A thousand hearts are great within my bosom; Advance our standards. Shakspeare. Rocks have been shaken from their solid base; But what shall move a dauntless soul? Joanna Baillie. At the capture of Tampico, which took place on the fourteenth of November, 1846, a noteworthy act was performed by a lady, whose patriotism and daring should not be forgotten. She not only gave Commodore Connor full information in regard to the defence of the place, with a plan of the harbor, town and forts, but when the squadron was approaching, though opposed by the city council and even menaced, she hoisted the American flag and persisted in waving it beneath the very eye of the ayuntamiento! This intrepid woman was Mrs. Ann Chase, wife of the American Consul. THE COLONEL AND HIS DAUGHTER. THE COLONEL AND HIS DAUGHTER. |