Under the general term cumulus there are grouped the most common, the best known, and the grandest forms of cloud. Indeed, beautiful as the cirrus and alto clouds may be, there is a solid grandeur about the greater forms of cumulus which gives them a beauty of their own quite comparable with the charm afforded by the delicate tracery of their more lofty rivals. Cumulus can be divided into several types, which are best considered in the order of growth. They are all formed in the lower part of the atmosphere, their under-surfaces varying in altitude from about 600 metres, or even less, up to 3000 metres, or slightly more. The writer’s own measurements vary from a minimum of 584 metres to a maximum of 2286 metres, with an average of a little more than 1000 metres. They are described in the International system as “clouds in a rising current,” and there is no doubt the description is correct. Each cumulus must be looked upon as simply the visible top of an ascending pillar of damp air. The vapour which makes its appearance in the cloud is present in the transparent air beneath, and the base of the cloud is simply the level at which that vapour begins to condense into visible liquid particles. Since cumulus clouds are caused by ascending currents, these currents must be brought about either by the general disturbance of the air due to a cyclonic movement, or by the local irregularities of temperature on the ground produced by the sun’s heat. As a matter of fact, we do get cumulus produced in great abundance in the rear of every cyclone, and we get them also under the conditions of still air and hot sun, which specially favour evaporation and the development of differences of temperature. The cyclone cumulus may come at any hour of the day or night, though comparatively rare between midnight and the morning. Heat cumulus is generally formed during the afternoon, and it is only under relatively uncommon conditions that it In the case of some of the higher kinds of cloud, we are not able to give any certain account of the mechanics of their production from a study of those clouds themselves. We have already referred incidentally to some of the speculations as to their origin and some of the facts definitely known, but considerable light can be thrown on the genesis of all the varieties of cirro-cumulus and alto-cumulus by a careful study of their larger and more accessible representatives of lower regions. The cyclone cumulus does not differ in any essential from the clouds of calm weather. The only difference is that the uprising currents are perhaps partly eddies, and the rate of fall of temperature with ascent is often more rapid. Given any mass of air at a particular temperature, it can take up and hold in the form of invisible Similarly, if a quantity of air is not fully saturated at its particular temperature, and is then cooled, it will approach nearer and nearer to saturation, and if the process is continued long enough the result will be cloud formation. All clouds, without exception, are produced by exactly such cooling of air containing water vapour, first to the temperature at which the quantity it contains is the maximum possible, and then beyond that point. Now, if we start with very warm air, and cool it 1 degree, we decrease its vapour-holding power, and the decrease per degree grows less and less as the temperature The necessary cooling may be brought about in several ways. Firstly, the air is capable of radiating its heat into space, and therefore of cooling. But we know little of the laws which govern atmospheric radiation, and presumably, if cloud could be produced by such means, it ought to make its appearance most frequently in the small hours of the morning before sunrise. We are, however, unaware Cooling by contact with a cold body is another and more potent cause. We often see it in a mountain district, where a frost-bound peak stands facing the wind with glittering snow-slopes on which the sun is shining, while a long tongue of cloud hangs like a banner on its leeward side. In such a case it is easy to understand how the air sweeping by the icy mass is chilled below its saturation point; but as it passes on, the chilled portions become The mixing of warm damp air with cold has often been adduced as a cause of clouds. No doubt it might be, and some of the stratiform types may possibly be formed at the junction between a warm damp stratum of air and a cold one, but no example is certainly known. It may also be a contributing cause in producing the sharply defined upper surfaces of some cumulus or strato-cumulus clouds, but these are in the main most certainly due to the chief cause of cloud production—namely, what is known as dynamic cooling. If a quantity of air exists under a certain pressure and at a certain temperature, on reducing the pressure it will expand, and in the act of expanding it will become cooler. This may easily be illustrated with an air-pump. Let a damp sponge or a piece of wet blotting-paper stand under a glass Some years ago Mr. John Aitken showed that if the damp air used in this experiment were carefully filtered, so as to remove all foreign particles, no cloud was produced, and the introduction of a puff of unfiltered air was attended by immediate condensation. The deduction was that vapour, even below its saturation temperature, cannot produce cloud unless nuclei of some sort are already Now, if we have a quantity of air, say at sea-level, damp but not saturated, and it is caused to ascend, either because it is warmer and therefore lighter than the surrounding air, or for some other reason, as it moves upwards the pressure upon it It is true that the rarefaction of the air tends to enable it to retain more vapour than it could if it were cooled without change of density. The temperature of the air being fixed, its holding power increases with decrease of pressure. But this increase is much less than the diminution due to cooling, and the result in nature must be similar to what we can see happen under the receiver of the air-pump. The condensation of water introduces another factor of great importance. It has just been said that the ascending air may be cooled so rapidly as to be reduced to the same temperature as the rest of the air at that level, and if so the ascent will end. Clearly the cessation or persistence of the upward motion depends upon whether the diminution On an ordinary day the rate of decrease of temperature as we ascend is rather less than the value given above, and uprising currents are soon checked. If they do extend far enough to reach cloud production, the clouds will be small, forming the smallest variety of cumulus. This is shown in Plate 43. Small irregular uprising currents have Plate 43. SMALL CUMULUS. (Cumulus Minor.) After the foregoing explanation, it is easy to see why at a given time the floating cloudlets should have a common base level. This is the height to which the air must attain before reaching its saturation temperature. Each cloudlet marks an uprising current, and the intervals show the position of the counterbalancing descending streams. A larger variety is shown in Plate 44. In this the level base and generally pyramidal shape is shown, and also the hard, rounded upper surface. The thickness of this cloud was about 500 metres. When clouds like these are visible, they