weapons, 77 Tournament of Windsor Park, anno 1278, 81 Tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouche, 80 Tourney, Hungarian, 94; Baston course, 93 Towers, movable, 191 Trattato Militaire, 170 Trebuchet, 189 Trial by ordeal, 79 Tribulus, 113 Trunnions, 211 Tuilles, 108 Tunic, Phrygian, 23, 65 Turnierbuch des Kaisers Maximilian I., 84; of Wilhelm IV. of Bavaria, 91 Turnois du Roi RenÉ, 78 U. Ubisch, Edgar von, 85, 110, 135 Umbo, 26 Upper pourpoint, 33 V. Vambrace, 106 Vamplate, 87, 195 Varlets, 77, 79, 86 Vehmegericht, 177 Vif de l’harnois, 41 Vinci, Leonardo da, 140 Vinea, 191 Visors, 99, 101 Vitruvius, 188 Voulge, 202 W. Wace, 53, 228 Waffensammlung des Kaiserl. Hauses, Vienna, 73 Wages, soldiers’, reign of Edward III., 55 “Wallace” armour, 70 Welsches Gestech, 83, 90; old form, 91 Wheel-lock pistols, 198, 226 Will of Odo de Rossilion, 32 Windlass crossbow, 184, 186 Wire-drawing, 23 Wirsberg, 156 Wood-carving in Bamberg Cathedral, THE WALTER SCOTT PRESS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.