During an extended experience of cloud photography, it was found that it was quite possible to get pictures which showed the cloud detail even when the sun was in the field of view. Sometimes the solar image was reversed, but if the exposure was very short this was not the case. In such photographs the structure of the cloud was exceedingly clear and sharply defined quite close to the sun. Indeed, the intense illumination seemed to reveal minute details of internal arrangement which could not be detected in similar clouds some distance away. The methods which had been employed for the measurement of cloud altitudes elsewhere have already been briefly referred to. Some of them required two observers, who were equally responsible, each of them having to direct his apparatus or camera to the same point of the cloud, and to record The experience gained in photographing clouds in order to record their forms suggested a way in which many of the sources of error in previous measurements of altitude could be avoided, especially by simplifying and reducing the operations at the moment of making the observation. If two cameras are placed at the opposite ends of a measured base line, whose direction is known, and if they are both pointed towards the sun, on making the exposures by electrical means at the same moment, the position of the image of the sun upon the plate gives the direction in which the cameras are pointed. It will be in the same direction as seen from both ends of the line. Now, if we note the time at which the exposure is made, this with the date gives all that is required for ascertaining the sun’s position in the sky, and is, therefore, the only exact observation which need be made at the time of taking the photographs. Mistakes are almost impossible, as each plate contains its own record of the sun’s position, and even if some of the plates should get mixed the images of the clouds will generally suffice to pair them properly. For general measurements there is one grave defect in the method, and that is that it can only be used when the sun and cloud can be got into the same field of view. But with the higher varieties of cloud this is generally possible, and it was just these higher sorts about which knowledge was least certain, and which it was proposed to study. An initial difficulty was the finding of a level site, flat land being very uncommon in Devonshire, but fortunately a suitable place was found in some artificially levelled ground close to Exeter, belonging to the London and South Western Railway Company. It was a stretch of ground intended to be covered with sidings, but had not been finished, and had become overgrown with grass, stunted sallows, and other wild plants. Being railway ground, it was, comparatively, though by no means entirely, free from mischievous and inquisitive people. The next point was a suitable camera. It must have fairly long focus in order to give a large image, and therefore large displacement; it must be capable of being pointed in any direction and clamped there; and it must be capable of standing considerable extremes of temperature and variations of dampness, as it was intended that they should be kept on the spot in wooden structures, which served for stands as well as to contain the apparatus. The pattern finally decided upon is represented in Plate 58, which shows one of the cameras pointed up to the sky and standing on one of the stands. These cameras were to take plates of whole plate Plate 58. CAMERA FOR MEASURING ALTITUDES. The camera looks rather complicated, but it is really simple. Its body consists of front and back, each attached to a central part by a short bellows and sliding on a base board, to which it can be clamped by screws of the usual pattern. The central part carries trunnions, such as are used for looking-glasses, which swing in sockets carried by two upright supports, so as to give the whole free motion in a vertical plane. In order to be able to fix it firmly at any angle, the base board of the camera body carries on its underside a thin board projecting beneath it and forming a segment of a circle whose centre would be the horizontal axis through the trunnions. The board passes between the jaws of a small wooden clamping vice in front, which is carried by the square base to which the uprights are fixed. The whole is firmly made of well-seasoned pine, and has stood well the hard usage of half a dozen years. There is no focusing screen. Focusing was done with great care once for all, and then a coat of hard varnish was put over all the adjusting screws. In order to lessen risk of mistake, it was so arranged that the two slides belonging to one camera would not fit the other. The lenses, of 18 inches focus, and giving sharp detail all over the plate, were carefully matched, and the focus adjusted until the images given by them when placed side by side appeared to coincide exactly. They were provided with iris diaphragms, which were shut down to an aperture of a quarter of an inch, and with shutters which could be released at the same moment by an electric current, acting through the electro-magnet shown under the lens on the front of the camera. The shutters were of the kind known as the “Chronolux,” which will give any exposure from the sixty-fourth of a second up to