may be the beginning of larger ones, and the only way to judge whether they are likely to develop into rain- or shower-clouds is to watch them. If they are seen to be growing larger, and particularly if detached fragments are developing into clouds, further growth is almost certain, and rain is probable. Plate 44. CUMULUS. If great towering masses are making their appearance with little dark fragments between them, as shown in Plate 45, then smart showers may be confidently expected. The cloud figured Plate 45. LARGE CUMULUS. (Cumulus Major.) We have already explained that there seems to be a definite connection between the thickness of such clouds and the amount of precipitation from them. Small cumulus, less than 120 metres thick, rarely produces rain, and nothing like a heavy shower is likely unless the thickness exceeds 400 metres. In winter, especially in hard frost, snow crystals may fall from the smallest cloud, even from little fragments only a few metres thick, but the quantity of water so precipitated will, of course, be small. As long as the top of the cumulus is rounded Cumulus, like any of these three, is a cloud of the daytime. It generally begins about ten or eleven o’clock in the morning, grows larger until about four o’clock, and then begins to break up and disappear. After the ascending currents have ceased, the component cloud particles slowly settle down into the warmer air beneath, until the mass has lost its proper pyramidal form, and has become an irregular cloud, such as is shown in Plate 46. This is known as degraded or fracto-cumulus. Plate 46. FRACTO-CUMULUS. One consequence of the arrest of the uprising currents is the formation of lenticular patches of stratus, called by Mr. Ley stratus lenticularis. This is often formed about sunset, and has been named fall cloud, from its appearance at the fall of night. The name is appropriate in another way. The ascending currents having ceased, the cloud particles slowly subside until they dry up in some warmer stratum. The water vapour does not continue its descent, but slowly diffuses in all directions, and if the fall of cloud particles is sufficient, this stratum, which is approximately coincident with the base of the original cumulus, soon becomes saturated, and further particles which fall into it remain visible. This saturated zone will slowly sink lower and lower with the descent of the particles, until it reaches regions in which the temperature is high enough for the whole to be evaporated without reaching saturation point. Evening stratus in calm weather always goes through this sequence of changes. It usually forms at, or soon after, sundown, and begins to break up and disappear as the stars are becoming visible in the darkening sky. Plate 47 shows a specimen of this evening stratus. Plate 47. FALL CLOUD. (Stratus Lenticularis.) A curious feature is sometimes shown on the underside of a thick cloud, which is probably due to the upper part of the ascending column having been carried beyond its position of equilibrium by its own inertia, and then falling back again in the teeth of the still rising lower part. The result is to give the base of the cloud an appearance of a number of rounded masses hanging downwards below the cloud, very suggestive of the idea that the cloud is upside down. Such an event will not often occur, and when it does the conditions are quite wanting in stability, and the consequent features will be very transient. When the base of a cumulus or cumulo-nimbus is so affected, the cloud is known as festooned cumulus, or cumulus mammatus. A precisely similar structure may be seen under strato-cumulus, or even thick stratus. In some countries it seems to be frequently observed, but in England it is so uncommon that the writer has only noted it about a dozen times in twenty years, and on no one of these did it last long enough to allow of its portrait being taken. It is an indication of very disturbed conditions, and is usually followed by heavy rain. When cumulus clouds are formed in air which is steadily moving as a whole, that is to say, when there is a steady breeze, they have a very decided tendency to follow each other in long lines. It may often be noticed that in a particular place with a certain direction of wind these long processions follow definite tracks in relation to the geographical features. The phenomenon does not seem to have been recorded except in hilly country, but has frequently been observed by the writer. It is not the same thing as the formation of stationary belts of cloud transverse to the wind. These cumulus float along with the movement of the air, and the question to be answered is, why should they follow each other so persistently, and why should the intervening belts of sky be so continuously free from cloud. If we consider that the warm damp air which supplies them is drawn from the ground, it seems that any cause which tends to direct this warm stratum into definite channels, as it is carried on by the wind, will be a competent cause of the whole phenomenon. This we find in the presence of lofty hills which stand in the way of the warm It is easy to conceive that other causes, such as a difference in temperature or dampness of neighbouring tracts, resulting from whether they are bare or wooded, marshland or sandy plain, might equally suffice; or might, at least, powerfully co-operate with, or counteract, the effect of hill and vale. But in any case it is plain that the geographical conditions to the windward of the place of observation not only may affect the occurrence and distribution of cloud, but if the wind is steady it is difficult to see how they could avoid affecting it. Another puzzling phenomenon, sometimes presented by cloud and fog, is that our instruments for detecting humidity show that the air within them is not always fully saturated. It seems probable that this is due to such cloud or fog having begun the process of drying up, or that in some way not fully understood the presence of the cloud particles after they have first come into existence may cause the withdrawal of some of the moisture from the This consideration, however, is quite incompetent to affect the general explanation of cloud formation which has been given. Its result would be to carry condensation a little further than the exact saturation point, and to retard equally slightly the subsequent evaporation of the cloud particles. We have spoken of the typical cumulus as having a roughly pyramidal shape, and if the horizontal movement of the air is small, the loftiest On much rarer occasions the converse occurs, and the top of the cloud lags behind the base, the explanation being a lessening of the velocity of the wind as the height above ground increases. But such conditions rarely occur, and when they do they are due to local eddies and affect only a limited area. Hence such clouds are isolated, and indicate a disturbed state of the air and uncertainty of weather. The clouds which lean forward are formed under conditions which are spread over wide districts, such as the rear of a large cyclone, and cumulus of that kind may follow one another across the sky for hours or even days as long as the wind persists. So far we have considered only the round-topped types of cumulus—those which mark the tops of ascending currents whose ascent has been |