Abercromby, 10 Aitken, 3, 91 Altitude of clouds, 19, 149 —— of rain-clouds, 76 Alto clouds, 59, 159 Alto-cumulus communis, 161 —— castellatus, 66, 160 —— glomeratus, 67, 161 —— informis, 64, 160 —— nebulosus, 65, 160 —— stratiformis, 65, 161 Alto-strato-cumulus, 70, 160 Alto-stratus maculosus, 68, 160 Ascent of vapour, 124 Atlas, International, 11 Band cirrus, 41 Bidwell, Shelford, 92 Black mirror, 14, 173 Blue Hill, 20, 138 Cameras, 140, 171 Change cirrus, 37 —— of velocity, 35 Cirriform top of thunder-cloud, 110 Cirro-cumulus, 45, 159 —— nebulosus, 52, 159 Cirro-filum, 33, 156 Cirro-macula, 53, 159 Cirro-nebula, 26, 27, 155 Cirro-stratus, 45, 157 —— communis, 47, 158 Cirro-stratus cumulosus, 48, 158 —— nebulosus, 45, 158 —— vittatus, 158 Cirro-velum, 24 Cirrus, 21, 155 —— altitudes, 30, 149 —— communis, 40, 157 —— caudatus, 34, 156 —— excelsus, 31, 156 —— inconstans, 37, THE ENDPRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. FOOTNOTES: Transcriber’s Note Variations in hyphenation (i.e. thunderstorm and thunder-storm) have been retained. The following apparent typographical errors were corrected: Page 171, “focussed” changed to “focused.” (it should be focused on the horizon) Page 173, “aperature” changed to “aperture.” (the lens with its large aperture) |