three seconds. But it was found in practice that the highest speed was sufficient and gave satisfactory results. Of course, there was no idea of adjusting matters on each occasion so as to get the best possible negatives capable of yielding good prints. Measurement was the The two camera stands were placed 200 yards apart, and were connected by a line of telegraph wire carried on short poles. At each end of the wire an insulated connecting piece was brought down to the camera stand, and to the batteries and other apparatus. The current which was sent through this wire by pressing a contact at one end of the line did not directly make the exposures; but two similar relays were brought into action, and each of these sent the current from a local battery of LeclanchÉ cells through the electro-magnet on the camera and made the exposure. After development the two negatives showed the image of the sun, not far from the centre of the field of view, and the cloud whose altitude was It often happened that after developing the plates the image of the sun was lost in a black blur, but it was easy to reduce this part of the image by local application of a reducing agent The distances could generally be determined to Plate 59. PRINT FROM A NEGATIVE USED FOR MEASURING ALTITUDE. Plate 60. PAIR OF PRINTS SHOWING THE DISPLACEMENT OF THE CLOUD. The processes by which the measurements are worked out are laborious, For the highest clouds the displacements were, of course, small, and could only be made with certainty of a correct result within about three hours of noon. Earlier than 9 a.m., or later than 3 p.m., the sun was too nearly in a line with the two stations, or too low in the sky, to give a sufficient displacement of image. A base line of 400 yards instead of 200 would have been better for the high clouds. But, on the other hand, when low level clouds are viewed from two different spots their outlines may seem so changed that it may be impossible to identify a pair of corresponding points, and the same difficulty may also arise when high clouds are seen through a gap in a lower stratum. The longer the base line the more frequent and more obtrusive would this perspective difficulty become, so the distance of 200 yards The method of making the observations was simple. Each observer was provided with some signal flags, by which the necessary communications were made in accordance with a simple code. Call the two observers A and B, and suppose A directed the operations. He watched the sky until a favourable opportunity seemed to be approaching. He then signalled to B, and both cameras were turned to the sun, the dark slides were inserted, the shutters set, and everything made ready. Signals were then interchanged, to signify that preparations were complete, and when A saw that the edge of the cloud had reached a suitable position to be in the same field of view with the sun, the contact key was pressed and the plates simultaneously exposed. At the moment when this was done the time was noted. Several observations were thus made in a short time. Measurements were carried out as opportunity allowed over four consecutive seasons, from the beginning of April until the end of October. During the last of the four years, the site had become less The general results may be tabulated thus, giving heights in metres:—
These values are not very different, on the whole, from those which have been arrived at elsewhere, and in making a comparison it must be borne in mind that there is always a little want of precision in cloud nomenclature. As a whole, the Exeter maxima are greater than the foreign ones, While the Exeter maxima are all rather greater, we find the minima for cirrus, cirro-stratus, and cirro-cumulus are rather less than at the foreign stations; that is to say, that clouds are formed over Again and again, during the progress of these measurements, it was found that the greatest altitudes and the richest development of the higher varieties occurred towards the end of a spell of fine calm weather, when convection had had free play day after day. A slight fall of the barometer, only the hundredth part of an inch, would usually, under those circumstances, bring about abundant formation of high clouds, frequently of the undatus kind. In broken weather the natural movements of the atmosphere and of its vapour are masked and disturbed by the strong eddies brought by the cyclonic systems. It not unfrequently happens that the region of disturbance does not reach up to the level of the highest cirrus, or, what is more probable, the cyclonic system leans so far forward that we may have in its rear the upper clouds floating quietly far above the comparatively shallow region of disturbance, while in front the upper part of the storm system projects above undisturbed air. The frequent appearance of cloud almost at the same time at more than one level is at first rather difficult to understand, but it will be noticed that when this occurs the barometer almost invariably The converse is equally true. If we have cloud at several levels, and the whole is compressed by the addition of more air above, which is the case when the barometer rises, that compression will be accompanied by the generation of heat and the consequent disintegration and disappearance of the clouds. |